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Here is another batrep


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Here is another batrep











+ This is worthy of its own topic in the forum for fresh conversation  + 


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Nice, I've seen your stuff on random google image searches when I was looking for conversion ideas, specifically the Mutalith Vortex Beast.


It would appear as though your selection of models allows great variety with the 9 cults. You can definitely get full use out of the TS abilities in Codex & RotD, just from that army shot in the batrep.


I like how you gave Warp Time to the Time prince. 


I think a Vanguard of 3 helbrutes outfitted like yours and the Prophecy relic go together well. Can we take relics in detachments that do not include the warlord?


There's a lot of good gameplay there and it really shows off a lot of the good things about 8th edition as a whole.. I like how the pictures ended up looking thematic when they chronicled actual gameplay events.. Just a good batrep over all.


I'll read it again later when I'm not distracted.

Great batrep.


I was going to say something about the Duplicity / Facade Spawn thing but I see you caught it. Trust me that was one of my first thoughts against stuff like Thunderfire Cannons, and Culexus' etc. 


I still think Spawn are a great cheap unit now if you have the CP for their strat. I've had them do so much damage and people just hate putting effort into killing them.


The Vanguard is exactly what I was thinking of.... I had put 'fancier' stuff in it as I have some Contemptors/etc ... just harder hitting stuff but I can't find the points. 

I think that's a huge problem and it should only require you to have the appropriate cult DETACHMENT.


Let's send it to the faq team!

I really believe that is the intent. And with friends that’s how I’m playing it, but yea I’ve sent that concern to the FAQ team. Hopefully others have. 


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