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Solar sux campaign list 2k


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Howdy all....

Here's my 2k list of the amazing aux


Command squad -3 bodyguard vets, 2 special weapon vets (grenade launchers)


Lord marshal- grab wave generator, digiweapons, Las pistol, paragon blade, refractor field


3x medicae with needlers

Enginseer with 8 grenade servitors (muahahahaha)

Household guard(volkites with shroud bombs and arvus)


Tercio 1-2 lasrifle sections with aegis and ammo dump

Tercio 2 1 lasrifle section and flamer section


Arty tank battery-2 Medusa and a bombard

Infernus with chemunitions


My thoughts are that the command squad Ana medic hang with tercio 1 behind the aegis and direct fire for the Arty


Tercio 2 advances with enginseer and servitors while the infernus supports their advance cooking the enemy with flame, chemical baths, pewpews, and tempest grenades


The arvus flys down and the household guard shoots the heck out of a command/ heavy weapon squad and hope for deflagrate and let the Lord Marshall be awesome.




No plan survives first contact so please pick the list apart.

I have a bunch of other options so know I'm not stuck with just this list... I just thought it would be fun.


I also have: 1 veletaris axe squad, another lasrifle section, 4 dracosans, a valdor, a Las carnodan, 2 charronite sections, 2 multilas rapiers, 2 leman Russ with main weapon options and a stormblade.


** This is the first of a series of heresy campaign games for 2020. I'm goin to try and make the rest as each game goes up 500 pts so the toys become cooler and easier to afford.

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