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Appreciation of the new Codex


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Hello everyone!  Been a long time since I've been active, but I figured there is no better time to get back in than with a new codex, and what a codex it is.  I've seen a lot of posts talking about the rules, but not much on people's overall impressions of the codex as a whole.  For myself, I was impressed.  The lore, unit descriptions, and especially the artwork feel right.  Although I haven't read through the entire codex yet, what I have read captured everything about the Adepta Sororitas that drew me to them, and made them my primary, and near exclusive, army years and years ago.  In that regards at least, I think this new codex and new models are a resounding success.  Even the models I was least impressed with, the Repentia, have started to grow on me.


I've played through three editions, played with my codex being a magazine, or pdf only.  The competitiveness of the Adepta Sororitas rises and falls; but with the new models and new codex, it still looks and feels like the army I want to play.  So cheers to GW on this, and I look forward to being back!

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I agree! Sisters are the army that got me started in 40k, and the new book is fantastic. Could it be better? Surely. But I am very happy with what we have gotten, both codex and especially model wise. Welcome back!
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Warning the above post(s) is(are) positive!




Right joke out of the way...yes it’s a good dex, and nice models that still has some wrath of the Emperor feels, the only thing we’ve yet to agree on as s community is the overal power level..which is good in a way as it means we’re not to dog SM level (and get bad waggoners) and not grey knight level (why bother turning up,) level either!



It’s a good time to be a sisters player!

Edited by Slasher956
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I think compared to the last few books, the AoF mechanic has been dialed in and I do like the miracle dice mechanic.


Similar to the admech, I do hope down the line we get a few more options. Right now 3 Valourous Heart Exorcists backed by a Tale of Stoic Imagifier and canoness is very powerful, however I think all of the convictions are strong and feel very different to play. The addition of sacred rites is also greatly appreciated for that extra oomph before the game.


The only things I would have liked to see more of is a better role for Celestians, and maybe a bit more difference between Penitent and Mortifiers.


All in alll though, I like the new AoF, the convictions and the strategems. We're not a point and click army, but I think we have a good set of tools.

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In very happy with it so far. There's a few "why" things in it but over all I'm satisfied. I've only had one game with them so far, but it was against admech that I haven't been able to beat and I beat them, so...
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