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Cult of Mutation Smash...Sorceror?

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Hey all,

I just got myself a box of rubrics and will be using bits to convert 2 sorcerers.

I've been wanting to use the seers bane and make a Smash Sorceror with it but, looking at cult of mutation I'm wondering if a dual power sword wielding exalted sorceror might not be a rather good option?


7 attacks on the charge. 2+ to hit, rerolling 1s, 5 strength, -3AP, 1 damage. Hit rolls of 6 cause 1 mortal wound.



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Dual power sword is illegal, unfortunately. They removed the option from both the FAQ and the digital codexes.

I think the Seers Bane version can still be good, if situational. The key lies in the damage stat from the sword - 1d3, which can be increased to 1d3+1 via casting boon of mutation, which only functions on non-daemon characters. At this point you have just brought an exalted sorcerer and used the relic stratagem, which seems like an ok investment. Not great, but ok. In most other circumstances a daemon prince with dual claws will just be so much better - so it seems a bit wasteful to spend both relics and warlord traits on a smash sorcerer.

Wishlist - give us back the option to do dual sword sorcerers, and turn exalted mutation into a warlord trait, so it can be meaningfully paired with the Seers Bane. Still would not set the world on fire, but would be fun and somewhat effective.

I have been looking for an excuse to shoe horn in this cult detatchment just cuz I love the Exalteds.


I was thinking of an outrider with a bunch of Spawn. Seems appropriate for the Cult. Though a heavy tax to get the relic.


Might be fun for small games?

Dual power sword is illegal, unfortunately. They removed the option from both the FAQ and the digital codexes.


I think the Seers Bane version can still be good, if situational. The key lies in the damage stat from the sword - 1d3, which can be increased to 1d3+1 via casting boon of mutation, which only functions on non-daemon characters. At this point you have just brought an exalted sorcerer and used the relic stratagem, which seems like an ok investment. Not great, but ok. In most other circumstances a daemon prince with dual claws will just be so much better - so it seems a bit wasteful to spend both relics and warlord traits on a smash sorcerer.


Wishlist - give us back the option to do dual sword sorcerers, and turn exalted mutation into a warlord trait, so it can be meaningfully paired with the Seers Bane. Still would not set the world on fire, but would be fun and somewhat effective.


Wait wait wait. Are you saying there is currently no way to get 2x sword and +1 attack anymore? so the Seers bane duel sword build is null and void? 


Dual power sword is illegal, unfortunately. They removed the option from both the FAQ and the digital codexes.


I think the Seers Bane version can still be good, if situational. The key lies in the damage stat from the sword - 1d3, which can be increased to 1d3+1 via casting boon of mutation, which only functions on non-daemon characters. At this point you have just brought an exalted sorcerer and used the relic stratagem, which seems like an ok investment. Not great, but ok. In most other circumstances a daemon prince with dual claws will just be so much better - so it seems a bit wasteful to spend both relics and warlord traits on a smash sorcerer.


Wishlist - give us back the option to do dual sword sorcerers, and turn exalted mutation into a warlord trait, so it can be meaningfully paired with the Seers Bane. Still would not set the world on fire, but would be fun and somewhat effective.


Wait wait wait. Are you saying there is currently no way to get 2x sword and +1 attack anymore? so the Seers bane duel sword build is null and void? 


Yeah the double power sword option is gone. It was added to the Thousand Sons codex via a FAQ update. Then suddenly it was gone. We argued that we should still be able to use it, since it was available on the digital codexes, but suddenly it was gone from there as well. No explanation given from GW at all.


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