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Transports for CP?


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What would peoples opionions be on dedicated transports costing CP instead of points?

You would still have to pay points for upgrades, weapons etc, but the actual transport would just cost CP.


Was looking at my world eaters list and i have spent over 200 pts in rhinos.

If they were like 1CP per rhino it would give me far more options.

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You're playing Word Eaters, of course you'd like free transports ! (yes, 1CP is basically free transport)


Free transports would bring us back to 7th edition, or worse, to 5th edition parking lots. Getting rid of a Rhino is somewhat easy. Getting rid of 10 is a pain.


If Rhinos couldn't eat Overwatch, couldn't lock units in CC and didn't block line of sight though, I'd be ok for it ! 

Ok this is my thinking:

There are now 2 resources in 40k - Points and CP


The stupidity of 7th was that you just got a bunch of razorbacks etc for free.

While a space marine player could spend 10 CP on 10 rhinos...i would actually prefer that to having them spend 10 CP on their other stratagems lol.


However i think you guys are right, it probably would not be the most balanced and is not what CP should be spent on.

Rhinos (and transports) need a massive overhawl.

Changes that i would like to see is: 1)You should only lose guys if it blows up

                                                         2) You should be able to move, disembark and charge


Also chaos need another transport option

Rhinos are kind of boring and Landraiders are a massive points sink and suuuuuuuck.

The dreadclaw is an interesting option but is hugly over pointed.

It is an interesting option but hard to balance. 300 points of red corsairs could bring 9 rinos along for free with your present math. Transports cover a large variation in models as well. The present device of points for models and command points to break the rules is thematic and a pretty stark divide. Even relics are often upgrades for point purchased gear.


All that said as a specific faction strat that was not spammable a 1 cp rino sounds cool. Possibly a 2cp strat? 1cp might be taken every time but a pocket pillbox sounds like an interesting strat for when you need to hide something.

While I agree the humble rhino could definitely be cheaper, at the end of the day a single CP is not equal to its 10 wounds and T7 chassis.


The 200+ points you're spending on rhinos gives you thirty wounds spread across three models to ferry up to thirty infantry models across the battlefield. Being T7 means most small arms will have a tougher time wounding a rhino without the help of a stratagem. Additionally, though heavy weapons will pop the rhinos after a turn or two it still gives your beserkers a chance to be moved further up the board then they would footslogging it.


If a Space Marine player were to spend 10 CP on 10 rhinos that's 100 wounds across 10 models on top everything else in their army. Those 10 rhinos are going to drive across the board tying up your units as the rest of your opponents army picks them off.


Yes CP is a wonderful resource that adds utility to your army though stratagems. Yes a single stratagem can be the deciding factor in a game. Yes rhinos are not perfectly costed. But a single CP is still too cheap for any transport.

They just need a point's cut back to 50pts base.

Honestly I'd go down to 45. 55 points for 2x Storm Bolters, a Havoc Launcher and 10 troop capacity sounds about right. But I've just painted up two of those so I might be biased.


I actually quite like the CP idea, but I think it would only work specifically for rhinos because they're so barebones. Probably better just adjusting the value of transport capability across the game instead so they can be more appropriately priced.


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