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Forge World Dark Angels Paint Scheme

Cris R

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I emailed them once about how they paint heresy era dark angels, they claimed (in a email)


The colours used were Sprayed Chaos Black, Airbrushed Dawnstone (new Citadel air paint) then washed it with Nuln oil a couple of times.

The Silver was Ironbreaker washed with Nuln oil
The red was Mephiston Red highlighted with Kislev Flesh then washed with Drakenhof Nightshade
The White was White Scar washed with Nuln Oil.

Thanks Laughingman. That seems a lot closer than the guide on the Forge World website. I think they do a highlight of Eshin Grey or Dawnstone on top of that black recipe, but I'll experiment with that. I will say the red scheme really isn't what I was expecting -- I was thinking it's more Khorne Red -> Memphiston Red -> Evil Sunz Scartet -> Evil Sunz and Screaming Skull - but I'll try it out on another mini to see what it looks like.


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