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Psychic Awakening FAQ


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Of particular note:


Q: If I have a Warlord and I use the Relics of the Thousand Sons Stratagem to give a Thousand Sons Character from a different a Sorcerous Arcana, can I select their relevant Sorcerous Arcana? A: No, as you can only select that Sorcerous Arcana if your Warlord is from that .



So this seems to state we can take the relic as long as we have a character from that Socerous Arcana.




THOUSAND SONS Q: If I manifest the Warp Reality psychic power with a unit that has the Brotherhood of Sorcerers ability, can I use that ability to select one enemy unit within 9" of the terrain feature? A: No. The Brotherhood of Sorcerers ability allows you to select a terrain feature within 24" of the Psyker.
Q: Can the ability from the Guided by the Whispers Warlord Trait be used by a model that cannot fire Overwatch due to not having a ranged weapon, not having line of sight or being out of range? A: Yes, unless another rule would prevent them from being able to fire Overwatch (such as being within 1" of enemy models or being under the effects of a rule that prevents the model from firing Overwatch).
Q: If I have a Warlord and I use the Magister Stratagem to give a Thousand Sons Character from a different a Warlord Trait, can I select their relevant Warlord Trait? A: Yes, as they are regarded as your Warlord for the purposes of that Warlord Trait




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This is a very disappointing .pdf and I recommend that everyone sends an email.


Not only are these rulings restrictive for no reason, they actually do the opposite of what GW intend: Making us not take as many cults as possible for flavor since we miss out on relic options. If the intent was to select 1 cult and devote an entire army to it, including all of its detachments, that's just silly.

I've had a DG/WS playing mate say this is fine, Chaos is meant to be soup, that the cults are equal to doctrines and TS have far more options then DG, I admit I'm at a loss on it now.
So is it worth mixing cults now? I'm certainly feeling this has hit several cults down in terms of usability, for example Knowledge would be good for the actual warlord due to rerolling ones, but the Knowledge relic might as well not exist, Magic would be good for a fake warlord but needs the relic to be truly good.

I've had a DG/WS playing mate say this is fine, Chaos is meant to be soup, that the cults are equal to doctrines and TS have far more options then DG, I admit I'm at a loss on it now.

So is it worth mixing cults now? I'm certainly feeling this has hit several cults down in terms of usability, for example Knowledge would be good for the actual warlord due to rerolling ones, but the Knowledge relic might as well not exist, Magic would be good for a fake warlord but needs the relic to be truly good.

Basically: if you play mono thousand Sons, Duplicity is the way to go. If you want to bring multiple cults, do so for spells only. And only spend a CP on the wlt if it is a must have.

I don't know why people say chaos is meant to be soup.  They certainly are not.  Seeing nurgle and tzeentch on the table is not a normal thing in the fluff.  Imperium has plenty of ways to soup because the fluff *mostly* allows for it.  The only time Chaos gets along is during a black crusade, otherwise they mostly kill each other all the time.


This cult relic restriction is a bunch of crap.  Yes please everyone email them, its a pointless restriction.

If the implementation wasn't already so clunky, I wouldn't care about something like this. We need it to get full use out of what the supplement provides, that's all, and even then it probably wont be more than 2 or 3 cults out of the 9..


At this point I'll stop complaining because I could go on and I'd like to think we pure Thousand Sons players have a level of pride (and arrogance) to continue forward.

I don't really soup much in this edition.  Never been a fan of it and from a game design point of view it makes it infinitely harder to balance.  My biggest hope for 9th edition is that we have less soup.  Go back to allied detachments which limit you to an hq and a few troops etc. 


Ill keep playing my 1ksons and Salamanders pure until the end.  I do have a small smattering of Grey knights.   Right now the meta is screwed anyway until April FAQ so might as well just play what you want how you want and not expect to beat IH very much :)

Allright, the problem is if you use Magister to give a character from a different cult their cult trait, can you use Relics of the 1k Sons to give that Magister their cult relic.


That's a further question, since they count as Warlord for purposes of the trait

I don't really soup much in this edition. Never been a fan of it and from a game design point of view it makes it infinitely harder to balance. My biggest hope for 9th edition is that we have less soup. Go back to allied detachments which limit you to an hq and a few troops etc.


Ill keep playing my 1ksons and Salamanders pure until the end. I do have a small smattering of Grey knights. Right now the meta is screwed anyway until April FAQ so might as well just play what you want how you want and not expect to beat IH very much :)

Except soup sells models.
Before 8th, an argument could have been easily made for soup, but the new fluff has made it very clear that the legion has reunited with itself. Becoming whole. I really dont get why GW is withholding pure army bonuses to marines and also giving them bonuses army wide. I think we all need to write to GW with the FAQ concerns as well as what I mentioned above. We are still way behind in our legion trait.


I don't really soup much in this edition. Never been a fan of it and from a game design point of view it makes it infinitely harder to balance. My biggest hope for 9th edition is that we have less soup. Go back to allied detachments which limit you to an hq and a few troops etc.


Ill keep playing my 1ksons and Salamanders pure until the end. I do have a small smattering of Grey knights. Right now the meta is screwed anyway until April FAQ so might as well just play what you want how you want and not expect to beat IH very much :smile.:

Except soup sells models.



Of course it does.  That doesn't help them in the balance department though.  They have plenty of money now.  They need to desperately focus on their game design right now.

I don't know why people say chaos is meant to be soup.  They certainly are not.  Seeing nurgle and tzeentch on the table is not a normal thing in the fluff.  Imperium has plenty of ways to soup because the fluff *mostly* allows for it.  The only time Chaos gets along is during a black crusade, otherwise they mostly kill each other all the time.


This cult relic restriction is a bunch of crap.  Yes please everyone email them, its a pointless restriction.

Soup with units aligned with different chaos gods is indeed uncommon, but Thousand Sons or Word Bearers having Daemon allies is much more common, a warband or some Lost and the Damned working for a Knight House or the other way around too.


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