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Word Bearers post F&F

Lord Asvaldir

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Greetings all, it's been a long time since I spent time here, and a long time as well since I've brought my Word Bearers of out storage, but Faith & Fury makes me feel like while Word Bearers still suffer from an awful trait and remaining on the lower tier of the Legion rankings, they have a few special tricks that makes me want to play them again. I'm curious to hear how you've been running your Word Bearers, what combinations have been working for you? My feeling on just reading through F&F, no games in with the new content yet, is the one thing WB have other legions don't is more reliability for buffer characters, specifically any psykers and the dark apostle. Ofc chaos in general wants to run units that can get buffed up by psychic powers prayers, but my feeling is WB want to do that more so than other legions given that reliability for prayers/psychic powers.   

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WB are very flexible. Except maybe Possessed there is no "must have" unit, like Jump Troops for NL, Obliterators/Havocs/Vehicles for IW, Cult Troops for WE/EC. The stratagems mainly benefit the characters especially casters and priests. And those are again flexible in what they support. The "No Cover save" stratagem again supports all kinds of shooting. So basically: pack a priest, pack a Sorceror, spend the rest however you want. Other legions can do better in specialisation, but WB can make most things work if properly supported.


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