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Highest Leadership?


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I was wondering what the highest Leadership possible in the game was. Not that it would really matter, but it's interesting to me as a metric.


So, a Guard Company Commander is 8, Sisters of Battle Canoness starts with 9, and named Inquisitors/Guilliman are 10.


A canoness can get a +1 from a dialogus, a +1 from a battle sanctum, and a +1 from their warlord trait that also shares it with all <order> units within 6" (9" with rod of office)


So that's a 12 Leadership. Is there anyone else with as high or higher? Does this mean that a particularly Charismstic Canoness with her Entourage and Stage are more inspiring than the son of the God-Emperor?

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Due to Mob Rule, an Ork unit with the rule can replace their leadership characteristic with the number of models in their unit or a unit within 6". The theoretical max unit size is 100 (30 to start, +10 a turn for 7 turns due to the stratagem Mob Up!). So, in theory, any non-gretchin Ork unit could have a leadership of up to 100.


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