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Warp Reavers [WiP]


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**NOTE** This is going to be my attempt at another chapter with a much more reasonable paint scheme. Going to be working on this over the next few months while I get my Primaris line up and running.

Gene Sire: Unknown +++ Redacted +++ (DiY so I can play with any rule set I feel like at the time)

Homeworld: None (Fleet Based)

Favored Weapon: Chainsword

Chapter Colors: Bolgun Metal covered in Nuln Oil over the entire armor.

Chapter Badge: A black spade over a circle of their company's color



Company Colors:

First Company: Gold

Second Company: White

Third Company: Green

Fourth Company: Blue

Fifth Company: Brown

Sixth Company: Red

Seventh Company: Orange

Eighth Company: Cyan

Ninth Company (Devastator Company): Striped White and Black (Like Hazard)

Tenth Company (Scout Company): Black Background with White Spade


This chapter followed certain tenant of the Codex Astartes but missions are always assigned with units from every company to help build stronger connections between the marines in this chapter. The only exception to this is 10th company which only sends out scouts ready for testing to other companies and the rest of the company remains with the fleet.

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This chapter followed certain tenant of the Codex Astartes but missions are always assigned with units from every company to help build stronger connections between the marines in this chapter. The only exception to this is 10th company which only sends out scouts ready for testing to other companies and the rest of the company remains with the fleet.

If all Companies contribute personnel to each and every mission, the Chapter is obviously not organized according to the Codex.


I wonder how the chain-of-command is set up. Is each and every Company (with the exception of the 10th) specialize, like a Codex Chapter's Reserve Companies? Do Specialist LTs hold nominal command over the Companies, while Captains- who are required to be generalists capable of serving in any role, and commanding any type of specialist unit- are assigned command of hybrid units consisting of personnel from each Company, as necessary?


Why did the Chapter organize itself in this manner? What history did it have to make its officers believe such an unconventional Chapter organization works best?

My idea is that each company is wholly dedicated to an part of warfare. Assault, tactical support, devastation, etc..


Working off an idea of an iron council type leadership where there is 1 chapter master and 9 captains. They are given missions and they will take what units they need for the mission. Similar to how Njall had a smattering of wolves from different wolf companies. 


Every marine will spend a decade or two moving around through the different companies building experience in new types of warfare. The scout company teaches them the basics but the time spent in the company that specializes is where they get most of their elite level training. 


The organization initially was as standard codex marines. Cawl developed this chapter using the geneseed of the 11th primarch against Guilliman's wishes. They were assigned missions focusing on Tyranid tendrils. The company is fleet based and travels around specifically targeting Tyranid invasions. But will assist others when the need arises. So, what ended up happening is that the companies were finding themselves under equipped to fight in specific battles and were constantly having to re-arm and re-supply. In an effort to stem this inefficiency and due to them being so far away from Terra they have decided to kit out their companies to the missions needs. Not every company needs a Repulsor or Dreadnoughts to complete their mission. They take what they need and then return to the fleet so their resources can be used again. 


The companies themselves are not always together. When marines return from their mission, except the captains, they remove their company marking. So that all captains know they are available for deployment. In this way every company that deploys will be fighting at full strength even if the chapter takes a large hit and has their numbers dwindle. 


Still working on this a lot I just wanted to jot down some of the ideas flowing through my head. Nothing is set in stone yet. Just letting it all out lol :biggrin.:


Edit: The marines have taken to meditations and have built a series of rooms in their flagship that has bamboo farms and sand gardens. The pursuit of knowledge is encouraged among them and they all find that they have a strong desire to record and collect accurate histories. This has caused the chapter problems on some planets where they have deemed the histories false and have put them to torch, replacing it with the imperial truth. 

Suggestion: Instead of being organized as 10 Companies, the Chapter has 10 "Schools" dedicated to training its members in a specific specialty. In battle, the Companies are referred to by their Captains' names, NOT by number (the latter is pointless, due to the Chapter's unconventional organization).


Each individual Marine bears layered chevrons (see enlisted rank insignia and/or qualification tabs in the US military) on his armor, to let the Chapter's officers know which Schools he received training from, i.e., indicate what he can do.


Also: To hide the fact they were made with the XI Primarch's gene-seed, Cawl should claim the Chapter is an Ultramarines successor (Aaron Dembski-Bowden hinted the XIII Legion absorbed II and XI Legion survivors after the latter's Primarchs were purged, in The First Heretic). You are free to NOT use Ultramarines Chapter tactics and Warlord traits, though.


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