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Combined Assault Rules Question.


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So, recently my opponent and I found ourselves at an interesting rules crossing. My opponent was using deathwatch special ammo that always wounds on a 2+, I asked if I used the strategem transhuman physiology (only wounds my unit on a 4+) what would happen? Whose rules would win? The RTT ruled that it depends on whose turn it. the rule would favor them. Cool, Got it, seems fair.


That makes me wonder about combined assault and how it interacts with the new Tau rule or omniscramblers that keeps units from deep striking within 12". Specifically how does the ITC deal with it.


One rule says no, another rule says if a set of conditions are met you can deploy in a unique way. If the precedent of whose turn it is takes effect it is an easy answer.


Any way. Share with me what you know. Again looking for the ITC final ruling but an explanation would be helpful too.

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From the FAQ for Codex Vanguard Space Marines:


Q:  If a unit has a rule that says enemy units cannot set up within a certain distance of it (e.g. Omni-scramblers), but an enemy unit has a rule that says it can set up within a certain distance (e.g. Vexilla Teleport Homerand Lying in Wait), which takes precedence?  

AThe rule that says you cannot be set up within a certain distance (in the example instance, Omni-scramblers) always takes precedence.

The RTT got the ruling on Transhuman Physiology wrong.

"When resolving an attack an unmodified wound roll of 1-3 always fails, irrespective of any abilities that the weapon or the model making that attack may have."


If you just remember this you should get the right answer 90% of the time.

In general, defensive effects take priority over offensive effects, instant effects take priority over persistent effects, and when possible all effects take effect.


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