SGT Kilreign Posted February 21, 2020 Share Posted February 21, 2020 The Carrion Corps: Founding: Indominus? (Secret project of Belasarius Cawl) Geneseed Stabilization Experiment: Geneseed: (Officially Unknown/Redacted).... Story wise.....Prinicple donor Blood Angels and Ravenguard chimeric geneseed Experimentation to deal with Red Thirst and Black Rage. Colors: White Armor with black pauldrons and a symbol similiar to the Necromunda symbol. Red trimming and striping. Homeworld: (Redacted) Somewhere in the Ghoul Stars Physical appearance, pale skin, light hair, dark eyes and fangs. The Carrior Corps is a chapter of unknown founding because it like predates the Ultima Founding. These marines were one of cawls first attempts to stabilize the geneseed of Sanquinius and several techniques were used and combined to establish this stability. Cawl look at many possibilities in his early machinations for stabilizing the geneseeds of several of the primarchs. For the Sons of Sanquinus one of his experiments drew from using candidates that were Blanks. These anathemata of mankind might hold within them the secret of negating the genetic psychic link to the genefathers fate. Once Cawl began the geneseed implementation tests on viable aged male blanks he found that while there was a higher rate of rejection of the implants, the ones that did survive, flourished. They displayed no signs of the black rage, but they did experience heightened states of the red thirst. Cawl sought to supplant this by changing the components of their nutrient feeds to include high contents of blood plasma, organic components and increased levels of proteins derived from the consumption of flesh. After numerous attempts at creating a suitable nourishment cawl was successful in creating a nutrient that sustained the marines. Now cawl had to conquer the next issue, there were simply not enough blanks to sustain the creation of a force of these marines, at least not if they were drawn from traditional sources. Cawl opened some of the Emperors archival research on cloning, a process it was well known to be used and perfected by the world of Krieg. Cawl used his connections and gained access to observe and research the process used by the infamous Death Korps home planet, a process the Imperium has willingly turned a blind eye to because of sheer combat fortitude of the Death Korps. Cawl used this combined information to create a process to clone the successful Blank subjects. In all 32 samples of successfully implanted Marines were taken. Cawl began the mass cloning and accelerated growth process. 3 in 10 clones failed on average. 5 of 7 remaining clones would successfully accept the geneseed. All acceptable rates and also created acceptable contributions to the materials needed for the nutrient mixture from the failed clones. These projects were running simultaneously with cawls development of the Primaris marines and many of these early subjects were used to test his new organs. Once cawl had completed the process of all of the new primaris organs he noticed these new organs also stabilized the geneseed on their own. This left the blank marine project somewhat unnecessary. Cawl relegated some of his lesser routines and one of his subordinate bodies to continuing the project. Because of its sensitive nature and the increase number of blanks having negative psychic affects, he had the entire project moved to a secret facility near the ghoul stars. There the project continued now in primaris form with a seemingly limitless number of candidates now with the cloning apparatus in full force. Early test showed the marines to be hyper aggressive, but to the point of loss of control or battle fury that interfered with tactical command and control. They were registering slightly higher resistance rates to pain and injuries than other in the principal primaris project. The marines because they were blanks, cloned or not, in mass emitted an almost wave of malaise that affected friend and foe alike on the battlefield. But this also tended to have secondary effects, especially on the enemies of causing the enemy weird rates of misfortunes or “bad Luck”. This was sometimes seen to happen within friendly elements to so as they developed their own battle doctrine, they developed a strict sense of combat isolation, only entering theatres where it was, they alone that would take to the field against the enemy. These marines are also far more resistant to the powers of the warp. They do not have pschers but they do have what they call the Whisperers. The Whisperers have an ability to control and focus their aura to specifically cause pain to or negate psychers abilities as well as cause targeted misfortune. The brothers of this chapter while still long lived by normal human standards, do not appear to live as long as normal marines, there could be numerous reasons for this but since they are clones there is likely a strong link to their origin for their shorter lifespans. The thirst while sedated by the nutrients is still a constant pull on them. The brothers of this chapter began a right early on which was the collection of the dead, allied and foe alike (depending on if they were warp contaminated or not) but no limit on xenos. They would collect the dead brothers and would harvest their geneseeds. Then these brothers remains would be turned into a special batch of the nutrient mix. The brothers believed consuming their fellow brothers in this manner would allow them to absorb the shared knowledge of the deceased. (they would never consume the remains of a brother chapter out of respect to that chapter’s death rites). Next, they would feast in a ritual of consumption of the flesh of the enemies. It is through these initial battlefield cleansings where they earned their name the Carrion Corps. Also, an homage to the technological assistance that came from Krieg. The brothers of this chapter act in extreme secrecy and almost never join forces with other imperial elements during conflicts. They never remove their helmets in front of anyone outside of the chapter and will challenge and fight to the death anyone that tries to force them. The chapter always fights at full chapter strength and rarely breaks it forces down into smaller combat elements. Cawl, because of the sensitive nature of this chapter’s existence, did not allow them into full action until the time of the Indominus crusade and only in the regions of the ghoul stars. Cawl has also managed to manipulate archieves and records to ensure they are never requested the annual geneseed tithe, but there are contingencies in place should a wiley administrator navigate his beurocratic barriers to do so. The chapter more often than not acts as Cawls personal explorers and collectors, taken sanctioned actions and orders directly from him. They still act also for the greater good of the Imperium and respond carefully to requests for aid, but they are always aloof and tend to withdraw after a victory faster than they deployed. Similar to the Lamenters, as of late this chapter has experienced a rash of unexplained mistakes and mishaps. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Brother Lunkhead Posted February 21, 2020 Share Posted February 21, 2020 Very interesting Brother SGT, very bold, very radical...… I like it They are Primaris…… right What does Guilliman think of this? From what I recall from the lore, the Emperor decreed all experimentation on Blanks be halted. How does Cawl get around this? Being an Imperial edict, the Primarch might take issue with this. Everything else seems quite doable...… considering what the Angels Vermilion do to control their thirst, your chapter's solution is almost mild. I'm looking forward to seeing more. It must be said though...…… SOYLENT GREEN IS SPACE MARINES Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
SGT Kilreign Posted February 21, 2020 Author Share Posted February 21, 2020 So yes they are Primaris. They are inevitably doomed, let me start with that. Guilliman does not know of them in the details, just their name on the chapter registries. Cawl used them as an experimentation ground and keeps them as a secret. they don't patrol into Imperial space, so they are used on expeditions into the uncharted sectors of the ghoul stars as accumulators of knowledge etc...So yes, very much like the cursed 13th founding....which incidentally was the time frame he started these experiments (maybe cawl was involved in the cursed founding). So his use of Blanks and cloning combined would doom this chapter if it ever became known, its why they avoid almost all imperial contact. Wich is possible given the number of chapters the imperium has lost contact with for thousands of years. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Brother Lunkhead Posted February 21, 2020 Share Posted February 21, 2020 ….. There'll be hell to pay for Cawl when Papa Blue finds out about this Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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