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What to expect next?


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AT is becoming a nice game with a relatively wide range of miniatures. 

I can imagine some new weapons and maniples.


But according to what we know,, what can we expect BIG with this game? It has already been stated that it won't be the next "Epic". So, no tank, infantry and so on... But I can see that the actual planes of the Aeronautica imperialis are more or less at the same scale. So, maybe some aircraft rules?


What are your thoughts?


(I am soooo much expecting the new Epic...phhhh)

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Well, the Warbringer does have AA-guns. The scale is the same(-ish) for both AT and AI.

I believe we'll see heavy armour in a future instalment. There are quite a few titan hunter tanks around so this should make sense.

There are also already stratagems using planes and infantry.

Epic reborn, I would love that but as a separate game from Adeptus Titanicus, different type of gameplay.

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Integrating AT and AI isn’t as simple as it might look. For a start, AI uses a highly abstracted rule set for planes, which either isn’t at a 1:1 scale or else represents a really short space of time – or both. AT battles are to scale and represent a significantly longer period of time I think.


So with the strafing run strat we see a plane appear, shoot stuff and then vanish off the board again, in the time it takes a titan to take a few steps. And that makes a lot of sense actually – much more so than it does to have supersonic fighter planes dogfighting at an altitude of 50’ and getting taken out by rifles or people with hammers.


I’m all in favour of epic existing. But it should probably be a different game, built from the ground up to represent large battles. And titans should be pretty rare in it. I quite like the idea that everyone else just gets out of the way when the titans start fighting, because the chance of them being killed by mistake is greater than the chance of them making any difference.


It’s not that there aren’t battles between titans and conventional ground armies. But they’re massacres and not really worth representing as a game.

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I’d rather have rules for armor than rules moving planes around the board to be honest but I don’t know the point as their weapons are not meant to kill titan class targets. A new Epic would be cool but I’d kinda rather stick to giant stompy robots rather than Microhammer. I have enough 40k stuff for 3 people.


More knight variants would be cool along with Mechanicum warmachines, Orks, and some crazy xenos stuff that’s hinted at in the fluff. Heck I’d even love some rules for big models like the Ambull who could be a kaiju like a little Godzilla.

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There have been rumours of a new class of Scout Titan somewhere between the size of a Warhound and a Reaver, I’d expect to see that reasonably soon. I hope that we see Chaos tainted Titans as well in the not too distant future. It would seem that, given the way that the sprues have been organised, this is something GW have planned. Ultimately I’d like to see them expand into ‘modern 40k’. This is something that they have said not to expect any time soon but they also didn’t expect Adeptus Titanicus to prove as popular as it has so it wouldn’t surprise me if they started to consider this option more seriously.


Ultimately the future looks quite bright for Adeptus Titanicus if you ask me.

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After the inbetweens, I'd love to see proper rules for twisted, mutated monstrosities that would be enough of a change from the form that I might start a side project of a second legio. All out conversion goodness, give it to me.


After those and a few esoteric weapon batches, some tentative xenos steps could have their time in the limelights.

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Yes, though my desire is to see all sorts of cool things (to me), my broad desire is simply to see more variety in Imperial Titans.


...and to that end, though I do not think it is coming anytime soon, Xenos Titans would be great.

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Well we have 3 more plastic release slots this year, I figure a knight kit (cerastus variants?) some titan variant (probably the other Warbringer) and then either another new titan variant or a lucius/corrupted frame. Though I expect the latter to be unfortunately resin.


Epic is coming but it's a few years off I bet, there was originally talk of a Tallarn tank game which I'd hope to see :)

Xenos titans would be ace too, post our at campaign weekend we were chatting about ideas for them, like gargants having loooads of structure, not worrying about reactor but catching fire :)

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I echo the previous thoughts:

Cerastus weapon options sprue now please,

Chaos/Corrupted Titans and Knights soon please,

Eldar and Orks introduced as soon as you're ready please,

Super-Heavy tanks etc. and aircraft only if you can keep it simple please, like a mini apocalypse game.


I'm not too bothered with whole new Titans atm, there's plenty of options but they just need a few upgrade/ options sprues.

Edited by Interrogator Stobz
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Oddball: given GW’s release of AI as a hex game and all those other hex based games they’re releasing with AoS and 40k models I wonder if the new Epic will be a hex based game with 8mm vehicles as pieces. They could do it like Memoir 44 (google it) and then eventually integrate the models along with AI into AT. Crazy?


To rerelease Epic as a proper miniature wargame I feel like it would have to become the major 8mm game system with AT being support models. Practically integrating Epic into AT would be way harder than integrating titans into Epic would it not?


Anyone want to see kaiju like me or am I weird?

Edited by Fajita Fan
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Cerastus weapon sprues is my first hope.  Let's finish off those lances darn it!


Second is the Rapier Class from Titandeath (the novel), allegedly smaller than a Warhound.  Not sure how that works without being basically a Knight, but wanna see how all the same!  Perhaps just a single weapon up top or something?  But still Titanic scale weapon?


Third is bring on the Demonic Titans!

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After the inbetweens, I'd love to see proper rules for twisted, mutated monstrosities that would be enough of a change from the form that I might start a side project of a second legio. All out conversion goodness, give it to me.


After those and a few esoteric weapon batches, some tentative xenos steps could have their time in the limelights.

I'd expect those to be in the style of the psi titan, FW upgrade sprues for existing plastic minis.

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After the inbetweens, I'd love to see proper rules for twisted, mutated monstrosities that would be enough of a change from the form that I might start a side project of a second legio. All out conversion goodness, give it to me.


After those and a few esoteric weapon batches, some tentative xenos steps could have their time in the limelights.

I'd expect those to be in the style of the psi titan, FW upgrade sprues for existing plastic minis.

Mini copies of the FW chaos titan armour in resin if necessary please.

They look so good, but a 28mm scale is too expensive :P

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I think corrupted titans and knights look extremely likely to happen, given that we’ve already got rules for how psi-titans interact with them. Dunno what form that will take. I’d kind of expected the psy-Titan to be a sprue but now I’m not sure. The bane lord could well follow the same approach of being a resin upgrade.
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I think corrupted titans and knights look extremely likely to happen, given that we’ve already got rules for how psi-titans interact with them. Dunno what form that will take. I’d kind of expected the psy-Titan to be a sprue but now I’m not sure. The bane lord could well follow the same approach of being a resin upgrade.


Agreed. Not only do we have a few rules for corrupted titans now, but Shadow and Iron mentions them in several places, and says that they will be "explored in a future supplement" etc. I suspect that we will get a plastic armor upgrade sprue for corrupted titans, as that's already a separate sprue, and the armor panels are where such corruption shows up most visibly in most of the art, etc. The Psi-Titan made more sense as a resin upgrade, IMHO, because the parts were large, and would have only partially replaced a weapons sprue. I'd guess we see corrupted warlords first, which will fill a similar role to the Psi-Titan Warlord for the loyalists - i.e. expensive, with special powers, and so on. And since Shadow and Iron does mention other classes of Psi-Titan, I can see loyalist and traitor "special" titans alternating release for some time to come. I'd expect rules for demon/corrupted titans in the next supplement.


Of course, this is all supposition based on logic and the little evidence we have at hand, and Forge World/GW have their own arcane "strategy" which often defies mortal comprehension...

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