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Death Guard Blistered Lip Warband


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I've been on a recent journey to learn weathering techniques and get better with airbrushing. I figured what better type of marines to learn on than deathguard...if it isn't the best well it works for them...kinda like my all metal greater possesed I tried using oil washes on...he is the wrong model. Too much spiky details to do it right. It actually looks good but his paintjob takes lousy pictures.







Edited by Debauchery101
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I shelved my contrast paints for a few months because IMO they don't work for me well on marines. But with models like this they're great.


I found a Contrast Poxwalker tutorial on YouTube i mostly followed which was great. My alternate scheme was that I used NAZDREG YELLOW for the horns and IYANDEN YELLOW for the boils. Layer on thick it gives that reddish infected look around the boils. I also use a thinned FLESH TEARERS RED to further the look. The third thing I did different was using mettalics instead of an NMM technique..


His video link..https://youtu.be/ObmoGZQ-hJ8



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I shelved my contrast paints for a few months because IMO they don't work for me well on marines. But with models like this they're great.


I found a Contrast Poxwalker tutorial on YouTube i mostly followed which was great. My alternate scheme was that I used NAZDREG YELLOW for the horns and IYANDEN YELLOW for the boils. Layer on thick it gives that reddish infected look around the boils. I also use a thinned FLESH TEARERS RED to further the look. The third thing I did different was using mettalics instead of an NMM technique..I also tested a scheme using TERRADON TURQOISE and PLAGUEBEARER for the next unit. I have 60 in total and ill be making each unit to look a bit different


His video link..https://youtu.be/ObmoGZQ-hJ8



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