Spagunk Posted July 25, 2020 Share Posted July 25, 2020 hey, I'm back. I've made a few purchases and things are shaping up.... Let me ask something about the Contemptor Incaendius Dreadnaught.... do people run them with the Talons? I would think that 2 Dread CCWs would be better. ( I plan on magnetizing, but I figured I would ask as well) You can technically run one of each: one talon and one dread ccw. It's versatility and you don't need the sacrifice power since you can declare what weapon you attack with. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
bushman101 Posted July 27, 2020 Author Share Posted July 27, 2020 hey, I'm back. I've made a few purchases and things are shaping up.... Let me ask something about the Contemptor Incaendius Dreadnaught.... do people run them with the Talons? I would think that 2 Dread CCWs would be better. ( I plan on magnetizing, but I figured I would ask as well) You can technically run one of each: one talon and one dread ccw. It's versatility and you don't need the sacrifice power since you can declare what weapon you attack with. Hmm..ok. Would I still get the +1 attack bonus for 2 ccws? (Sorry if that's a dumb question. The new 40k rules has got me mixing up rules ) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Spagunk Posted July 27, 2020 Share Posted July 27, 2020 hey, I'm back. I've made a few purchases and things are shaping up.... Let me ask something about the Contemptor Incaendius Dreadnaught.... do people run them with the Talons? I would think that 2 Dread CCWs would be better. ( I plan on magnetizing, but I figured I would ask as well) You can technically run one of each: one talon and one dread ccw. It's versatility and you don't need the sacrifice power since you can declare what weapon you attack with. Hmm..ok. Would I still get the +1 attack bonus for 2 ccws? (Sorry if that's a dumb question. The new 40k rules has got me mixing up rules ) Yes. It's the standard rule for Walkers during assault. In fact, the more arms you have, the more you get. So three armed dreads ( that's be a super cool AdMech robbit) would get +2 for having three CCW weapons. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
bushman101 Posted July 27, 2020 Author Share Posted July 27, 2020 Awesome :) One more question: other than Sang, is there any other way to reduce scatter on Deep Striking units? 10 man units with JPs on 32mm bases have me worried Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Spagunk Posted July 27, 2020 Share Posted July 27, 2020 (edited) Awesome One more question: other than Sang, is there any other way to reduce scatter on Deep Striking units? 10 man units with JPs on 32mm bases have me worried Check the rules out for Legion Nuncio-Vox's. There are ways to mitigate deep striking but your mission rules can upset this by a bunch. There are very few units that can provide actual teleport homers though so factor that into your list building. Edited July 27, 2020 by Spagunk Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
bushman101 Posted July 27, 2020 Author Share Posted July 27, 2020 Awesome One more question: other than Sang, is there any other way to reduce scatter on Deep Striking units? 10 man units with JPs on 32mm bases have me worried Check the rules out for Legion Nuncio-Vox's. There are ways to mitigate deep striking but your mission rules can upset this by a bunch. There are very few units that can provide actual teleport homers though so factor that into your list building. If I understand this correctly, Nuncio Vox's are only good if they have been there since the beginning of the turn. So this wouldn't help DoR style lists (since JPs drop on 1st turn). Is that correct? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Cris R Posted July 27, 2020 Share Posted July 27, 2020 (edited) As someone who runs a Blood Angels DoR list, your question touches on a few nuances about the RoW. Short answer is that you can mitigate some of the RoW’s deep striking scattering issues with units with Nuncio Voxes or a Command Rhino, but primarily for units you can hold in reserve past turn one. Here’s the long answer with some points to think about: a lot folks think that you must field all units with JPs, Flyers, or the Deep Strike rule, preventing you from fielding units with Nuncio-Vices. This not true. If you read the rule, you have to meet three requirements: 1) Compulsory HQ and Troop choices must have jet packs 2) The Compulsory Fast Attack choice must have the Flyer or Deep Strike Rule 3) No fortifications, Subterranean Assault units, Immobile Units, or LoW other than Flyers or Sanguinius Once you meet these requirements, you’re able to field other units as long as they meet the other BA legion rules. As a result, you could field infantry with Nuncio Voxes or a vehicle like a Command Rhino to help with deep strikes. If the mission allows you to deploy these units during turn one, then you can use them to mitigate some of the deep striking scattering issues, especially for non-jump pack deep striking units that you can hold in reserve after turn one. That said, just because you can do this doesn’t necessarily mean you should. DoR makes you front load your points into the alpha strike, leaving fewer points to field sufficient numbers of land-based units you can deploy on turn one. As a result, it’s easier for your opponent to blow the land-based ones off the table, making it harder to maintain strategic hold over the battlefield. That’s why some folks run a pure JP/Deep Strike/Flyer DoR list with Sang leading the way. Now you can mitigate this issue by fielding flyers like a Primaris Lightning that can pack a major punch against long distance threats like tanks. Careful positioning of your land-based units that help with deep striking behind terrain can also help. I’m sure other folks can suggest other alternative flyers or strategies to help with this problem, so it’s not the end of the world if you go down this route. But this is a major challenge with using DoR, so keep it in mind as you figure out what list makes you the most excited to play. Edited July 27, 2020 by Cris R Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
bushman101 Posted July 27, 2020 Author Share Posted July 27, 2020 well, damn I guess I need to reconsider nuncio voxes. I've built my list up to 2000. Might need to add these building toward 2500. Thanks for all the replies so far. HH is a pricey game, so it's a bit tougher to shrug off costs... Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Cris R Posted July 27, 2020 Share Posted July 27, 2020 (edited) Every time I got a promotion at work, my buddies asked me if I’m earning a “Forge World salary“ that allowed to buy into the game. I finally got there last year, so I hear you on the costs. 2,500 to 3,000 point lists are the standard for the game but I would encourage you to look at cons that you would like to attend one day when Papa Nurgle is beaten back and we can do hobby things again. My con, the NOVA Open, does a range of 30k events with list sizes ranging from Centurion games to Titan Warlord matches with well over $100,000 worth of kit on the table. You may not be able to buy everything for a 2,500 point game but maybe you could do a smaller one at a con or your local gaming club, especially Zone Mortalis games that are some of my favorite events to do at NOVA. Edited July 27, 2020 by Cris R mooftak 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
bushman101 Posted July 28, 2020 Author Share Posted July 28, 2020 (edited) My brother-in-law has been wanting to play and we have helping each other with ideas as we slowly build into the game. Once we have everything for our 2000 pts lists assembled, we might try to play a game once a month. Playtesting my list versus Space Might post my list here for critique later. Edited July 28, 2020 by bushman101 mooftak 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Mackenzie Posted July 28, 2020 Share Posted July 28, 2020 So I will chime in as the weirdo who has 14k points of Blood Angels with not a single jump pack. Build whatever you think is cool and will be fun to paint. DoR is neat, yeah.. but there are a lot of other cool RoWs out there. Basically what I would recommend to anyone especially if they are trying to start without breaking the bank is to build 2 tactical squads, and HQ of some flavor, play some games and build out from there. You could do 2 assault squads instead of course. Even with just a few marines the legion special rules make the army function and feel very unique. That’s one of the many reasons I love this game. Sorry for rambling. P.S. The Incaedius does work in ZM Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Spagunk Posted July 28, 2020 Share Posted July 28, 2020 I concur: build what you think is fun and cool. You can definitely dip into some strange yet effective builds but ultimately it's always more about the fluff than what is the most competitive. Ask me about my unexpected Mortificator list I took for fun but oddly got business done! Cris R 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Cris R Posted July 28, 2020 Share Posted July 28, 2020 Agree with the sentiment above. Also, you have the options of building a list with allied legions as well, so you can have a lot of fun putting together units from different legions that look awesome together. I’m working on a Siege of Terra melee focused Blood Angels list with Imperial Fist tanks, dreads, and terminators holding the back end because it looks and feels awesome. But again, don’t feel like you need to buy yourself 2,500 points to have fun with the game. If you’re playing with family, you can come up with a campaign using whatever you have already to have learn the game, enjoy your sessions, and build good memories together. That’s what the 30k hobby is all about. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
bushman101 Posted July 28, 2020 Author Share Posted July 28, 2020 (edited) My brother-in-law will probably be my primary opponent but we do look to expand out. We have a game group at the LGS and regularly go to cons (nurgle infestations permitting). DoR (originally Orbital Assault) looked to be a natural place for me to start. I had drop pods I could repurpose and the BoC box gave me a cheap way in the game. My HH collection is gonna be a slow grow, but I do look to try other RoW that will fit what I have. I'm try to minimize 'bad purchases'. No one wants that expensive white elephant in their bag.... And this post is to help mitigate that. So I am really appreciate the replies and insite. Edited July 28, 2020 by bushman101 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Indefragable Posted July 28, 2020 Share Posted July 28, 2020 (edited) Always DS the unit with Sangy attached last, since you do not scatter. Much easier for them to thread the needle then your other blobs coming down. I personally like Sangy. a Chaplain, and an apoth in a 20man ASM squad w/ Combat shields. Its the best protection in the world, but it wastes enemy fire chewing through those expendable bodies instead of the Dawnbringers dropping down in other spots. A wise opponent may not fall for it and go for the DB’s instead, but then I have Papa S with 20 ablative wounds to go rip n’ tear. Personally, I have struggled forever to fit nuncio voxes in. I feel they can be a red herring since you spend is much time and effort (and money and points) getting them just right while you could be focusing on the units you actually want to rock with. But other folks here have more reps on the battlefield than I do, so take that for what you will. Another thought to consider is that as long as you meet the conditions, DoR lists can take many forms. I have a mech version I’ve been toying around with: as long as you have compulsory troops and HQ (2x ASM and a char), w/ jump packs, don’t bring anything excluded in the list, and have 1 more infantry unit than vehicles (excluding DT’s), you’re golden and get that +1I on the charge. Edited July 28, 2020 by Indefragable Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
bushman101 Posted July 31, 2020 Author Share Posted July 31, 2020 (edited) Hey, so here is my 1st 2000 pts list below. A lot of it is made up from stuff from the BoC box. I have 20 pts free to kinda tool around with stuff... 1980 pts out of 2000 HQ- Praetor Blade of Perdition, JP, Iron Halo Elite- Angel's Tear (5) Volkite Serpenta Elite- Dawnbreakers (5) Elite- Contemptor dread Multi melta Drop pod Troop- Assault squad (10) Power fist Troop- Assault squad (10) Power fist Troop- Tactical squad (10) Drop pod Troop- Tactical support (6) 6 melta guns Drop pod Troop- Tactical support (7) 7 melta guns Drop pod Fast- Incaendius Contemptor dread 2 melta guns 1 Talon, 1 Dread CCW Edited July 31, 2020 by bushman101 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Mogsam Posted July 31, 2020 Share Posted July 31, 2020 5 man squads are a bit pointless in my opinion. They don't survive hits or deal enough damage. This is heresy, go 10 or go home! Bung and Gorgoff 2 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Spagunk Posted July 31, 2020 Share Posted July 31, 2020 (edited) I'm not a fan of all that melta but it's what you got.TBH, I'd look to see if you can field Tactical Vets. One of the most effective is outflanking/deep striking vets with combi-plasma. Helps defeat 2+ saves from range where as melta is in charge distance meaning they'll be charged soon to nullify the melta's power. Edited July 31, 2020 by Spagunk Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
bushman101 Posted July 31, 2020 Author Share Posted July 31, 2020 (edited) 5 man squads are a bit pointless in my opinion. They don't survive hits or deal enough damage. This is heresy, go 10 or go home! I plan on getting more Dawnbreakers later. Angel's Tears I'm on the fence. Basically I want to play a few games and see how they do. Either I will get more, or they will get replaced. I'm not a fan of all that melta but it's what you got. TBH, I'd look to see if you can field Tactical Vets. One of the most effective is outflanking/deep striking vets with combi-plasma. Helps defeat 2+ saves from range where as melta is in charge distance meaning they'll be charged soon to nullify the melta's power. Most of my list should do ok versus infantry but have a hard time against armor, hence all the melta. The idea is to but a drop pod next to a vehicle and blast it with massed melta. I have a few marines built with combi-melta. Was thinking of either Tact Vets or Seekers. Maybe I'll add a few combi-plas to the unit, but as a long time 40k player, I have trust issues with plasma... Edited July 31, 2020 by bushman101 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
bushman101 Posted August 3, 2020 Author Share Posted August 3, 2020 Here's a list of things I have on the sidelines. These are things I just have or something I'm building towards: 5 terminators w/ chainfists terminator 'captain' Chaplain with JP, Crozius and bolt pistol 3 marines with combi melta 4 marines with Missile Launchers I know I might get Flakk (pun intended) for the Missile. I like the versatility. Combis might be Seekers or Tact Vets. Not sure yet. I was able to order a box of MKIV marines from the LGS. I'm open to suggestions for things to try....both in terms for building to 3000pts or hot swapping units Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Spagunk Posted August 5, 2020 Share Posted August 5, 2020 ... Maybe I'll add a few combi-plas to the unit, but as a long time 40k player, I have trust issues with plasma... Oh, don't get me wrong. Gets Hot IS going to get you. The idea is to get in rapid fire range and just annihilate anything with a 2+ armor save. Very handy against command squads or to get wounds on that unit of termies. You're going to lose your dudes but the idea is that you're trading for meat for hard hits. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Mogsam Posted August 5, 2020 Share Posted August 5, 2020 I use combi Plas on seekers, they get preferred enemy so the gets hot is weakened significantly. Combi melta on terminators in an anvillus is my preferred method. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
m0nolith Posted August 5, 2020 Share Posted August 5, 2020 (edited) Time out. What rite of war are you running? If you're running a Day of Revelation Rite of War, you cant take regular Drop Pods. Dreadnought drop pods, Kharybdis and Dreaclaws are fine, but no regular Drop Pods. Edited August 5, 2020 by m0nolith Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Spagunk Posted August 5, 2020 Share Posted August 5, 2020 Time out. What rite of war are you running? If you're running a Day of Revelation Rite of War, you cant take regular Drop Pods. Dreadnought drop pods, Kharybdis and Dreaclaws are fine, but no regular Drop Pods. Are you referring to the Immobile units rule? That was removed when they updated the drop pod sheet: Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Mackenzie Posted August 5, 2020 Share Posted August 5, 2020 No he is not. The only way for infantry to get regular drop pods as a transport option is the Orbital Assault RoW. Ayatollah_of_Rock_n_Rolla 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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