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Executioners 4th Co. ‘scout’ squad:

Came up with the idea a while back for this squad when I read that after their role in the Badab War and subsequent judgment of a 100 year penitent crusade without the ability to recruit or raise new scouts/neophytes. Imagined that as time wore on and some existing scouts were elevated to full axe brothers and maybe other fully fledged marines would take the role of scouts/skirmishes within the battle companies. Plus was fun to convert and model these in a ‘techno/barbaric’ sort of vibe. Enjoy!


It's an interesting concept; and I do appreciate that you've gone to the effort of putting the black carapace interface ports on the exposed skin. 

Personally, I think the models with the original legs are a better approach than the ones wherein you've used mk.vi/vii marine ones; although I'm pleasantly surprised by how well the conventional marine arms and such have gone with the reaver bodies. The back-banner under a Maltese Cross is a nice touch, and helps solidify the VIIth legion connection

I've done a few not entirely dissimilar efforts in the past, as applies building techno-barbarians rather than un/less armoured astartes aspirants; although I'd largely restricted myself to swapping hands (and therefore weapons) [not just marine ones - the orlock ballistic glove style hands seemed to fit pretty well as well], heads (one of the earliest ones made rather cool use of a Goliath skull gasmask with a Marine helmet plume), and grenades, pouches, other assorted gubbinz, etc. 

On another note, I'd also seen some efforts at doing truescale Scouts utilizing Goliath bodies and such; and I've occasionally taken a stab at making Astartes or Astartes-like sorts in Mk.I armour, or other not-fully-powered armour of a sort that could definitely work for the up-armoured equivalent to Marines that're now largely well beyond even replacement parts, out of combinations of blood warrior legs, various torsos, and tartaros terminator arms. 

Thanks Thamior; project evolved out of pure modeling and trying to keep it somewhat fluffy and fun/rule of cool. Hence the axes, power armor ports on skin, grisly trophies, and ties to the imperial fists origins and Templar’s, etc.


I admit it’s not a perfect union, I tried to hide any scale issues with bits and also chains, etc. , but had the extra bits and models laying around and thought maybe take a stab and chop at some crazy conversions.


Problem also arises with how heavy the fully armored marine legs and boots would be, even for a trans-human without a power source to help drive them. Likewise thought of making the one glaive/double sided axe be powered and model it as such but not sure.

Edited by Yosef Hausakluif

Thanks Kolgrim; still have some ways to go on details but finally happy with the base/layers/washes for the leathers and boots and grimy dirty bare flesh areas.


More pics hopefully to come this weekend.


What’d you think about blood for the blood God paint and effect on the main double glaive headsmen?

  • 3 weeks later...
  • 4 weeks later...

Just need to finish the bases and they’re ready to go! Happy with how the paint jobs came out in the end regardless of any converting mash up madness regarding the models’ origins.












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