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4th Battle Co. Executioners (consolidated) thread

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Executioners 4th Co.

Long long time lurker and now finally, after many failed attempts I have figured out posting images and using the gallery here correctly.

Attempting to consolidate all of my random specific posting threads into one and continue from there. I’ll have one here in the Hall and one over in WIP.

I model, paint, and convert and don’t really play at all; so my models and squads and army will be pretty much rule of cool and not always table top legal per the most recent editions, etc.

One half of my Executioners army will be mostly from the basic SM Codex and use the old school 40K Compendium (showing my age) blue and grey urban camo theme, while the other half will be from the SW Dex and the more modern gun metal theme.

The basic fluff idea is that many decades into their forced 100 year penitent crusade, each of the chapters companies start to diverge from the prescribed codex in some ways at the squad level, due to consolidation and attrition and not being able to recruit. So, veterans take on the recon scout role, like space wolf scouts do. Tac squads are more specialized like grey hunters, etc. But, some habits die hard like replacing a codex dev squad with a stern guard squad of vets, 3 death speakers to a company; troops wanting to get to grips with the enemy to earn honor, trophies, close range fire fights, and so on.

So without more fanfare I give you the 4th Battle companies one assault squad which is really a Bloodclaw squad lead by a pack leader with a power fist and a WG pack leader with a power axe. Kept it at 10 men total for ease of fluff, but also idea that so many years into a crusade with attrition taking its role in the company’s ranks; you’d have some pretty hard and veteran like assault marines!

Some group shots:




WG Pack Leader



Pack Leader



And the rest of the pack/squad of laughing axe men








A classic model I repainted for the squad for fun:




Another angle:


My favorite pose:



Lone special weapon trooper:



Another favorite; leads with his bionic arm now;



And a detail and nod to the chapters origins;


Thanks for looking !

Kolgrim: Thanks again for the kind words. Feels good to be posting these and getting a positive reaction after working on them for so long without feedback, etc. I had that old metal Ragnar model painted up in the classic light blue grayish space wolf colors for a long time and then decided to re purpose him for this project rather than have him sit all alone into the future with no pack to be a part of. I’d say go for it as it’s a fun model to paint with all the detail and really stands out if not a little static in pose obviously.


Bjorn; thanks as well. Funny you should say that. I grew up in New York and was always fascinated with the Algonquin native Americans and their more aggressive and warlike neighbors the Iroquois tribe too. I’ve honestly used a lot of war paint and face markings as I’m not always the best at bare heads and skin tones. The plains tribes and Apache def used similar war paint as well. I think black and white as well as red and white look pretty good and easy to do. More to come.

  • 2 weeks later...

4th Co. Death Speaker Shim’son, a legend among the Chapter, walking amongst his axe brothers of the 4th Company and providing sage council to the battle company’s warlord/captain; whilst maintaining the tales and exploits of his fellow fallen brethren on internal data spools during their imposed crusade to regain their home world, right to recruit again, and most of all...honor.

Shim’son’s tally of kills filled volumes whilst he still walked amongst his brothers as one of them. Now he stands as a reminder of what is to come for many among the axe brethren...only in death does duty end; and even then it may continue for the high executioner and the chapter.

One of the 4th Co.’s three traditional DeathSpeakers. Not sure if I like the battle standard or not, and glad I made it removable for storage purposes. Also; wasn’t sure if I should gore and bloody up the left or right claw or both?

Any feedback is much appreciated!









I was thinking I that too. Mostly model and paint so wasn’t sure if that was codex compliant or just to go with rule of cool anyway. Maybe the old chaos rhino havoc launcher as many have used. I also recently made some home made converted missile pods for various projects using GS and actual 10mm shell casings. (Empty brass of course) Now you got me thinking....


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