Bjorn Firewalker Posted June 7, 2020 Share Posted June 7, 2020 Excellent works. Glorious. Bolter babes done right.I agree.(Also, is it just me, or does the final one klnda look like she's taking a selfie with her relic stick?)Now that you mention it, yes. Maschinenpriester 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
noigrim Posted June 8, 2020 Share Posted June 8, 2020 Felt holy might delete later Mithrilforge and ranulf the revenant 2 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Mithrilforge Posted June 16, 2020 Share Posted June 16, 2020 (edited) Gah glorious work ….makes me want to paint.....Terrain  Mithril Edited March 10, 2023 by Mumeishi fixed broken emoji Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Maschinenpriester Posted June 19, 2020 Author Share Posted June 19, 2020 I just finished my first Exorcist tank. I wonder how people have the patience to even paint 3 of those.... wow what a ride. That was my first tank I ever painted. I have learned a lot!  I did not glue the exhausts on yet because I am thinking of adding more weathering. I am wondering if I should add some blackened area around it. I would do that by spraying nuln oil through an airbrush. Any thoughts or tips about that?  Here are some pictures of the Exorcist Tank    I definitely enjoyed working on this. It took me about a week to paint, but I don't feel like doing anther one right now.  This was my last project I had int he pipeline for now. (exept two additional arms for my Inquisitor) I am waiting for 9th edition to unfold now and see what I want to work on next.  My guess would be It is going to be either repentias / arco flaggelants or seraphim / zeraphym as I love the models. I also would like to have a Celestine. Marshal Reinhard, Sandalphon, robofish7591 and 6 others 8 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Bjorn Firewalker Posted June 19, 2020 Share Posted June 19, 2020 Excellent work on the Exorcist. Maschinenpriester 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Maschinenpriester Posted November 1, 2020 Author Share Posted November 1, 2020 (edited) I have finished another Project that was on my list. The Celestine and her bodyguards. I also made a few Objectives recently. I am showing the Sisters specific ones here. Â I had fun painting my first mainly gold mini. I used Vallejo liquid gold, and agrax earthshade wash for the gold. I am quite pleased with how the gold turned out. The Celestine Itself was quite a hassle to build, because I painted it in may sub-assemblies, and they where kind of hard to glue together because everything is floating and all the bits needed to be held in place for a while. Â Â As usual, I did a group shot first with some scenery. Â Â Here the Celestine in its full glory. Â And her bodyguards. Â Â And the two Sisters specific objectives I made from some leftover bits, Plasticard and some Stevalin I cast and smashed after. Â Â Â Not sure what Project Ill do next. I have some terrain I still need to paint up and some non Sisters Projects. Â Regarding Sisters Ill probably wait till I get a few games in to determine which way I want to continue the Army. I think Ill definitely getting some seraphim, as I love the models a lot. Edited November 1, 2020 by Maschinenpriester Bjorn Firewalker, Interrogator Stobz, Dr_Ruminahui and 5 others 7 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Bjorn Firewalker Posted November 1, 2020 Share Posted November 1, 2020 Excellent work on St. Celestine and the Gemini. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Maschinenpriester Posted January 20, 2021 Author Share Posted January 20, 2021 I recently finished some reinforcements, even though i took quite the break from painting for a bit, because my wife surprised me with Cyberpunk and I got a bit addicted for a while. Â But now I am back to painting! Â I finished 10 Arco Flagelants which I grabbed in my local store before the new lockdown happened again. Â Here a group shot of the guys and gals with some terrain as usual. I experimented with darker skin tones here the first time and I am quite fond of the result. Â Here a closeup of a smaller group to show off some more details. Â The Arco Flagelants have also seen battle with my full army the first time. They packed quite the punch against a full blob of necron warriors. Â Â I also finished 5 Seraphim, which you can see here: Â Group shot with terrain: Â Â And one closeup of a seraphim which i especially like. I guess because the scar on her face turned out quite satisfactory and it gives her lots of character. Â They are all magnetized, so I can use them to bolster up the 5 seraphim which came without special weapons in the starter set as either inferno pistols, hand flamers, or even just with bolt pistols to make a big blob of 10. For those who are Interested in the technical details. I used 1.5 x 2 mm magnets and magnetized at the Joint between glove and arm, which worked quite well, drilling in the glove is a bit tricky though, because they is quite fragile. Â In the pictures you can also see my new kill team mat I made from acrylic caulking! Â Next up is a squad of Zeraphim, which is allready on the painting table. This is where I sourced the additional guns from! Â I also ordered a squad of repentia, but who knows when those are going to arrive. =D Bjorn Firewalker and Mithrilforge 1 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Bjorn Firewalker Posted January 20, 2021 Share Posted January 20, 2021 Again, excellent work. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
ThePenitentOne Posted January 22, 2021 Share Posted January 22, 2021 This is a fantastic army. Â Love the Terminator conversion too. It's too bad only Ordo Malleus can take Terminator armour; obviously she can still join as an Agent, but Sisters are so connected to Hereticus that they are always my first choice. Â Great work! Maschinenpriester 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Maschinenpriester Posted January 22, 2021 Author Share Posted January 22, 2021 Thanks Pentinent one. I gladly would have chosen ordo heretics, if I could have gone for terminator Armour. But unfortunately GW did not give us that option for reasons. So I had to go with malleus. One advantage is that their 5++ psychic power goes very well with the arco flaggelants. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Maschinenpriester Posted March 8, 2021 Author Share Posted March 8, 2021 (edited) Greetings loyal servants of the god emperor,  I have finished a Zeraphym squad yesterday. Today I had the time to take some photos with a new display board that I also finished recently. It's dimensions fit exactly into my display case. So I hopefully never have to buy another one.  Here a group shot of my new squad:   The leader:   I especially enjoyed painting the flag here. This was the first flag I have ever painted so far. I have a second one which will make a fine objective soon.    I hope you like it. comments and critique are always welcome.  I am still strugeling with photography, as I feel I still do not achieve what I aim to achieve. This time I think the photos focus came out well but maybe they are a tad too brigth? Can anyone recommend a good tutorial on how to best photograph minis in an environment (So not in a sterile photo box)?  Here a photo of my new display board, which also will be used for future photo ops, until I build something new.   Next up will be 9 Repentias and a Superior/ Palatine/ Canoness, which i made out of the Repentia Superior. I have a game planned in the end of march. I hope, that I will be finished with them in time. Edited March 8, 2021 by Maschinenpriester Mithrilforge, Elzender, Tallarn Commander and 1 other 3 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Maschinenpriester Posted March 23, 2021 Author Share Posted March 23, 2021 (edited) Yesterday I have been able to finish a Repentia Squad! Â Today I found the time to take some glamour shot of these repenting warriors. Â I have broken them up into groups of tree this time to show them all off in the same focus. Â Â Pretty happy with how they turned out. I liked this model the most: Â Â Â Its not necessarily about the paint job, but more about how it looks and how it is based on an old codex artwork. Â I hope you like them. I had a lot of fun painting them as usual. The new Sisters sculpts are flatout amazing. Â Now I have painted everything I planned on painting from the start. But this does not mean I am going to stop now. It seems I have successfully preordered a box of Piety and Pain. So next up will be some more Retributors, some Battlesisters to make use of all the heavy weapons (And of course i need more sisters still), the Immolator Tank, and of course the new Palatine sculpt. I am interested to see how that stained glass window will turn out. Â As Germany is going into one of the hardest lockdowns there ever was so far, I guess i'll have lots of time to paint and no gaming time at all. My paint rack is prepared, paints and primer are all in stock. Now I just need to wait for new minis to turn up at my door. Edited March 23, 2021 by Maschinenpriester Mithrilforge and Bjorn Firewalker 1 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Maschinenpriester Posted July 1, 2021 Author Share Posted July 1, 2021 I have finally finished my half of the piety and pain box I split with my brother. In addition I painted the Repentia Superior up as a Canoness. Â May hobby progress has slowed in the last few weeks and is going to be much slower now because I became a father last week. Â I also made another mini display board to take pictures with from leftovers I had lying around. I made additional adapter plates, so I can use them with the display board I allready have for Kill team. This will be displayed in another thread though as soon as I find the time to take some pictures of the setup. Â First a group shot of the ladies as usual: Â Â The Immolator, which is fully magnetzied including the Hunter Killer Missle. Besides the turret and the heavy bolter are still movable. It was a blast to paint like all the other Sororitas minis have been so far. Â Â Closeup of the interior: Â Â The Retributors have been equipped with Heavy Melters, some of them I converted from the heavy flamers with leftover Heavy Melter Tips from the SM Devastator kit. Â Â Â The Superior which is fully magnetized as well: Â Â The Palatine: Â Â Canoness (Former Repentia Superior) Â Â Next up are Morven Wahl, and 3 Paragon Warsuits, which I have already prepared for priming. Also I have a box of 10 more Battle sisters on my hobby desk. I cant say yet how long it will be till my next Update. I hope you like what you see so far. Elzender, Mithrilforge, Dr_Ruminahui and 1 other 3 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Rogue Posted July 1, 2021 Share Posted July 1, 2021 Nice work. But also, Congratulations! I hope you're enjoying it. Maschinenpriester 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Bjorn Firewalker Posted July 2, 2021 Share Posted July 2, 2021 Beautiful works. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Marshal Reinhard Posted July 2, 2021 Share Posted July 2, 2021 what's your recipie for the white? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Maschinenpriester Posted July 2, 2021 Author Share Posted July 2, 2021 (edited) Nice work. But also, Congratulations! I hope you're enjoying it.Thank you, It's a big change and lots of sleep deprevation but it is fulfilling. what's your recipie for the white?My original recipe can be seen on my fist post. I have however refined it since then. After Priming I use an airbrush with the following mixtures:  1. Zenithal Highlight - Vallejo Model Air White  2. 2 Parts Vallejo model Air White; 6 Parts Vallejo Model Air Light Brown; 1 Part AK Interative Transparator (Acrylic medium)  3. Slightly Wider zenithal - 3 Parts Vallejo model Air White; 1 Parts Vallejo Model Air Light Brown; 1 Part AK Interative Transparator (Acrylic medium) (Optional if you want to speed it up)  4. Final Zenithal Highlight - Vallejo Model Air White  After that I finish all other areas of the mini and then do the armour last. For this I go in with a brush. I Highly recommend using a wet palette for this.  1. Seraphim Sepia Wash -> Remove at highlighted areas with a q-tip  2. 3 Parts Screaming skull; 1 Part Vallojo Model colour White; 1 Part Vallejo Thinner Medium on wet pallet -> Going over most non recessed areas  3. Highlights 1 Parts Screaming Skull; 3 Parts Vallojo Model colour White; 1 Part Vallejo Thinner (Optional if you want to speed it up)  4. Finally highlighting with 6 Parts Vallojo Model colour White; 1 Part Vallejo Thinner 1 Part Vallejo Satin Varnish (this makes the white smoother to work with)  You can apply a second layer of white to define volumes and edge highlights.   at first it sounds a bit much maybe, but if you do Batchpainting it goes rather quickly I find. I hope it helps. Edited July 2, 2021 by Maschinenpriester Mithrilforge 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Maschinenpriester Posted October 28, 2021 Author Share Posted October 28, 2021 (edited) I have finished Morvenn Vahl and 3 Paragon Warsuits which are fully magnetized (Exept i did not care about the storm bolter because it is ugly as heck). As you might have noticed It took me a tad longer to finish stuff this time. But I found my groove I think. I also have a painting buddy (also a young father) now who I am teaching to paint once and a while. This also slowed me down a bit because I just painted a bunch of Tsons with him. But its nice to have someone in the neighborhood enjoying the same hobby.  I just had time to take some photos. I hope you enjoy:  Morvenn Vahl which I painted a while ago. I had fun painting the gold. It somehow did not turn out as nice as the gold at the celistine. I have no idea why. But I am still happy with the outcome considering my limited paintingtime recently.   Then we got a group shot of the Warsuits. CCWs and guns are magnetized for easy list biulding.  I enjoyed painting them. The massive amount of trim reminded me of my CSM. I tried to convert them and give them a similar skirt like morvenn has but my sculpting skill are almost non-existant so I called the operation off after 2 trys.   Here we got the Superior  Paragon Warsuit no. 2:  Paragon Warsuit no. 3:  And a final group shot  Recently I have not played a lot of 40k. I mainly play the new kill team. It will take some time till I am able to try the warsuits, since last time I somewhat blew my regular oponent off the table with the new battle sisters dex and I feel I need to play my Emperors Children next time to tone It down a little. So Ill Try to finish some of my EC stuff till the next game.  Next Up for the Sisters are 11 regular Sisters with various weapons, and a Preacher (Zelot with an eviscerator) After that I am planning on getting some celestian Sarcesants (Not sure if one or 2 Boxes though) and a hospitaller. This will keep my Pile of shame at a minimum for the forseeable future. Edited October 28, 2021 by Maschinenpriester Grotsmasha, Magos Takatus, Dr_Ruminahui and 3 others 5 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Bjorn Firewalker Posted October 28, 2021 Share Posted October 28, 2021 Excellent work on the Palatine warsuits. Maschinenpriester 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Shovellovin Posted October 29, 2021 Share Posted October 29, 2021 Lots of really cool stuff here. Excellent work on both your models and display board. Maschinenpriester 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest Triszin Posted October 29, 2021 Share Posted October 29, 2021 Those are awesome Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Maschinenpriester Posted February 20, 2022 Author Share Posted February 20, 2022 I have managed recently to add a Preacher and 4 additional Bolter SIsters to my army. This was necessary after the new codex dropped and my listst which feature a bunch of special and heavy weapons became illegal. Here my brand new preacher Zelot who is going to run around with my arco flaggelants. I am really happy with how she turned out. It was a nice project doing something else then white or purple armour. And here a bunch of bolter weilding BSS. Nothing special. But they have been a nice relaxation after a long day of working and renovating the house for hours. Next up is the superior, and the simulcrum and I assume some heavy flamer sisters. Dr_Ruminahui, Rockybaerboa, Dosjetka and 3 others 6 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Rockybaerboa Posted February 24, 2022 Share Posted February 24, 2022 impressive paintjob! I like the colours Maschinenpriester 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Bjorn Firewalker Posted February 24, 2022 Share Posted February 24, 2022 Excellent works. Maschinenpriester 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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