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Melta retributors worth it?

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I’m looking for feedback on the topic. I’m building a new 2000 point list and My plan is to run rets in a repressor but I’m finding there very expensive to run for what my plan is and I’m reading that they don’t perform good. What’s your opinions and possibly alternatives? Mortifiers? More exorcists? Thanks Edited by grimsanity
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Exorcists are the absolutely most efficient anti-tank option, but sisters are a pretty decent army in general with few "wrong" choices. You'll have success with Retributors, even if they aren't cutting edge top of the meta performers. If you're not looking to make top tables at an event, then you don't need to worry about what people think is "bad".


Retributors work great, and you can go pretty cheap with something like two multi-melta and two cherubs for a strong alpha strike. You'll need to plan for the limited range, though.

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I have been running 2-3 squads in Repressors since the new book came out. (was running dominions in them before) Overall they have been under performing and I'm going to try my next game without them.


the main issue seems to be due to the games value of quantity over quality right now. I'm finding that only 4 shots on a 3+ even with Canoness re-rolls is just not enough to get things done. and even when wounds do get through there are so many invaul saves around that ap4 just does not go as far as it used to. Even stacking squads on targets is often not enough to take down most factions T8 tanks consistently. They can swing and do a ton of damage but most of the time I'm only getting 1 or 2 shots through if that.


I run three exorcists and although they can be swingy I consider that a core component of any list I build. combined with a stock Canoness and Imagifier with tale of the stoic it makes a nice little force to sit on an objective and blast away. With ignore ap2 marines often have a tough time dealing with them, especially IF which is a bonus. 

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Melta rets and Exorcists don't really replace each other, they complement each other. It's all about threat saturation. Especially if you're playing where Repressors are allowed and you're using them, they provide quite a target for the enemy to consider instead of the Exorcists. They get quite a good threat range, even more if you're Argent Shroud since even advancing the Repressor has no negative effect. Can't use stratagems while inside of course. Not sure if they could use Cherubs either?


That said, for any 2k list three Exorcists is pretty much a given. Beyond that, melta rets are the most powerful ranged anti-tank we have in a mono codex list.

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Retributors are decent but Exorcists are simply better in every way. While at close range the melta guns will deal more damage, the tank is going to get off far more shots during the game (hopefully even on turn 1) and is more durable. IMO it's best to fit as many Exorcists in your list as points allow. 

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I have been running 2-3 squads in Repressors since the new book came out. (was running dominions in them before) Overall they have been under performing and I'm going to try my next game without them.

IF, big IF, I was going to run Rets in a Repressor they would probably be heavy flamer Rets.


Ive been running them with double BSS with 2 SB's and an Inferno Pistol in each. Loving them!

Edited by dracpanzer
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Not able to play Repressors in my neck of the woods, but then again nobody has them so that is probably why. Been just playing Retributors on foot.


Too much AT in my meta for a unit with only a 6++ to survive long. Exorcists have been a mighty big waste in the matches I've proxied them in for. With such a high points cost I end up feeling like I have to MD them as often as possible which just kills my enjoyment of the mechanic. Love the model but won't be picking any up or playing them until my meta stops the AT saturation or they get a new defensive bonus that isn't tied to VH.


Also it could just be because I have absolutely zero interest in the VH bandwagon. Such a boring subfaction imo.


As far as Rets go? Pure money.

Edited by Lemondish
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I feel like VH really doesn't do that much for Exorcists. In my experience the weapons that generally kill my tanks are usually AP -3 or -4 anyway.  Of course that does depend on the local meta. And then if you have an Imagifier for your backline, you need at least another one for your frontline, and then possibly a third for when one of the two gets sniped or something. Not so cheap to keep ignoring -2 army-wide. And I agree, it's a somewhat boring mechanic.


But I'll admit I'm currently rethinking Retris for my plastics. Not because I think they'd suck or such but my Argent Shroud can field them sort of better while on foot, and for the plastics I already need Rhinos for the melee units and of course the combined Exorcists piles up on the points cost... and I want to field a reasonable amount of jump pack units for the mobility, as I already feel my marines are much too static and thus am trying to do the same there. So it ends up being the usual problem of too many units, not enough points available! And of course I'd need to buy a second Retri box to run a proper plastic unit of them.

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Also it could just be because I have absolutely zero interest in the VH bandwagon.

My VH Sisters are all '97 purchased and painted. Exo's paired with the VH Strategem cure a lot of ills and go great in Sister Soup.

Oh, for sure. They're totally cool, but I never built them before. I'm not a longtime VH faithful servant like you, and I don't really feel like they are the force I want to build long term, personally. As such, I'm not to keen on jumping on the bandwagon just for the rules.


I can afford to build at least one of my armies to appeal to my tastes rather than trying for the cutting edge. Selfimposed limitations aside, I have found Melta Retributors, especially inside the BS, to be pretty awesome.

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Personally I prefer Melta Rets to Exorcists. I'm aware I'm in a minority with that view!


I find the Rets are more resilient (2+ unmodifed save is strong!) and the ablative bodies can be lost without any deterioration of the damage output. 

Sorry but what do you mean unmodified 2+ save? That would mean having 2+ on their datasheet itself. They only get 2+ in cover and with their limited range they certainly can't always be in cover (not to mention cover-ignoring shenanigans by enemies). Or if you meant ignoring AP-2, that's just VH rather than the unit, and works for the Exos too.


But much like you'd expect, Rets are more resilient against anti-tank weapons like lascannons (since anything past 1 damage per shot is wasted), while Exo is more resilient against anti-infantry weapons.

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I collected a squad of rets only for painting them, so I might use them. And one good thing is that they can ignore their heavy characteristic of their weapon so they can run and shoot :) Not sure how good they are but I will consider running them. I definately think exorcists are the best option though.

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I collected a squad of rets only for painting them, so I might use them. And one good thing is that they can ignore their heavy characteristic of their weapon so they can run and shoot :) Not sure how good they are but I will consider running them. I definately think exorcists are the best option though.

Or they’re more heavy weapons to sprinkle into battle sister squads.

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I collected a squad of rets only for painting them, so I might use them. And one good thing is that they can ignore their heavy characteristic of their weapon so they can run and shoot :smile.: Not sure how good they are but I will consider running them. I definately think exorcists are the best option though.

Or they’re more heavy weapons to sprinkle into battle sister squads.


Probably. The exorcist probably does the job well enough.

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