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Deathwing and anti tank


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Does DW mean only Landraiders, Stormravens, and Ven Dreads?


If that is the case, then those. Plus some Cyclone Missile Launchers.


If not, I'd say Predators would be a nice addition.

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Well, in that case, pretty much the same anti tank options as any list.


So far I have had good results with melta bikes and missile launcher devastators, as a combined effort to put down vehicles.

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Nah pure deathwing in my opinion does not work too well this edition so I’m open to all things


Even Forgeworld ? Because that's where you'll get our best anti tank...


Relic Leviathan Dreadnought with Double Cyclonic Melta Lance and Heavy Flamers, 323pts. 4D3 shoots hit on 2+ S9 AP-4 DmgD6 (melta damage).

Relic Deredeo Dreadnought with Arachnus Heavy Lascannon Battery and Twin Heavy Bolters, 212pts. 2 shoots hit on 2+ S10 AP-4 DmgD6 (mortal wounds).

Contemptor Mortis Dreadnought with Quad Lascannon and Missile Launcher, 200pts. 6 shoots hit on 2+ S8/9 AP-2/3 DmgD6.

Double Rapier Carrier Laser Destroyer, 2x100pts. 2 shoots hit on 3+ S12 AP-4 DmgD6 (up to 3D6).

Deimos Pattern Vindicator Laser Destroyer, 185pts. 2 shoots hit on 3+ S10 AP-5 Dmg6.


My favorite is the Contemptor, i believe he is the most cost effective of these choices and the Dark Angels version looks ace.

The solid alternative is the Vindicator because of it's flat damage.

The worst is the Deredeo and he's ugly.

Edited by Chaplain Elijah
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  • 2 weeks later...

I think DW needs to use Mortis dreads with Lascannons...At least two if you can afford it to give you up to 8x LC shots per turn. 

In addition, Cyclone missile launchers are the most logical choice for our shooty squads. You get the anti-tank option plus the storm bolter.

Combine this with a DW assault x 10 man squad with 2 CML - that's 8 krak missile shots in one turn. Add Belial in there for re-rolls. 

Edited by ChaplainNemiel
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Nah pure deathwing in my opinion does not work too well this edition so I’m open to all things

Get Contemptor Mortis Dreadnoughts and use them like your life depends on it (because it probably does). Contemptor Mortis Dreadnoughts are basically hands down the most points efficient means of getting lascannons on the table while having mobility and fitting into the Deathwing nicely. Plus it can project a 5++ invul around it for units like scouts to camp around as more durable screening.

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Nah pure deathwing in my opinion does not work too well this edition so I’m open to all things

Get Contemptor Mortis Dreadnoughts and use them like your life depends on it (because it probably does). Contemptor Mortis Dreadnoughts are basically hands down the most points efficient means of getting lascannons on the table while having mobility and fitting into the Deathwing nicely. Plus it can project a 5++ invul around it for units like scouts to camp around as more durable screening.



Agree about the Mortis.

But regarding the last part it's the Deredeo who can do that (automantic pavaise rule or something like that).

Edited by Chaplain Elijah
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I used a Ravenwing / Deathwing mixed list the other week, the Ravenwing part removed a tank and all the visible infantry in 2 turns with the big unit of Deathwing Knights + Ancient dropping into the centre area.


The Deathwing part I took to deal with the really big stuff but they ended up just mopping up, I had a Librarian as well and a Ravenwing apothecary in tow


Pretty sure an Azreal Greenwing Base with a T2 Deathwing drop would work out similar, the warlord trait to switch back to Devastator doctrines ws pretty key.


Anything the Deathwing Knights touch just dies especially with righteous repugnance, the new banner and strategems make them crazy effective and the Knight master having carry over wounds just torches single wound units.

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Dropping two DW Knights units of 5 is nice :) These guys are absolute beasts. I still haven't tested my roster because of covid, but I was planning to support DW Knights with IR chaplain in TDM, with master of maneuvre trait, angel's ambit to be a bit more flexible distance wise and add Canticle of Hate for the sweet +2 inches on charges.

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My plan is to have a vanguard detachment of dreadnoughts led by a techmarine.

  • Techmarine
  • Deredeo dreadnought w/ hellfire plasma cannonade, twin heavy flamers and atomantic pavaise
  • 2 Venerable dreadnoughts w/ twin lascannons, DCCW and Heavy flamer

The extra 6" range first turn fixes the major problem with the hellfire plasma cannonade and with weapons of the dark age it is doing 4D per shot.  I have found it to be potent anti-tank.  The atomantic pavaise helps the resilience of the venerable dreadnoughts by giving them a 5+ invulnerable save.  While heavy bolters on the deredeo and opting for mortis dreadnoughts to maximise the lascannon shots may be the most efficient ranged build for this formation, I like the idea of any assaulters having to face all those heavy flamers and DCCW attacks should they get close. 

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