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The 5 metal Phoenix Lords are all from 1994. I can't think of much else that competes with that.


A couple of Dark Angel characters like Azrael are also from 2nd edition but they were from 1996 IIRC.

I think the Rune Priest in Terminator Armor's pretty old, after some research (i.e. a quick Google search for threads like this). Like, almost as old as the Phoenix Lords.


If we're including Fantasy stuff, I was looking at building a Clan Skryre army a bit ago, and the Skryre Acolytes are ancient enough they're still sold in single-model bubble packs, and they're still metal. Still a Games Workshop model, yeah? I'm not sure how old it is, but it's old. Then again, all the "classic" sculpts are older than I am anyway, so what would I know?

In Most cases you're look at special characters or a least HQ sections I think there a handful in Blood Angles, Dark Angles and Space Wolves that are around 2nd if not ealier.  



Warp Spiders are probably the oldest non HQ unit I can think of?


Maybe some of IG tank kits, Steel Legion? 

This might help.




Edit: Actually scratch that it's rt era stuff.



1993 for the Phoenix Lords I would say they are the absolute oldest models in the 40k range atm...


1995 for Dante/Corbulo/Tycho


2000 for plastic Zerkies mkII

The Missionary and Preacher as depicted in the Sister of Battle codex are mid 90s and both are still in actuall metal from GW right now, as opposed to the finecast conversion that most of the old metal sculpts went trough.



For marines it's the old Angels of Death codex sculpts - so Dante, Corbulo, Azrael, Ezekiel are the ones that come to mind. Ezekiel was a model I always wanted when I got started in the hobby in 96-97. But overall, the Phoenix Lords are super ancient. It's all the old 2nd ed sculots, the exception being Jain Zar, of course.


A lot of the generally viewed old sculpts are from the early 2000's like the Zerkers, Helbrecht and Grimaldus and the likes. A lot of modelas actually are from that era - Rhinos, Land Raiders, the Tau Piranhas, Devilfish and Hammerheads and a whole lot more.


But 90s - that's the domain of special characters - and that Space Wolf Rune Priest in termie armour. I bought that sculpt sometime in 97, I think

Jokaero number two is from the rough trader era, can’t find an exact date but 1987 to 1992 roughly



You sure about that? I'm pretty sure this fella's from around 2010. At least it definitely isn't from before 2001, as I remember its release and I didn't get into the hobby until just before the Eye of Terror campaign.

Edited by DeadFingers

What's our oldest plastic kit? It's actually difficult to tell sometimes, as some kits have been redone, but remain quite faithful to the originals. The 94 Leman Russ has been modernised since, but what about the 95 Chimera? 96 Space Marine Bikes and the 97 Vyper and Falcon could be contenders too. Catachans, old as they are, weren't until 98/99 I think?


Jokaero number two is from the rough trader era, can’t find an exact date but 1987 to 1992 roughly




Pretty sure that sculpt is from 2011.


Jokaero number two is from the rough trader era, can’t find an exact date but 1987 to 1992 roughly



You sure about that? I'm pretty sure this fella's from around 2010. At least it definitely isn't from before 2001, as I remember its release and I didn't get into the hobby until just before the Eye of Terror campaign.


Follow the link, that the Rouge Trader Jokaero number two. The picture is one from that webpage. It was rereleased In fine cast much later.




Edited by Trokair



Jokaero number two is from the rough trader era, can’t find an exact date but 1987 to 1992 roughly



You sure about that? I'm pretty sure this fella's from around 2010. At least it definitely isn't from before 2001, as I remember its release and I didn't get into the hobby until just before the Eye of Terror campaign.


Follow the link, that the Rouge Trader Jokaero number two. The picture is one from that webpage. It was rereleased In fine cast much later.



I think it's just included on that page for posterity's sake. The text reads: 'These pieces represent Alien races from the Rogue trader edition of 40k. The Jokaero have recently been re-introduced to the 40k universe, can the others be far behind? The Rogue Trader versions were painted by Roy Scorer.' Thus, there must be a non-RT version, which is the 2011 Jokaero (painted and based differently from the rest); which one presumes is a re-imagining of the original RT model. It was released in metal in the 5th edition Grey Knights range, then redone in Finecast after, I believe. Could be wrong of course, I'm not too clued up on my Oldhammer, but I'd bet good money that that's not an RT sculpt.

I have found a couple of real oldies. Njal Stormcaller in power armour is actually still available and dates from the end of 1st edition. Also, the 2 melee servitors with wrench-like arms are the same vintage. These are 1992 I think and definitely about a year older than the Phoenix Lords.

I think it's just included on that page for posterity's sake. The text reads: 'These pieces represent Alien races from the Rogue trader edition of 40k. The Jokaero have recently been re-introduced to the 40k universe, can the others be far behind? The Rogue Trader versions were painted by Roy Scorer.' Thus, there must be a non-RT version, which is the 2011 Jokaero (painted and based differently from the rest); which one presumes is a re-imagining of the original RT model. It was released in metal in the 5th edition Grey Knights range, then redone in Finecast after, I believe. Could be wrong of course, I'm not too clued up on my Oldhammer, but I'd bet good money that that's not an RT sculpt.

The website does tend to credit all painters where known, and I don’t think I seen a page where it has shown the modern equivalent alongside the old stuff. That’s said, you are right the wording and the different basing is a little odd, so maybe I guess. I just was always under the impression that that was from back then.


Well I guess it is the Phoenix Lords or Eldar Warlocks then.



1991 Catalog extract:


Swooping Hawks (maybe not sure):http://www.solegends.com/citcat1991a/cat1991ap095eldaraspects-01.jpg

Edited by Trokair

I have found a couple of real oldies. Njal Stormcaller in power armour is actually still available and dates from the end of 1st edition. Also, the 2 melee servitors with wrench-like arms are the same vintage. These are 1992 I think and definitely about a year older than the Phoenix Lords.

Oh, yeah, the Servitors. It was weird flipping through a friend's old Rogue Trader and 2e stuff and seeing the Servitor sculpt that they still sell now.

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