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So, I managed to snag a cheap eBay lot of two ork jets in need of some TLC. I've got an unbuilt jet kit at the house, so if me maffs is korrect, 2+1= an air wing detachment!


I've never actually fielded ork flyers before. So, I figured I'd ask you all about your thoughts on them. If you were to field an air wing detachment, what would you fill it with? Would you have 3 of the same flyer, or would you take a mix? What do you feel are the strongest flyers we have of the four we can take? And what Kultur would you recommend?


Through pure theorycrafting, I feel like the best two would be Burna Bommas and the Wazbom Blastajet. The Burna Bommas have a lower chance of dealing MWs to non infantry types directly, but that 4+ explodes result makes me feel like with good positioning they'd ultimately perform better against a variety of unit types when compared to the Dakkajet and the Blitza Bomma. The Wazbom looks like it affords the best all around shooting against heavier targets, but man is it expensive and it screams fire magnet. I fear it'll just get shot out of the sky turn one, which means taking at least two of them and that's pricey for the 1500 point range I'm looking at playing in.


For Kulturs... Bad Moons or Blood Axes? Rerolling 1s for shooting seems like a no brainer, but the cover bonus might be handy for keeping them alive if you don't get T1


What do y'all think?

Edited by Kaldoth
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The best kultur for fliers if you fill an entire airwing is probably deffskulls, you get a few rerolls but also an invuln and considering they're planes and will often be shot at with AT weaponry (depending on the rest of you list though) a 6++ is pretty handy.

The wazbom blasta jet is really good, if you run it fairly barebones. It's worth it to splurge on the KFF but I don't think the supashootas are worth 10 points each on a BS5+ platform. The tellyporta guns are fun but certainly not worth the 12 point premium. Remember this guys is a prime target to hit with your "long, uncontrolled bursts" strat to really put a hurting on enemy skimmers/repulsors etc.

The dakkajet is super solid and provides the big argument for Bad Moons but honestly Deffskulls is fairly close even here in overall lethality. Get the extra supa shootas and remember your range is actually pretty decent here, so unless you use it for character sniping you can really hold back on your board half with a diamond pattern flying.


The burnabomma become a lot more solid with skorcha missiles went down from 20 to 5 points. The bomms MWs happen in the movement phase so they could help open up gaps that other units then get to drive through in that same phase. Otherwise it might be a good idea to fly it into a really good position for a bombing run T2, remember that this one can be mad to fly off the board fairly easily if you get greedy with the bombs. Also remember that the plane is the biggest bomb of all and you can position it in ways where it's obstructing a lot of the enemy army where they have to either choose to move or shooti it down and risk it blowing up in their faces. It's cheap and fun.

I don't have the blitzabomma but units of vehicles are rare and the actual guns on it aren't fantastic so I don't really see the argument over the burnabomma personally.

I will say, overall an air wing is a lot of points to spend if you're playing 1500 point games. I wouldn't bring one under 1750 personally since you'll be thin on the ground.

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I've had great luck with my full-shoota loadout dakka jet.


Combined with being bad moons and L.U.B. strat, that's hitting on 3's against things like Raiders, ravagers, bikes, etc...  Even if someone like DE use the -1 strat they have, it's still a lot of shots hitting on 4+'s, with the 1's re-roll. Also, don't forget that the higher your "hit", the more likely DDD is to get you successful additional rolls since the odds of those extra generated hits jacks up too.

Last game had one round of shooting on one raider with kabalites get 18 hits with the re-rolls and DDD out of the initial 18.  Forced a lot of invulns and brought down the transport. (Heaven forbid you also use the Dakka strat for additional shots on 5's, though I save that for my lootas, especially if they've moved..)

For 140ish points, it's a good platform, and I can see where it would also have value as a good response to Tau crisis or Broadsides, knowing full well that it will immediately die the next turn of course. 3's to hit, 3's to wound, with that chunk of shots is some good anti-Tau.  With flyer movement, it could also make a good sniper for any pesky drone squads around a riptide, though, mind that splitting shots across the likely-multiple-squads of shield drones around it would get rid of its "+1 to hit if every gun targets the same unit."

The other ones I don't have any experience with, but a wazbom is on my ebay rescue list as well.

Edited by Dark Legionnare
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