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601st Artemesian cohort

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A few of the painted dudes from my M35 post crusade force.

Command squad with advisors and important members of co-faction forces.

Presenting the command squad element of the 601st Artemesian cohort. Remnants of whom are found M41 standing guard next to the VIIth legion as they have stood since their founding in the great crusade in M30.

Here in M35 they are tasked with routing the rising scourge of the Ork Waagh in this sector.

Field Marshall Caine is surrounded by his most trusted advisors and members of the Imperial contingent... The shadows hold a xenos Magi who is currently in league with our intrepid explorers ...


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  • 8 months later...

Humies looted a battlewagon? This is a new one on me. It looks good though, kind of like a halfway step between a taurox and those huge crawler things they used during the Heresy. I can definitely see an industrial world somewhere cranking these out. The stubber armament gives it a distinctly "guard" feel.

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