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So, this is a mix of a game, advertisement, and bragging. Whose how you play, pick an army (preferably one you play), and basically like codexes of yore, tell the reader why play this army. With an added caveat your talking about playing (Subfaction) of (Codex Army) where applicable. Your post should cover the following:

1) Generic Awesome Sauce (I.e Playing with an army made of Super Genetic Modifed Humans)

2) Some more specific general army lore (Black Templars are an army of ceaseless Crusaders never ceasing, never stopping at purging the enemy).

3) A Specific mechanical benefit wordy in such a way to sound fluffly (Unlike the more raging and barbaric style of melee favored by other Astartes, the Templars use instead a more percision instrument. There rules are for those who wish to fight in the style of knightly combat, where the duelist matters).

4) If able advertise a subfaction unique unit (The epitome of such is the Emperor’s Champion. The foremost duelist among the various Space Marines factions).



If you want to play an army in the grim darkness of the year 40,000 is that an army composed of genetic modified super soldiers, scions of Gods and Demigod, the Adeptus Astartes. Most Astartes are divided into 1000 chapters of 1000 battle brothers, and fight according to the most holy book the Codex Astartes. There are some chapters whom eschew the codex and fight by there own rules. One of which is the Black Templars, a successor of the prestigious Imperial Fists, instead of following the book laid down by Gulliman, the Templars follow the design and virtues of their founder Sigismund.


With no homeworld to call there own, the Templars wage war across the stars purging the xenos and heretic, bringing the Emperor’s light across the void of space as His Angels of Death. In this unending conflict, the Templars engage and prefer brutal melees, but where Wolves and Scars engage in barbaric brawls as befit their heritage. Templars fight as disciplined and honorable duelists, bringing skill snd finesse to bring the enemies of man to heel. And of them, you could pick units like the Emperor’s Champion, the finest duelist among the Adeptus Astartes. If you want to play an army that engages in an unending crusade, then this is tje chapter for you.



1. they are the most caring a humane of all the forces of the imperium. they champion protecting the imperial citizen as vulkan taught them to "defend the weak" and live with said same as leaders of their respective enclaves on their homeworld.  


2. the lore-blacksmiths/forgemasters, dragons, fire...they are dwarves that look like drow, whats not to love.  i love dreadnoughts and they have nifty dreadnoughts plus they championed the dread talon back in 5th ed  with the badab war books. 


3. in the old lore (armageddon codex)  they were slower, more methodical but hit harder with a focus on  short/mid range combat with fire and hammers like good dwarven forgemasters. 


Now they just get the re-rolls and ignore Ap-1 for "master crafted" .  i have played them since 5th so i am not to enthused with the new rules based on "lore" but it does not stop me from playing them. 



4. cassian dracos (30K) former chapter master and super cool dreadnought character(and bray'arth ashamantle his successor-not as cool but still good)




I also run a small mechanicus force, always had a soft spot for the techno-artesians of mars and their toys. 

Tau are like the Federation from Star Trek and the Covenant from Halo, but you got the mech suits from Starship Troopers (novel).


You do not have psykers, or any real combat ability.


But that won't matter, because the enemy will never catch you, and if you choose the correct faction (Enclaves) you can have 6 commanders.


So blast that hot blooded Weeb music and down another Ramune to feed Papa Nurgle's growing diabeetus in you as you hit on fours and wound on 3s or better in shooting.


So blast that hot blooded Weeb music ....


Not to derail the thread but can you make a list with nothing but suits? Nothing but Crisis/Riptide/Stormsurge (does it have a cap for those 2 exposed crew...) and Broadsides?


EDIT: You need a 3rd party addon to cover the crew...comical...

Edited by Scribe



So blast that hot blooded Weeb music ....


Not to derail the thread but can you make a list with nothing but suits? Nothing but Crisis/Riptide/Stormsurge (does it have a cap for those 2 exposed crew...) and Broadsides?


EDIT: You need a 3rd party addon to cover the crew...comical...



Of course


The only silly thing is GW has made a rule specific for tau that each detachment can only have 1 commander/character.


Otherwise you can make all sorts of combinations of spearhead (riptides and big suits), vanguard (all your elite suits) and outrider (for hazard suits) detachments. 


back in 7th my buddy ran a magnificent 7 list-commander ra'alai, X2  standard riptides, 2 y'vahra, 2  r'varna and a bunch of drones. 





but you'd be at a disadvantage (no troops, less command points)


If you are playing casual none of that matters, hell i hardly ever use command points except for the odd re-roll for charge range etc... but thats with the understanding  that i never play in tourneys, i never build cookie cutter power builds, and i focus on just playing with the minis that i like mostly because they look cool. 

Taking a break from assembling miniatures for this army faction to share this:


+++ Generic Awesomeful Sauce +++

The smallest yet greatest threat is disease. It is microscopic, invisible to the naked eye, but its impact is massive, as we are all seeing now.

The Chaos gods promise plenty, but they take much more in return. We all know Khorne deals in blood, the enemy's or yours. And Slaanesh tempts you with desire, and that thirst by its nature is never slated. When Tzeentch invites you to his 4D chess game, if you think you're the player, you are, in fact, the pawn. Nurgle, however, is generous, too generous, because nobody wants his gift.

In the grim darkness of the far future, I recall that Nurgle is the oldest of the major Chaos gods. But where there is only war, I recall that throughout history, pestilence killed far more than bludgeon or blade or bullet or bomb ever did. So Nurgle is not a has-been...Nurgle is what has ALWAYS been.

+++ Specific Army Lore +++

In Dark Imperium and this great Regimental Standard article about giggling cherubs (a redundant statement as every newsletter is great, my Commissar told me so), they illustrate cases where guardsmen are unknowingly affected by Nurgle. So I created my own Daemon army where the Poxbringer looks positively benign:


He is Patient Zero, a guardsman fleeing from base-to-base away from an epidemic, not knowing that he is an asymptomatic carrier, a Typhoid Marty, because...like all humans...he can see corruption everywhere except within. In an age of the mightiest heroes and most terrible villains since the Horus Heresy, he is a nobody...so he could be anybody. That's the danger.

+++ Fluffy Game Mechanic +++

Nurgle units are Disgustingly Resilient on top of their Daemonic saving throw. Like you know how when you're prescribed antibiotics and you're supposed to take the whole bottle even after you feel better, but when you feel better you forget to take them, so the few surviving bacteria basically cross the Rubicon to become Primaris bacteria that are now resistant to antibiotics? Fast-forward to the year 40,000 and this is what you get for not taking the whole bottle of antibiotics millennia ago!

+++ Subfaction Unique Unit +++

Nurgle is not known for speed, but their most diminutive unit, Nurglings...much like disease...get everywhere, then refuse to leave. For about the cost of a Grot on a per-wound basis, they infiltrate, and even though they're easy to wound, they have that double saving throw so they stick around way longer than people expect. Now, their version of Disgustingly Resilient only works on small arms fire, but if someone uses a Special or Heavy Weapon on them, it's like wasting a shot on a Grot. They tarpit, they block, they do the battlefield boogey for your heavy hitters like the Daemon Prince coming next turn.

Nurglings are something I love to keep in my tactical toolbox, like duct tape, for they are nearly universally useful, sticky...and fun to play with for no good reason. You want to have a hilarious afternoon at home? Rip off a strip of duct tape and stick it to a cat (edit - like on his paw, so he that he can try to peel it off himself), you'll never laugh so hard as what happens in the next 5 hours. Sticking Nurglings on an opponent is usually much the same (unless they're Salamander Aggressors).

+++ Conclusion +++

Have faith. Be confident that you don't have to worship Nurgle, that's okay, because Nurgle still believes in YOU.

Edited by N1SB

I am currently playing as the Flesh Tearers, a second founding of the Blood Angels, the ninth of the original legions.


The Flesh Tearers have inherited the flaws of the Red Thirst and the Black Rage. There's only one other army that has been hit by those flaws as hard as the Flesh Tearers were. They're dead now.


The Flesh Tearers have mostly survived due to their current chapter master Gabriel Seth, trying to steer the chapter to the best possible outcome. They all know they are doomed, either to death on the battlefield, or to madness, so they are trying to use what time they have left to carve a legacy into history. If they are to be damned, then they are going out on their terms. They will be heroes to the end, failing that, they will at least be remembered for killing the foes of mankind until they couldn't do so anymore. In short, they know they are going to eventually lose, but they aren't going down alone.


Between the rage, and their desire to kill foes, they are particularly brutal in melee. A solid charge can decimate armies that would be otherwise likely to win in combat. As with all Blood Angel related armies, they have access to the Death Company, and to particularly powerful dreadnoughts. These force amplifiers, though costly, can utterly break the back of an enemy army.



TLDR: They are called Flesh Tearers. They pretty much do that.



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