Trokair Posted March 19, 2020 Share Posted March 19, 2020 (edited) Edit: Article further down, link: --- Having committed to the Iron Gauntlet 2020 with nothing more than a vague idea and some unformed genera musings I thought it best to start a thread to focus my attention. I have been developing fragmented ideas of my own forgeworld, Elysium (not very original I know), and its history. Several of my armies have had AdMech conversion theme to tie them into it (such as the Athanatoi, a Space Wolf count army based on Stormcast Vanguard/AdMech/Space Wolf conversions). Some of it can be seen in my thread in the Forge The order name is a placeholder for now; if I have done the Latin translation right (via a translator) it should mean Faith from the Machine. Having a name, even if only provisionally, will hopefully help as having no name was a bit cumbersome to think about. I don’t really know where I am going with this yet. The starting thaughts are along the lines of the Order is located on or near the Elysium Forgewolrd and has over time mixed culturally and spiritually with the Martian Faith and the Elysian culture. After all if you are a minority culture/faith (as I imagine a main stream Imperial/Ecclesiarchal group would be compared to a AdMech influenced culture/faith) in another culture for many years/centuries some cross cultural influences are going to happen. Edited May 16, 2020 by Trokair TechCaptain and Ryltar Thamior 2 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Bjorn Firewalker Posted March 20, 2020 Share Posted March 20, 2020 Say this Order Militant was originally an Order Hospitaller that provided a forge world's workers with medical services, but the Sisters were forced to take up arms when Hereteks attacked the forge world to seize slaves? As its members were recruited from a forge world, the Martian cult has influenced them, possibly to the point they refer to the God-Emperor as the "Omnissiah." Trokair 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Ryltar Thamior Posted March 20, 2020 Share Posted March 20, 2020 Intriguing concept you've got going there. Awhile back [some years ago now, part of the work for the first Vox Stellarum Inq28 effort], we did something vaguely similar around a confluence of Ecclesiarchy and Mechanicus. I'm trying to remember details; but the crux of it was, unsurprisingly, that as the Emperor is the Omnissiah, doctrinal and other forms of cross-pollination in a localized context would be possible. [admittedly, facilitated by some rather ... unique circumstances, including millennia-long gambit-pileup of Thorian, Mechanicus etc. plots to produce a sort of Living Saint of the Omnissiah through the channeled force of belief of much of a subsector, directed through the architecture both figurative and literal of the capital shrine world]Now, with my theologian's slash Indo-European comparative mythology with lashings of linguistic trivia hat on ... "Fides ex Machina", it's been some years since I last formally studied Latin, so while the cases look right [V declension nominative, I declension ablative for the nouns], an expert may have another perspective. But what interested me was the conceptry of the words. I mean, we've heard "Deus Ex Machina", we've heard "Deus Est Machina", and it's an embedded formulaic phrasing for a reason. What this tells me, if you're going with that - faith emanating from the machine - is that you've likely got a large and dominant machine-cult and attendant infrastructure, with the Imperial Cult perhaps seeing itself as an expression of the core 'essence' of the Machine, which is the Omnissiah, the Motive Force, that sort of thing. Perhaps this means that they're an Ecclesiarchy-style in forms and manner of devotion, dedicated to an Omnissiah style Aspect or Form of The Emperor; maybe they have an Iron Hands like enthusiasm for bionic augmentation - both because the need for replacements show fervor and zeal on the part of the recipient (must have lost that arm and/or leg SOMEHOW, the more replacements required, the greater the evident fearlessness in putting self in harm's way for Him), and the manner in which steel enables longer-enduring Service to The Emperor.There's also an implicit pun that might be of use - Fides [iII dec.], as in the string of a musical instrument, a chord played thereupon, and for that matter, as 'strings' to refer to musical instruments themselves. Why do I mention this? Because you could view it as a metaphor for 'tying together' the two stems [AdMech & Ecclesiarchy/Imperial Cult] like parts of an instrument such as a harp or lyre; and take it further in the sense of working in harmonious resonance like the notes played upon said strings in the form of a chord. There's probably a 'music of the spheres' or 'music of the machine' thought in here somewhere. Singing with one voice, or at least off the same song-sheet, that sort of thing. [this may also inform some other nomenclaturial terms you may find a use for - Harmonium or Harmonia, Concordium / Concordia, etc. .. or, possibly not Accordium. ]However, part of the trouble with translations, is that they're unique forms of infidelity - because the concepts under the labels may not *quite* line up with some of the shades of meaning we later impute to them in their translated form. Fides does indeed get rendered as "faith" - however to me it has frequently carried a connotation of "trust", "fidelity" [you can see the linkage there]. It's not that it's incorrect for a "Faith" in religious belief sense, and it may be exactly right for what you're going for here - a sense of mutual reinforcement, perhaps, of seemingly disparate elements, working together in unison in a developed high-trust state? Personally, were I translating "Faith", especially in an Imperial context, I'd probably have gone for "Pietas" (you'll be entirely unsurprised to hear that renders as "Piety", and in a religious context, has more of a 'duty owed' connotation to it than the .. i want to say 'floaty' but that's not quite right .. 'trusty'-ness) ; but that's probably a personal perspective and point of preference; and there are a few other Latinate terms that may present other options as well. Anyway, bringing things back to 40k more directly ... you may want to consider additional/further reasoning as to how/why this comparatively rare confluence/conjunction of Imperial denominations has occurred. This might, as I speculated above, be the result of theological convergency - the order minoris in question already having a belief-system that has various points of emphasis that move it well towards the more Mechanicus understanding of things, which could include a figure of the Iron Emperor, or a veneration for The Emperor's boundless wisdom and knowledge, and a reverency for the war-machines with which faith is defended and the Imperium bound together and lifted up from the darkness of the Void, and therefore an enthusiasm also for the acquisition and preservation of such sacred knowledge presumably imparted by The Emperor for His People via various mechanisms and at various points in time demanding recovery and compilation. Maybe it's something as simple as yer order minoris having been quite integral to technological production and upkeep/maintenance for the Ecclesiarchy and Sororitas anyway (perhaps operating under oversight/license of the relevant Mechanicus, or vice versa) , and over time the two allied 'guilds' at first federating and then confederating into a symbiotic entity that's truly greater than the sum of its (coglike) parts - two heads, as the Aquila shows, being better than one. Perhaps, in somewhat the manner of what we were running toward with that early Inq28 campaign effort, it's some slightly eccentric Magos' pet experiment to see how the metaphysics of faith and belief work in a Cult Imperialis context, to study and to harness it for potential noble ends; or as an exercise in 'cultural outreach' comprehension for better 'civilizing' the more human Imperial population majority elsewhere to the Mechanicus' exacting standards. A more 'theistic' Cult Mechanicus, I don't think is too implausible to have happen and therefore meet this order minoris somewherer close to the middle; although there may be friction and imperilment to be had from the 'other side' of things if broader Ecclesiarchical authorities of a more doctrinally austere and conservative persuasion become aware of what's going on and choose to come 'persuade' the order of the error of their putative ways. So perhaps either the doctrinal divergence isn't that obviously divergent, they're small enough to be under the radar, far enough out that they're rarely heard of/from anyway, or something's protecting them (like an Inquisitor or similarly secretively powerful institutional force). Anyway, there's a few thoughts thrown at a wall in case something sticks for you. Look forward to see what you come up with, as i'd rather liked various of your previous modelling work. Trokair, Gamiel and LilShah 3 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Trokair Posted March 20, 2020 Author Share Posted March 20, 2020 Thank you both for your thoughts. Bjorn Firewalker, recruiting from the local population will certainly play a role in the cultural and spiritual confluence. What I don’t know is how strict the following ideas/point are or if they have changed or loosed with more recent fluff (or if I simply misremembered/misunderstood the old 2nd/3rd edition fluff) Sisters come from the Schola Progenium and that all sisters spend time on either Terra or Ophelia VII with the parent orders in training. All sisters equipment comes from Mars and is blessed on either Terra or Ophelia VII (as I think the coes states). Both feel both impractical (especially post rift) and a hindrance for DIY fluff. So hopefully they are more like guidelines and I can step over them. Rylta Thaminor, vow, what a response. I read it this morning I am still not sure I have processed it all. Thank you. In regards of ‘Fides ex Machina’ when I was searching for a name I played with the idea of Deus ex Mashina given the nature of the AdMech but thought that would both be a bit presumptions if taken literally and then there is the troop/literary devise of Deus ex Mashina. Then the idea that if god was from the machine then would the faith also be from the machine. Some google translate attempts later I had ‘Fides ex Machina’. While in the long run I doubt this will be the orders name I feel that the idea behind it can be a central tenet of the order. The pun/musical instrument idea, did not know and beyond me, so not an idea I think I’ll be able to explore further but if the opportunity comes to allude it then I’ll try. Regarding nuances and Pietas ex Machina, it might be my understanding/view only but to me that feels more in line with a non militant order, probably due to the piety/duty owned connection. I feel that non militant orders do a lot of what they do (Hospitaller especially) out of a sense of duty to the faith/Emperor and humanity/the people. While for a militant order needs to have a lot of trust amongst itself akin to the bonds of brotherhood that is so often invoked amongst other military forces such as the Astartes. Food for further thought. Lastly your later paragraphs, the general gist and comments is much along the lines of my thinking, so lots of potential fluff to mine along those routes. I would be intrest to see your comments once i have some more fluff o nthe ground as it where. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Trokair Posted May 3, 2020 Author Share Posted May 3, 2020 I am conscious that time is running out, and I realized about a week ago that most of what I had written, while concerning the Order was neither relevant nor had them as the central point of focus. As such I have started again and in the last few days have written up the below. Hope it is not too bad. Draft: Founding of the Order The Order was founded in the early years of M38 following a schism in the lesser Order Pronatus that the Oder considers to be its parent Order. However on account of the spiritual difference that arose and led to the schism and the subsequent reforming of the Order into a Order Militant the Order has next to no contact with its parent Order. The schism grew out of what the Order calls “the Miracle of the Long Night”, and the interpretation and ideas of the faith of the sisters who were present compared to the faith of the rest of that Order Pronatus. In need of a new home those sisters that left the order found support and shelter from Magos Bascule on account of their shared experience during the ‘Long Night’. Eventually with the Magos’s aid the sisters founded their new Order in the Elysium Forgeworld system. The Miracle of the Long Night At the behest of the senior Cardinal of the local Ecclesiarchy a Mission was dispatched to assist in the recovery and restoration of relics at a Mechanicus led archeological dig on the planet. The Magos in charge of the dig, Magos Bascule, was searching for evidence of lost expedition to which his home Forgeworld, Elysium, had contributed significant resources. The data he was working from was fragment and ancient even by Mechanicus standards but if correct would indicate that the expedition took part as part of the Emperors Great Crusade. Any recovered artifacts to support this would be great relics for the faithful in the local sector, and needing the support of the local Imperial Governor and Ecclesiarchy the Magos had no choice but to work in conjunction with them. Some months into the dig, after several unsuccessful sites, the expedition did unearth remains that could have been form the Imperial Army and Elysian Forgewold supporting Battle-Automata. While no functioning arcehotech was recovered, and in fact the remains found was little more that time worn armour components and similar, the Sister of the Mission started the preservation and restoration of the finds. The ‘Long Night’ itself was a few short weeks after this and started like any other evening. However in the middle of the night the site was ambushed and the majority of local works died in the initial minutes. The survivors, including the sister Mission and Magos Bascule took shelter in most defensible dig and fought of several probing attacks. The defenders could hear the battle range around them. As dawn neared many hours later the defenders found that while they had lived the fighting they had heard had not been imperial reinforcements. Instead as they cautiously explored the site they found lots of dead attackers but no apparent evidence of who had saved them. Further analysis revealed that one of the Battle Automata that the Mission had been restoring was no longer where it had been. While Magos Bascule had himself verified that there was no functioning component nor ammunition in the machine, either before that night nor in its aftermath, the wounds on the attackers matched the damage such a Battle Automata would have inflicted. For the Magos it was a deep mystery, for the Siters of the Mission it was an Emperor blessed Miracle. The War of Ecclesiarchial Politics While the Order was birthed as a result of difference in Faith a lot of the events both during its founding and its continued existence has been at the whims and eternal game of political struggles within the sector wide Ecclesiarchy. For all that the Order believes strays from the conservative ‘mainstream’ faith, and more than a little too close to the Adeptus Mencanicus as time progressed there have always been supporters in the Ecclesiarchy that have shielded the Order from both the more radical and the more conservative members of the faith. Often this was for personal power plays and gains but the claimed and paramount reason as far as the Ecclesiarchal consensus is that the Order gives them a foothold in a Forgeworld system. The Omnissiah’s Heart Schism For all that the Ecclesiarchy perceived the Order to close to the Elysium Forgeworld, and by extension the Adeptus Mencanicus at large, the Order has not been considered particularly close in faith by the Elysian Magi (let alone the wider Martian faith) for most of its existence. While there is a an extend of shared culture and influences as the years and centuries passed, and the shared history and alliance bore its influence the Elysian Magi saw the Order as a minor offshoot of the ‘Imperial’ faith rather than anything connected to the true Omnissian faith. Only in recent centuries as this attitude shifted to a closer spiritual kinship and even then only amongst the younger and less conservative Magi. In truth the Schisim of the Omnissiah’s Heart is barley worth of the name, but rather a reinterpretation and reincorporation of some theological ideas and tenants of the Martian faith that had fallen into disuses and out of mind of the mainstream faith. While the catalyst for this century long shift was certain believes and concepts introduced and developed by the Order both from its history, influences from the Martian faith and the original imperial faith from which it sprung, the true movement that coalesced into the Omnissiah’s Heart spiritualism was amongst the Tech-Priest, lesser Magi and common folk of the Forgewolrd. Gamiel 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Trokair Posted May 7, 2020 Author Share Posted May 7, 2020 Another section written, way to many left to go. The Order Convent The Orders Convent was built out of an abandoned mining post on Lethe, a large island in Elysium’s southern hemisphere. As all valuable resources had long ago been extracted from Lethe and due to its remoteness in relation to the major forges it was seen by the ruling Magi as an out of a way place of little value. The Magi at the time were both humoring Mago Bascule and his request to grant the homeless order a place to live and fully expecting the outsiders to just die and wither away in the harsh environment and would therefore be just temporary minor nuisance for a few decades. As such the Order was granted a Lease over the land for a decade on the condition that they must be self sufficient and would demand no aid from the Forgeworld. These days the renewal of the lease is a matter of tradition and ritual as the Order had become, in its way, part of Elysian life, but in the early centuries the order came close to failure several times. The Covenant itself is built into the mountain range in the south west of Lethe in a series of connect outpost spreading out from the original mining facility. The majority of the covenant is therefore partially underground having spread along the old mining tunnels and it can take many hours walking to go from one end to another. In the lowlands on Lethe’s north eastern side the Order established a series of farms to feed itself and from this grew a small city on the northern shore. The city is under Order control as the Magi will hold them responsible for anything that happens on Order land. Aside from a select group of trusted faithful workers that support the Covenant more directly none can enter the rest of Lethe that lies beyond the farming complexes and most are not even permitted beyond the city’s outskirts. The inhabitances of the city are a mixture of transitory hired laborers and faithful civilians who have settled over the centuries. As the only non Mechanicus controlled population center on the planet its culture is a little closer to the Imperial norm and visitors from outside the system, such as traders, often make it their primary port of call. The Order benefits from both the resulting political influence and income generated to maintain itself. Bjorn Firewalker 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
TechCaptain Posted May 7, 2020 Share Posted May 7, 2020 During the Moriae Schism there was a sect of techpriests who wanted to combine with the Imperial Cult, they were supposedly wiped out so a hidden or much diminished version of this could be helping this process along as well. Trokair 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Bjorn Firewalker Posted May 8, 2020 Share Posted May 8, 2020 The details on the convent are well-written. Trokair 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Trokair Posted May 15, 2020 Author Share Posted May 15, 2020 (edited) As time is running out here is the article as I have it right now. Hopefully I can add bit more tomorrow or Sunday morning but if not then I guess I am done. Edit: Despite how much I double checked the template coding in the editor with the preview function now that I posted it there seems to be some template errors that appear every time I edit to try and fix a different one. --- Fides ex Machina A Battle Sister of the Order Fides ex Machina A minor Order Militant of the Adepta Sororitas based within the Elysian Forgeworld. The Emperors blessing is a great gift, prove yourself worthy of it. ~ Thought of the Day Order Heraldry [/skullheaderhalf] In addition to the usual Adepta Sororitas iconography the Order will display its allegiance to both sides of the great Faiths of humanity with Ecclesiarchy and Mechanicus symbols, icons and devotional marks displayed in equal measures and even combined. Sisters where a deep orange robes, in common with the predominate colour amongst the Elysian population as a sign of devotion to the Omnissiah. When preparing for battle the sisters will don deep bronze coloured power armour adorned with silver heraldry. Founding of the Order [/skullheaderhalf] The Order was founded in the early years of M38 following a schism in the lesser Order Pronatus that the Oder considers to be its parent Order. However on account of the spiritual difference that arose and led to the schism and the subsequent reforming of the Order into an Order Militant the Order has next to no contact with its parent Order. The schism grew out of what the Order calls the Miracle of the Long Night, and the interpretation and ideas of the faith of the sisters who were present compared to the faith of the rest of that Order Pronatus. In need of a new home those sisters that left the order found support and shelter from Magos Bascule on account of their shared experience during the Long Night. Eventually with the Magoss aid the sisters founded their new Order in the Elysium Forgeworld system. The Miracle of the Long Night[/skullheaderhalf] At the behest of the senior Cardinal of the local Ecclesiarchy a Mission was dispatched to assist in the recovery and restoration of relics at a Mechanicus led archeological dig on the planet. The Magos in charge of the dig, Magos Bascule, was searching for evidence of lost expedition to which his home Forgeworld, Elysium, had contributed significant resources. The data he was working from was fragment and ancient even by Mechanicus standards but if correct would indicate that the expedition took part as part of the Emperors Great Crusade. Any recovered artifacts to support this would be great relics for the faithful in the local sector, and needing the support of the local Imperial Governor and Ecclesiarchy the Magos had no choice but to work in conjunction with them. Some months into the dig, after several unsuccessful sites, the expedition did unearth remains that could have been form the Imperial Army and Elysian Forgewold supporting Battle-Automata. While no functioning arcehotech was recovered, and in fact the remains found was little more that time worn armour components and similar, the Sister of the Mission started the preservation and restoration of the finds. The Long Night itself was a few short weeks after this and started like any other evening. However in the middle of the night the site was ambushed and the majority of local works died in the initial minutes. The survivors, including the sister Mission and Magos Bascule took shelter in most defensible dig and fought of several probing attacks. The defenders could hear the battle range around them. As dawn neared many hours later the defenders found that while they had lived the fighting they had heard had not been imperial reinforcements. Instead as they cautiously explored the site they found lots of dead attackers but no apparent evidence of who had saved them. Further analysis revealed that one of the Battle Automata that the Mission had been restoring was no longer where it had been. While Magos Bascule had himself verified that there was no functioning component nor ammunition in the machine, either before that night nor in its aftermath, the wounds on the attackers matched the damage such a Battle Automata would have inflicted. For the Magos it was a deep mystery, for the Siters of the Mission it was an Emperor blessed Miracle. The War of Ecclesiarchial Politics [rightsidebar The Omnissiahs Heart Schism]For all that the Ecclesiarchy perceived the Order to close to the Elysium Forgeworld, and by extension the Adeptus Mencanicus at large, the Order has not been considered particularly close in faith by the Elysian Magi (let alone the wider Martian faith) for most of its existence. While there is a an extend of shared culture and influences as the years and centuries passed, and the shared history and alliance bore its influence the Elysian Magi saw the Order as a minor offshoot of the Imperial faith rather than anything connected to the true Omnissian faith. Only in recent centuries as this attitude shifted to a closer spiritual kinship and even then only amongst the younger and less conservative Magi. In truth the Schisim of the Omnissiahs Heart is barley worth of the name, but rather a reinterpretation and reincorporation of some theological ideas and tenants of the Martian faith that had fallen into disuses and out of mind of the mainstream faith. While the catalyst for this century long shift was certain believes and concepts introduced and developed by the Order both from its history, influences from the Martian faith and the original imperial faith from which it sprung, the true movement that coalesced into the Omnissiahs Heart spiritualism was amongst the Tech-Priest, lesser Magi and common folk of the Forgewolrd.[/rightsidebar] While the Order was birthed as a result of difference in Faith a lot of the events both during its founding and its continued existence has been at the whims and eternal game of political struggles within the sector wide Ecclesiarchy. For all that the Order believes strays from the conservative mainstream faith, and more than a little too close to the Adeptus Mencanicus, as time progressed there have always been supporters in the Ecclesiarchy that have shielded the Order from both the more radical and the more conservative members of the faith. Often this was for personal power plays and gains but the claimed and paramount reason as far as the Ecclesiarchal consensus is that the Order gives them a foothold in a Forgeworld system. [skullheaderhalf=000000] Spiritual Tenants of the Order The Orders mixed spiritual heritage place it far outside the norm that is generally accepted by the Ecclesiarchy and it is only tolerated to some extent due to its unique position and location, and them more out of political rather than spiritual reasons. The Mechanicus in turn see the Orders faith as just some offshoot of the Imperial faith with no connection to their true Martian faith. This dismissive attitude has wavered a little in recent times as some more liberal Tech-Priest, Magi and lay persons of the faith, especially within the Elysian Forgeworld, have found merit in certain ideas of the Order. The Order very much sees itself as a bridge between what to it are just two facets of the same faith in the Emperor, expressed as it is by the Priest of Mars and the Priest of Terra. Alas in reality the dismissive view of the traditional, conservative and radical aspects of both faiths instead often leave the order isolated from both. One of the central tenants of the order is that it is not only the humans that worship the Emperor but that machines wrought under his blessing also engaging in acts of worship as they fulfill their function. A sanctified bolter offers up a prayer to the Emperor in his aspect as the Omnissiah every time it shoots just like the sister wielding it. Lesser unblessed machines, much like the masses that live and toil within the Imperium need but the attention and care of the faithful to in turn recognize and praise the Emperor in all his forms. The blessing of the Emperor manifest as the individual machine spirits and aloes the machine spirits its agency so that it may better prove its worth and show its devotion. A machine has to be made and cared for and nurtured for its machine spirit to be able to fulfill its function and pray, just like children have to be taught the words and acts of devotion. Sisters of the Order will therefore pray not just for their fellow devout humans but for all the coexisting machines such as their equipment and armaments before a battle or the forge, factory and farming machines for a bountiful harvest and production. Servitors, in their many forms, are seen by the Order as a way for deficient humans and machines, who would otherwise rust and die to find renewed purpose in their fusion into whole entity under the Omnissiahs light and benediction. [skullheaderhalf=000000] The Order Convent [rightsidebar Notable Figures of the Order]Palatine Janika Lead the Mission during the Miracle of the Long Night Canoness Superior Oksanna Current head of the Order Canoness Myrella Widely seen within the Order as Oksannas successor Asura Former Magos and disciple of the Omnissiahs Heart[/rightsidebar] The Orders Convent was built out of an abandoned mining post on Lethe, a large island in Elysiums southern hemisphere. As all valuable resources had long ago been extracted from Lethe and due to its remoteness in relation to the major forges it was seen by the ruling Magi as an out of a way place of little value. The Magi at the time were both humoring Mago Bascule and his request to grant the homeless order a place to live and fully expecting the outsiders to just die and wither away in the harsh environment and would therefore be just temporary minor nuisance for a few decades. As such the Order was granted a Lease over the land for a decade on the condition that they must be self sufficient and would demand no aid from the Forgeworld. These days the renewal of the lease is a matter of tradition and ritual as the Order had become, in its way, part of Elysian life, but in the early centuries the order came close to failure several times. The Covenant itself is built into the mountain range in the south west of Lethe in a series of connect outpost spreading out from the original mining facility. The majority of the covenant is therefore partially underground having spread along the old mining tunnels and it can take many hours walking to go from one end to another. In the lowlands on Lethes north eastern side the Order established a series of farms to feed itself and from this grew a small city on the northern shore. The city is under Order control as the Magi will hold them responsible for anything that happens on Order land. Aside from a select group of trusted faithful workers that support the Covenant more directly none can enter the rest of Lethe that lies beyond the farming complexes and most are not even permitted beyond the citys outskirts. The inhabitances of the city are a mixture of transitory hired laborers and faithful civilians who have settled over the centuries. As the only non Mechanicus controlled population center on the planet its culture is a little closer to the Imperial norm and visitors from outside the system, such as traders, often make it their primary port of call. The Order benefits from both the resulting political influence and income generated to maintain itself. [skullheaderhalf=000000] Deployment and Combat Doctrine While not an order Pronatus anymore the Order does retain some of the skill and therefore is often deployed alongside any expedition that is likely to encounter objects worth preserving, especially if the circumstances are likely to be hostile. While the Orders relationship with its parent order is still frosty the Order will readily and professionally work alongside other minor order of the Pronatus linage. The Order tactical training and combat preference is of a defensive slant, as Missions dispatched by the Order are usually outnumbered by some margin and fighting to protect a location or relic form attackers. Discipline under attack is a key component for a defender and sisters of the order are trained in particular to maintain the calm and battle focus at all time. As such battles are rarely in open terrain and long rage firepower and support either ineffective or outright lacking the Sisters are drilled in short range firefights tactics other elements suited to a more urban style of warfare. Should it be called upon to do so the Order is just as capable on the attack to cleanse the Imperium of enemies of the Emperor. As is common amongst the Adepta Sororitas across the galaxy the proffered weapons are the bolter, flamer and melta, however the close ties to the Elysian forgeworld has introduce some more exotic weapons into the arsenal of the Order. In honour of the recovery and preservation of the Elysian Battle Automata remains during the Miracle of the Long Night the Order can for major deployments call on the aid of a dedicated Maniple of Battle Automata specifically seconded to the Order by the Elysian Forgworld. While the presence of a single Maniple can add some serious combat force to an Order deployment, the actual military benefit compared to the total force of a major Order deployment is hardly significant. However the morale benefit brought to the field is significant. Edited May 15, 2020 by Trokair Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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