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Blood Drinkers - The Return of Ten Year Old Blood Angels Plu

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Anyone else having a hard time getting the models they need during the shutdown? I ended up printing out a proxy Lemartes, which I did up as a color test (don't worry, Im not playing with it, I can hear you from here...) for my Death Company models. Hopefully Ill have the real deal soon after all the restrictions lift.
You can see it getting painted here if youre interested.
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Lemartes looks Primaris-size, correct?

That piece of cloth flowing behind him is great. Was this part of the sculpt? It doesn't look like it is.

Only the bolt pistol is awful :tongue.: I would swap it for a regular one.

Yeah, He is primaris sized. The model that I based him on had primaris legs so I figured Id print him to match Mephiston for size. The cloth was actually a part of the print and came out decent, but lots of supports on it. I was so sad when that bolt pistol came off the printer, I still may swap it but now that things are open I have the real model on the way.

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Bjorn, a couple reasons. The first is that the records I did previously was a salvage job and I needed to weather it to hide some actual damage. I wanted my armor to look similar so I did the same to this one. Secondly, I just like the character that it adds, you're right on that it's been through the worst that could be thrown at it.


War, yeah it's a skull, stylized. I wanted it to look like something the crew was in the procedd of completing but hasn't been able to. Honestly every time I look at it bugs me so I think I'll ditch that story line and just finish it.


Majkhel, thanks man I'm really enjoying the bright shiny weapons. Point taken on the lamps. I need to go back and try to filter done brighter red over the top and could go back and at some highlights on them.

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The first is that the records I did previously was a salvage job and I needed to weather it to hide some actual damage. I wanted my armor to look similar so I did the same to this one. Secondly, I just like the character that it adds, you're right on that it's been through the worst that could be thrown at it.

Iron Warriors Possessed Rhino (as a Blood Drinkers Sanguinary Priest prays while a Techmarine runs holy annointing oil through its engines): "No! No! Noooo!"


Blood Drinkers Librarian (using his force sword to carve the Iron Warriors Legion symbol from the Rhino hull): "The vehicle has been exorcised. Techmarine, you may mount the turret atop the hull."


Blood Drinkers Captain (carrying an Aeldari pirate to the Rhino-turned-Predator): "Excellent. Now, my xeno friend, will you kindly tell us where the Webway portal is? Or must we crush your soulstone before abandoning you in this realm?"


Aeldari pirate (crying in terror and pain, as the Blood Drinkers dismembered him and then used their inferno pistols to cauterize the wounds): "Mommy, mommy, mommy, mommy..."

That's my story for where the Blood Drinkers got their hands on so heavily weathered a tank.

Edited by Bjorn Firewalker
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The first is that the records I did previously was a salvage job and I needed to weather it to hide some actual damage. I wanted my armor to look similar so I did the same to this one. Secondly, I just like the character that it adds, you're right on that it's been through the worst that could be thrown at it.

Iron Warriors Possessed Rhino (as a Blood Drinkers Sanguinary Priest prays while a Techmarine runs holy annointing oil through its engines): "No! No! Noooo!"


Blood Drinkers Librarian (using his force sword to carve the Iron Warriors Legion symbol from the Rhino hull): "The vehicle has been exorcised. Techmarine, you may mount the turret atop the hull."


Blood Drinkers Captain (carrying an Aeldari pirate to the Rhino-turned-Predator): "Excellent. Now, my xeno friend, will you kindly tell us where the Webway portal is? Or must we crush your soulstone before abandoning you in this realm?"


Aeldari pirate (crying in terror and pain, as the Blood Drinkers dismembered him and then used their inferno pistols to cauterize the wounds): "Mommy, mommy, mommy, mommy..."

That's my story for where the Blood Drinkers got their hands on so heavily weathered a tank.


I love it : )

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War Angel, I actually went all in and just painted the thing. Your suggestion is a lot better example of what my initiial goal though, thanks I will keep that in my bag of tricks for later.  


If you enjoy painting videos you can see this one getting painted here. 


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