Ioldanach Posted March 20, 2020 Share Posted March 20, 2020 To: ++ Inquisition Clearance Insufficient ++ From: ++ Inquisition Clearance Insufficient ++ Date: 029.M36 Subject: Adeptus Astartes, Inferno Wardens Chapter Thought for the day: Pray for the future to vindicate your actions. Honoured Lord, I have concluded my researches into the Inferno Wardens chapter of the Adeptus Astartes as you ordered. As you know, the records of the chapter are scant and appear to be heavily guarded. It has taken me over four years to gain access to the limited information available on the chapter within the archives of the ++ Inquisition Clearance Insufficient ++. As you know, the Inferno Wardens disappeared from Imperial records in the eighth century of M35. Subsequent investigation found that Bastion Secundus had been utterly destroyed. The fate of the chapter remains a mystery. Some say that the chapter never returned from a crusade into the Inferno Reach, others that it suffered from the malign influence of the Warp and was wiped out by a combined force of the Inquisition and the Doom Eagles Chapter (though the Doom Eagles have denied ever taking part in such an action). The last known member of the chapter was Brother B?rbat who was serving within the Ordo Xenos Deathwatch. Brother B?rbat was requested by name for a secret mission by an unidentified Inquisitor who was not of the Ordo Xenos. The mission was never described to the watch commander and Brother B?rbat never returned to the Deathwatch upon completion of the mission. The following information was provided in an M35 version of the Index Astartes. I remain your humble servant XXXXXXXXXXX Investigator Since the founding of their chapter, the Space Marines of the Inferno Wardens have stood a lonely vigil upon the borders of the Inferno Reach, defending the region from the predations of those within the warp anomaly. Though they have achieved numerous victories in battle against pirates and renegades, as well as several alien races, their singular focus has left this honorable and aloof chapter relatively unsung and underappreciated compared to the better known chapters. Not concerned with recognition and honors, though, the Inferno Wardens pursue their mission with masterful dedication, living up to the highest ideals of the Emperor Brother Tyler 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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