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I’m coming off a few stinker projects that aren’t really working for me, and now I find myself considering Wolves since my last Ultramarines were sold off.  ( I also want a competitive close combat army). 

the last time I played wolves was in 4th ed and I really have painted a ton of marines and would probably consider doing this project if it were plausible with mostly Primaris.  What do you guys think? Do Wolves work in Primaris form? And if so is there still some close combat opportunity there?


Thanks in advance for any thoughts. 

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I think a mostly Primaris army could work for Wolves.


For Troops, Veteran Intercessors with Thunder Hammer on the Pack Leader should be pretty tasty. Infiltrators and Incursors work nicely. Incursors in particular get exploding 6s in melee which then stacks with our new Super Doctrine meaning that from T3 onwards, every 6 becomes 3 hits. Add the Gene Wrought Might stratagem and every 6 then becomes 3 automatic wounds!


Bolt rifle or Stalker Intercessors make good backfield objective campers for any Marine army.


Boltstorm Aggressors work nicely with the "On the Hunt" stratagem allowing them to come on from a table edge. Our +1 to-Hit from our Trait helps their power fists hit better in melee.


Hellblasters in an Impulsor are solid for any Marine army.


Ragnar is an absolute blender in melee with 10A on the charge. Pump him up with stratagems and he can easily solo a Knight on the charge. He is slightly harder to get to the target than a Jump Pack character but you could put him in an Impulsor to buff those Hellblasters in the turn before he charges.


I would recommend a few Firstborn units as being worth of attention.


Long Fangs are brilliant and well worth taking at least one pack for fire support. You can imagine these old timers are there to keep an eye on the young pups and teach them proper ways of war and winter.


Dreadnoughts are also good, particularly Bjorn as he hits like a ton of bricks and benefits from character protection.


Wulfen are beasts in melee (as you would expect) but need support to get mileage out of in terms of support characters and possibly vehicle delivery.

Hellblasters in an Impulsor are solid for any Marine army.



I thought the general consensus was that hellblasters are too vulnerable for their points right now, what do you think Edited by ranulf the revenant
Interestingly I almost feel like they got better just by the fact that most opponents are going to want to cripple our melee by turn 3. Presents some interesting target priority at the very least.

@Karhedron Very good summary for new and returning players. :thumbsup:  I've been very dormant in 40k for quite a while, spending most of my hobby time in the Mortal Realms. With the excitement of a new Ragnar model and additional rules I'm playing catch up on not so new anymore units and abilities as well. 



Hellblasters in an Impulsor are solid for any Marine army.

I thought the general consensus was that hellblasters are too vulnerable for their points right now, what do you think ?


They are a glass cannon for sure but that doesn't mean they can't be used. Put them in an Impulsor with the Shield Dome for a 4++. They can move, then disembark and shoot. There really isn't anything that your opponent can do to stop them getting at least 1 round of firing at close range with rerolls of 1s to make overcharging less risky.


Now if that is all you run then they will get blown away. But if you run them as part of a mechanised push into the midfield with some solid melee units, you opponent has a dilemma on his hands. Does he blow away the Hellblasters to stop them getting a second round of firing or does he worry about the other units? Just say you have some Wulfen or TWC loping up the field and a couple of packs of Veteran Intercessors with PFs/THs packed in a Repulsor, your opponent has some serious target priority issues.


Wolves, like Blood Angels, benefit from being played aggressively which means it is all about threat overload on one part of your enemy's line. Hopefully the Hellblasters opening volley will have done some decent damage meaning that whatever your opponent targets, something nasty will be about to hit/shoot his lines very hard on T2.

Edited by Karhedron

We had a Discussion about that on Facebook, I did argue for the Autowound (Genewrought Might) as well, but they have convinced me by now that this is not the Case with the new FAQ. Keep in Mind that Saga of the Beast was done before the last FAQ:


Q: If an ability or rule generates an additional hit (e.g. the
Siege Masters Chapter Tactic or Whirlwind of Rage), do these
additional hits gain any other benefits that would apply to
an attack on a hit roll of 6 (e.g. an Infiltrator’s marksman
bolt carbine)?
A: No. If any additional hits are scored as the result
of a particular hit roll, those additional hits are not
considered to have been made with any hit roll – they
simply hit the target and you must continue the attack
sequence for them (i.e. make a wound roll).
Designer’s Note: In the previous iteration of this FAQ,
this question was ruled differently. Since that document was
published, unintended combinations have come to light (such
as some players interpreting that this allowed an infinite hit
loop, effectively destroying any unit in the game as soon as a
single 6 to hit is rolled – which was obviously never the intent
of the rule), as well as that ruling being used as a precedent
for similar abilities in other publications. As such, we have
changed the answer to this question to ensure a more rewarding
experience for all players.

(Bold emphasis mine)

Edited by Oshikai

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