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Well, with Saga of the Beast being fully revealed all over the internet, I know I can't be the only one that has spent a good few hours reviewing all the kustom jobs, stratagems, and subkultur rules trying to figure out what units are going to be the best to take, what units that were sub par that are now playable, crazy new combinations you can pull off, etc. So, now that the speculation is over and everyone has had a few days, why not gather the the Warbosses around into a thinktank to discuss all the new shiny stuff we have to krump and dakka even betta!


If you haven't had the opportunity to look at all the new stuff yet, here are two links that detail everything that's in the new book:


Reddit thread with everything written out.



If you have a combination you've got in mind, an opinion on what subkultures might be good/bad, an example army list, or whatever else, post it up!


To kick things off, I'll touch on three things I think are going to be pretty powerful. I'll spoiler an army list I created too, just in case someone wants some list building ideas.


Batallion Detachment - 5 CP

Blood Axes




Warboss - 80

(Da Biggest Boss -1 CP)

(Might is Right)

Power Klaw (Da Killa Klaw)

Kustom Shoota

Attack Squig


Weirdboy - 62

(Morgog's Finkin' Cap -1 CP)

(Follow Me, Ladz! +1 CP)

Clever Talk




8 Nobz - 152

Nob w/ Big Choppa

7 Big Choppa




25 Boyz - 188

Nob w/Power Klaw


25 Boyz - 188

Nob w/Power Klaw


25 Boyz - 188

Nob w/Power Klaw


Heavy Support


Bonebreaka - 164

(Forktress -1 CP)

Deff Rolla

Grot Rigger





Batallion Detachment - 5 CP

Blood Axes




Weirdboy - 62

Da Jump


Big Mek w/ Kustom Force Field - 75




10 Gretchen - 30


10 Gretchen - 30


10 Gretchen - 30




10 Tankbustas- 170


10 Tankbustas- 170





Air Wing Detachment- 1 CP





Burna Bommer - 137

2 Supa Shoota

Twin Big Shoota

Skorcha Missiles


Burna Bommer - 137

2 Supa Shoota

Twin Big Shoota

Skorcha Missiles


Burna Bommer - 137

2 Supa Shoota

Twin Big Shoota

Skorcha Missiles




2000 pts




1. A Pyromaniacs Air Wing Detachment with three Burna Bommers. The mortal wound output on one of these is absolutely ridiculous. With pyromaniacs those burna bombs are now dropping MWs on infantry on a 3+. It will take some careful positioning of your Bommers during deployment so you aren't risking 3 MWs on your units, but your opponents absolutely HAVE to deal with these. With the bombs alone you can put a possible 60 mortal wounds on the table with 40 being the statistical average. Then you have the Wild Fire stratagem for 1 CP that lets you chain the bombs onto another unit within 6. And then on top of that Flying Headbutt to auto crash your Bommers and cause another 3 on units within 6. I really think this detachment is going to be seen at tournament levels. If your opponents castle up, they are asking for a bruising. If they spread their units out to avoid the chaining mortal wounds, that makes it easier for your Boyz to get in charge range. And if they shoot down a flyer or two, your Boyz aren't taking that shooting and you're only losing out on 137 points a model. This is a distraction carnifex on steroids.


2. The Blood Axe psychic power Clever Talk. By far I think the strongest new power is the Deffskulls one, but this one is a very close second for me, namely because it has an unlimited range. All it requires is line of sight and bam, no overwatch. When you combine this with Da Jump, Endless Green tide, Tellyporta, or whatever other deep strike mechanic our paper thin armor saves don't matter anymore. One of the biggest issues Orks face are garbage armor saves. While Saga of the Beast didn't give us anything in the way of improving that, this one psychic power entirely circumvents the problem. I'm definitely showing my bias here as a Blood Axe fan :P But the point still stands. I don't think we'll see a dethroning of Bad Moons, Evil Suns, or Deffskulls as the top choices, but a cheeky Vanguard/Patrol Detachment of Blood Axe Kommandos or Nobs might be worth looking into for the casual/semi-competitive leagues of play.


3. Bonebreakas/Battlewagons with the Forktress kustom job. The Gunwagon will likely see better use out of one of the gun related kustom jobs given its periscope ability (provided they do us right in the FAQ and make it so you can use periscope with those upgrades). Bonebreakas and Battlewagons though? Yes, I would love a 3+/5++ to make it even more survivable. While the Red Rolla is a good upgrade, the BB already gets 7 attacks minimum. The auto 6 is overkill unless you're running more than one and have the CP to spare. A single BB or BW is a fire magnet as it is, so that survivability option beats all the rest if you ask me. Throw in a squad of nobs, run it up the board, pop ramming speed. It's gonna get stuck in. And to show my Blood Axe favoritism one more time, that save becomes a 2+/5++ outside of 18 inches.


So, what combinations have you found, and what are you most excited to try?

Edited by Kaldoth
  • 2 weeks later...

Well, with Saga of the Beast being fully revealed all over the internet, I know I can't be the only one that has spent a good few hours reviewing all the kustom jobs, stratagems, and subkultur rules trying to figure out what units are going to be the best to take, what units that were sub par that are now playable, crazy new combinations you can pull off, etc. So, now that the speculation is over and everyone has had a few days, why not gather the the Warbosses around into a thinktank to discuss all the new shiny stuff we have to krump and dakka even betta!


If you haven't had the opportunity to look at all the new stuff yet, here are two links that detail everything that's in the new book:


Reddit thread with everything written out.



If you have a combination you've got in mind, an opinion on what subkultures might be good/bad, an example army list, or whatever else, post it up!


To kick things off, I'll touch on three things I think are going to be pretty powerful. I'll spoiler an army list I created too, just in case someone wants some list building ideas.


Batallion Detachment - 5 CP

Blood Axes




Warboss - 80

(Da Biggest Boss -1 CP)

(Might is Right)

Power Klaw (Da Killa Klaw)

Kustom Shoota

Attack Squig


Weirdboy - 62

(Morgog's Finkin' Cap -1 CP)

(Follow Me, Ladz! +1 CP)

Clever Talk




8 Nobz - 152

Nob w/ Big Choppa

7 Big Choppa




25 Boyz - 188

Nob w/Power Klaw


25 Boyz - 188

Nob w/Power Klaw


25 Boyz - 188

Nob w/Power Klaw


Heavy Support


Bonebreaka - 164

(Forktress -1 CP)

Deff Rolla

Grot Rigger





Batallion Detachment - 5 CP

Blood Axes




Weirdboy - 62

Da Jump


Big Mek w/ Kustom Force Field - 75




10 Gretchen - 30


10 Gretchen - 30


10 Gretchen - 30




10 Tankbustas- 170


10 Tankbustas- 170





Air Wing Detachment- 1 CP





Burna Bommer - 137

2 Supa Shoota

Twin Big Shoota

Skorcha Missiles


Burna Bommer - 137

2 Supa Shoota

Twin Big Shoota

Skorcha Missiles


Burna Bommer - 137

2 Supa Shoota

Twin Big Shoota

Skorcha Missiles




2000 pts




1. A Pyromaniacs Air Wing Detachment with three Burna Bommers. The mortal wound output on one of these is absolutely ridiculous. With pyromaniacs those burna bombs are now dropping MWs on infantry on a 3+. It will take some careful positioning of your Bommers during deployment so you aren't risking 3 MWs on your units, but your opponents absolutely HAVE to deal with these. With the bombs alone you can put a possible 60 mortal wounds on the table with 40 being the statistical average. Then you have the Wild Fire stratagem for 1 CP that lets you chain the bombs onto another unit within 6. And then on top of that Flying Headbutt to auto crash your Bommers and cause another 3 on units within 6. I really think this detachment is going to be seen at tournament levels. If your opponents castle up, they are asking for a bruising. If they spread their units out to avoid the chaining mortal wounds, that makes it easier for your Boyz to get in charge range. And if they shoot down a flyer or two, your Boyz aren't taking that shooting and you're only losing out on 137 points a model. This is a distraction carnifex on steroids.


2. The Blood Axe psychic power Clever Talk. By far I think the strongest new power is the Deffskulls one, but this one is a very close second for me, namely because it has an unlimited range. All it requires is line of sight and bam, no overwatch. When you combine this with Da Jump, Endless Green tide, Tellyporta, or whatever other deep strike mechanic our paper thin armor saves don't matter anymore. One of the biggest issues Orks face are garbage armor saves. While Saga of the Beast didn't give us anything in the way of improving that, this one psychic power entirely circumvents the problem. I'm definitely showing my bias here as a Blood Axe fan :tongue.: But the point still stands. I don't think we'll see a dethroning of Bad Moons, Evil Suns, or Deffskulls as the top choices, but a cheeky Vanguard/Patrol Detachment of Blood Axe Kommandos or Nobs might be worth looking into for the casual/semi-competitive leagues of play.


3. Bonebreakas/Battlewagons with the Forktress kustom job. The Gunwagon will likely see better use out of one of the gun related kustom jobs given its periscope ability (provided they do us right in the FAQ and make it so you can use periscope with those upgrades). Bonebreakas and Battlewagons though? Yes, I would love a 3+/5++ to make it even more survivable. While the Red Rolla is a good upgrade, the BB already gets 7 attacks minimum. The auto 6 is overkill unless you're running more than one and have the CP to spare. A single BB or BW is a fire magnet as it is, so that survivability option beats all the rest if you ask me. Throw in a squad of nobs, run it up the board, pop ramming speed. It's gonna get stuck in. And to show my Blood Axe favoritism one more time, that save becomes a 2+/5++ outside of 18 inches.


So, what combinations have you found, and what are you most excited to try?

Im a Blood Axe fan as well and ive been looking for ways to use that new power

I  am leaning towards a mobile army with battle wagons, nob warbikers with squighide tires supported by a warboss on a warbike, mech on a warbike and a wartrike. One battlewagon with , flashgitz, mega nobz and tank bustas. Yeah its a eggs in one basket but it has the forktress upgrade and if they shoot it then one of my other units is getting through. I also have a back line of another gunwagon with either the new boom cannon or a supa cannon and a couple other odds and ends. Plus the option of da jumping one of the two large ork boyz or skarboyz mobs


I really think the warbikers while over priced will do pretty good work with the extra movement from the tire kustom job especially if they have either first turn or support to  enable them to advance and charge.


The boomkannon upgrade makes a real competitor to the Supa kannon plus you can put it on a gunwagon for the shoot twice ability and using the first turn strat to give it 72 inch range makes it pretty deadly.


Flashgitz I think are fairly viable now and a contender to Lootas. Better weapon skill, armor and wounds. A strat to improve their biggest weakness of range, a really fun named character that buffs them.

Dread waaagh slug gubbin gorkanaut... 48 shots.


Kans with rokkits and sparkly bits


Orkymatic piston dreads


3 boomdakka snazzwagons pumping out 45+9 shots


I'd already built and painted my spearhead plus extra dread and gorkanaut. This is my reward :D


Also added a Goff detachment but it's kinda subpar...

I still have not gone through things fully. With that said I am really liking and wanting to test out the feral ork subkulture in a detachment. rolling 3d6 and picking the highest with the ability to consolidate 6" could be very good for me and with what I have. I am considering a detachment of 120 choppa boyz with a boss, weirdboy, perhaps some nobz. Running dreads with orkimatic pistons in front of them. Back that with a detachment of badmoonz. I like some of the possibilities with the grot subculture as well. Mostly for the artillery, with some kans added in as well with sparkly bitz.. Rokkit kans hitting on 3+ rerolling ones might actually be effective, and mek gunz rerolling ones is awesome. 

Here's a dumb idea I had.....


3x3 squads of mega scrap jets

Gorkanaugt with custom force field boss inside.


Mega jet squads always charge into everything in mass.


Just ramming and shooting.

That works well with Blood Axes so they can retreat and recharge

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