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As I have like many a lot of time on my hands I figure why not list something I appreciate about one of the great settings in our time?


The Eldar, and the cohesive vision championed by Jes Goodwin are an absolute master class in both art, and world building through a game. The Dark Eldar in particular following their reboot remain one of the greatest ranges produced by GW.


So thanks Jes. :)

Thankful for:


ADB, Chris Wraight, & John French - for writing books true to the kind of 40k that made me such a huge fan of the setting. Few things excite me more than the prospect of an ADB novel release.


The work done by Andy Hoare and the Specialist Games team bringing back so many old favourites to the fore. Their crazy passion for games like Necromunda and Adeptus Titanicus has done wonderful things for the community, and it's a testament to their drive that even GW's intermittently vapid higher-ups weren't able to curb SG's success. Titanicus is legitimately the best game GW make right now, and it's not even close. The future is very exciting.


Seb Perbet & Jes Goodwin - for making the new Abaddon model. Still in awe, nearly a year after its release.

John Blanche, Ian Watson, Andy Chambers and Jervis Johnson... 


Watsons Space Marine was the first 40k book I ever read and his descriptions really helped me visualise the 40k universe, especially the chapters set on Necromunda, and he actually made me care about the Fists. Was a nice treat seeing Lexandro in the Inquisition trilogy as well. 


Chambers and Johnson were both legends back in the day, I loved their batreps even though the winner was going to be obvious (did Jervis ever win a game?) and their work on the 2nd edition Chaos dex was great, one of the best codex books ever made imho. 


Blanche... I really don't need to say anything that I have not said before regarding this man, hope I get to meet him one day. I was hunting him down at Gamesday 96 but he was always on the other side of the damn building, my mates even left me behind (zoggin Gitz) because I kept wandering off looking for him... 





Close runners up are the Perry Twins and Mike McVey. 






Who could forget the most important people though... Steve Jackson, Ian Livingstone and John Peake.

Edited by Slave to Darkness

I'm thankful for SoB still being female exclusive and Space Marines being male exclusive because in these times of forced gender equality it has to be okay to have full male or female groups in a fictional setting as well.


I'm also thankful for the few actually good Black Library writers we have and that GW finally started taking their fictional universes more seriously which includes communicating more closely with those writers so they don't just do whatever.


Finally I'm thankful for GW taking the step to move the timeline forward again, even if it's just a little bit, since it started to become a bit stale.





Of course there are also always negatives, but those aren't ontopic for this thread so I'll control my usual critical self. ;) 

I want to thank the community here. You guys keep me sane(ish).

This is gushy, but true. The community here is really amazing to be honest.


Now if people would comment on my things instead of just liking them, that'd be great :lol: This is a forum people, not Facebook....

I’m thankful for the great range, and ever expanding too, of miniatures big and small. I’m thankful for the awesome fluff. I’m thankful, now more than ever, that we live in the day and age internet with all this fantastic content all over the place (especially the B+C, seriously you guys and gals, along with my family, make life worth living when it gets hard). Not so thankful that I have mountains of grey plastic to assemble and very little in the way of paints, brushes, glues etc. Also in these uncertain times I want you all to know I wish you nothing but happiness and that you stay healthy, especially in those parts of the world hit hardest. Edited by Captain Smashy Pants
Well I found out that one of the gaming stores here in Perth, Tactics, is still open, for the time being at least. So I picked a a can of Chaos Black, a can of Wraithseer, and March’s WD. Figured there’ll be somebody who’ll be selling pots/dropper bottles of paint online, but you can’t send aerosol cans in the post so those are what I figured were the smartest purchase. As far as going into the middle of the city, I was as safe from infection as would be in my own home, because basically everyone else was at home and it was incredibly easy to practice social distancing. The place was like a ghost town.

I'm thankful for admins & mods who have kept this forum for so long since 2000s.

I visit only from time to time, but B&C is always there.

Thank you!



But in the past it was Space Marine only forum, I don't understand why this had to change :( :( :(

I had a tough time today. I thankful we live in the age of telephones just hearing my mums voice was uplifting. Can't wait until I can hug her again, don't think I'll ever want to let go. Lol. I'm thankful my family, and that we'll be able be together again some time sooner or later.

I'd like to say thanks to Brother Argos in particular for his dedication in keeping the forum alive when the hive mind attacked the B&C servitors


and a word of thanks to the other mods and community here too, while I don't always agree with decisions somebody has to make them. 



I'm thankful that I was able to support a couple stores in my area by contacting them and arranging a way to buy a bunch of stuff I can use to play at home. I now have enough necromunda and sector mechanicus terrain to choke out a 4x6 table.


I'm gonna throw down on some necromunda. Not sure if I'll use the kill team...seems like a more complicated version of 40k but with less models.

I'm thankful for John Blanche and Wayne England's timeless contributions to 40k, especially the books of 2nd edition.  Of all the editions, I think this one is still has the most evocative layout design.  England's icon designs are still staples of 40k.  RIP Wayne.


On the more modern side, I am thankful for the creation of Blackstone Fortress.  It has proven to be a great addition to Game Nights with my non-40k friends.  I am especially thankful that 40k use is factored into the creation of new units.  Tremble before the Unaligned terror of the Dreaded Ambull!

I would like to thank Alan Bligh...


Though he left us way too early, the great work he started has been vital in forging several good friendships for me personally over the years and I am eternally thankful to him.

Actually I would like to thank Captain Semper, I was researching stuff for my Slaanesh army and stumbled across the Call of Chaos event he was running, seemed like a good idea to sign up to Bolter and Chainsword and join in. If it wasn't for that event and the community here I would have probably left the hobby by now. Thanks Captain :thumbsup:

Oh yeah and thanks to all you dodgy sods for making B&C a pleasure to visit daily. 

Edited by Slave to Darkness

When it comes to this community I want to thank;

Marshal Loss, for always having excellent posts. Always a pleasure to read them.

Marshal Rhor for being a awesome and like minded 30k brother.

Dosjetka for just being a cool, stand up dude!

Kizzdougs for being one of my favorite hobbyists and painters out there!

N1SB for being one of the most insightful people out there, especially on the subject of GW's business side. 

Ishagu, because even though I love arguing with him and we rarely seem eye to eye, he's a solid and great part of this community.

Charlo for being one of the nicest and friendliest guys on this forum.

ADB because hes part of this community of ours and he wrote some of the greatest stories told in this fictional universe we all love.

b1soul and DarkChaplain for being one of the main pillars of the Black Library discussions on here.

The mods, for modding this mess we love :wink:

Brother Tyler, for being the glue that holds all of us together. Thank you especially!



There are many more off the top of my head. Bjorn Firewalker, Gederas, DuskRaider, Indefragable, Gorgoff, MegaVolt87, Krash, Bryan Blaire, mr_parker, and a ton more that I missed, but if I don't stop now this list will be pages long :biggrin.:


I love this community, so here's to another 20 years! 

Edited by m0nolith

Happy Easter, brothers. I hope that you all in the community are able to find some blessing in this time of trouble, maybe clearing out your pile of unpainted models or something else. 

As I am giving thanks today, I want to say thank you for those of you that run this site.  I don't have the time I used to have to enjoy it (kids will do that), but it's still wonderful when I get a few minutes to read and enjoy. 

Stay safe.  

Edited by Dosjetka
=][= Removed religious content. =][=

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