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Timboli's workshop


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Hello Everyone!

I've been lurking on here for several years, getting inspired by the many amazing threads. Now I thought I should start a thread of my own, mainly to archive my projects and get some motivation to stop procrastinating.

First I wanted to share a few of my projects. The first one is my Ashen Claws killteam I finished a while ago. Killteam, along with me discovering the inq28 scene, was what really got me back into the hobby.



They are far from perfect, but I learned a lot working on them.

After a couple of misc projects I wanted to build a bigger Marine, something that captured the size depicted on the lore. So I build this chap.


He is heavily inspired by the wonderfull work of people like Isengrin, Luna707, apologist and many more.

Recently I started my first proper army project as I was given the marine half of Dark Imperium. Working on so many models has been quite the challenge, as I tend to convert mine heavily. Being slow at that also slows the whole thing down. But after gathering some ideas and painting a couple of test models I managed to come up with something i am pretty happy with.


These guys are the first squad of my Nova Legion. I imagine them being a newly formed chapter based on the formerly destroyed chapter of the same name. While i wanted to keep the models from the starter set fairly simple I couldn't resist doing a couple of changes here and there. The chapter overall will be less gothic than your average chapter as I want to lean into the more sci-fi look of the Primaris models.

While these five are the only finished models so far, I already started painting some more.
After those are done there is still the rest of the box. They still need some basetexture, but other than that they are ready to be primed.

While i was pretty happy with most of the Dark Imperium models I really didn't like the gravis captain. After playing around with a couple of bits i turned him into a 'truescale' terminator, and while I was at it I build him a small retinue.

They still need some sculpting and detailing, but are slowly getting there.

And since an army needs a proper leader, I started building this guy.


Now I just need to finish painting all of those guys.

Thanks for looking, comments and questions are very much welcome!

Edited by Timboli
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Welcome! That's some excellent work so far! I especially like the Ashen Claws kill team: That's a very effective, very subtle paintjob, with some rather lovely conversions as well!


I have a small gripe about the proportions on the true scaled model, though: His upper thighs are almost as wide as his abdomen -- I think you'll need to make his torso quite a bit wider.


But anyway, very cool work so far! Looking forward to seeing the next updates! :)

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HUGE fan of your Ashen Claws which I previously saw on the inter webs. That new marine scheme looks great; very distinct and achieves the vibe you’re going for. Can’t wait to see across all of your models; will really unfit the force as a whole stylistically!
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@KrautScientist: Thank you for the kind words! Regarding the big Marine, I absolutely agree on the proportions. The chestpiece was what I started building around, constructing the rest as I went. While working on him I noticed a few issues regarding the scale of a couple of parts which I would have loved to adress, but at some point I just wanted to finish him. Surely things I will improve once I build another big Marine.


@Isengrin: Yeah I was thinking about starting a log for some time now. Sharing stuff on Instagram is quite fun, but the b&c is imo a better place for actually discussing projects.


@Thousand Eyes: Thank you, glad you like them!


@Yosef Hausakluif: I am pretty happy with how the scheme turned out, imo different enough to a lot of Space Marine schemes while still fitting to the models. Can't wait to do some adjustemts for different models and finally get into more involved conversions for the force.


@The Observer: Oh boy, that is quite flattering:blush.: The black is fairly simple with lots of drybrushing:

  1. Prime black
  2. Basecoat with a 1:1 mix of GW Eschin Grey and black
  3. Soft drybrush of GW Eshin Grey from top to bottom
  4. Soft drybrush of GW Dawnstone in the same manner
  5. All over wash of GW Nuln Oil, taking care to not let it pool
  6. Another soft drybrush of Dawnstone, this time focused on all the edges
  7. Again an all over wash of Nuln Oil, this time thinned with a roughly equal amount of water
  8. Final edgehighlight/scratches are done with Dawnstone
Edited by Timboli
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Hello everyone.

Some work has been done on the Nova Legion. All areas were basecaoated, transfers have been applied and everything was given a wash of AK Dark Brown Wash. Next up are battledamage, highlights and some more weathering.



Also took some better pictures of some weapons. While i quite like the overall look of the Primaris Marines their guns always looked comically huge to me. So i took to either replacing them with classic bolters or cutting them down to create something more believable. This also gives me the change to create some more futuristic weaponry on upcoming models.




Recently I have seen several very nice posts that focus on the Unification Wars. That era has always been very interesting to me, mixing Mad Max and strange future tech with the 40k setting while always being shrouded in mystery. So recently while looking through the stuff I had lying around I build and painted this guy: A trooper of the Kermadec twice walkers, promising soldiers revivified through genetech and bionics by the Panpacific Empire.



He is based on a Fallout model from Brother Vinni's. His gun is probably the part I had the most fun with. There is just something satisfying about creating custom weaponry.

And since I could't leave it at that I started building a 'friend' for him.



He is my first attempt of creating one of the mystic Thunder Warriors. He still needs lots of work (arms, chest, neck, waist need lots of sculpting) but I quite like where he is going. Using Stormcast parts imo perfectly captures the archaic and partially powered look his armour should have. I also build him a crude version of a guardian spear that are wielded by the Custodes. Quite like the idea of the Thunder Warriors immitating the emperors finest. Also he turned out to be pretty damn big. He is slightly taller than my Big Marine, even approaching the size of a Primarch.


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