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Sell ​​old space marines?


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Hi Guys!

I am currently considering selling my older Blood Angels models.
None of the models listed below are painted and I have never played them before.
I just think that the old Marines will "die out" in the next few years.

I bought many of the models many years ago (5 Edition). After a long break I started playing 40k a few months ago.




Mephiston [Legend]

Gabriel Seth (doesn't improve the normal blood angels anyway)



1x Assault Squad (8 Models, all with CS and BP).

3x Devastator Squad  (9x LC; 4x PC; 2x HB, 2x ML+ 3x Amorium Cherub) 

Tactical Squad (20 Marines, 2x each special and heavy weapon)

Librarian with Force Staff (Magnetized jump pack)



2x Attack Bike

2x Drop Pod

1x Company Ancient + JP

2x Razorback (2x AC, 2x LC) 


I can't motivate myself to paint these miniatures at all, because I always think that I won't play them anyway ...




What do you think? Would you advise me to keep the models? Would you just keep some specific models?




Thanks in advance

Edited by Dranoel
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If you decide that you won't play oldmarines, and can't motivate yourself to paint them, I would suggest you find someone who is willing to do so. Plenty of marine players dislike Primaris, or otherwise choose not to play with Primaris for various reasons. I personally maintain a hybrid force, but if you're not looking to play oldmarines I think selling them is a perfectly reasonable course of action.


So long as you don't try to trade/sell them here of course, I think you're clear to get rid of them. :tu:


Oh, and welcome to the board, by the way. Glad to have you. 

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If you decide that you won't play oldmarines, and can't motivate yourself to paint them, I would suggest you find someone who is willing to do so. Plenty of marine players dislike Primaris, or otherwise choose not to play with Primaris for various reasons. I personally maintain a hybrid force, but if you're not looking to play oldmarines I think selling them is a perfectly reasonable course of action.


So long as you don't try to trade/sell them here of course, I think you're clear to get rid of them. :thumbsup:


Oh, and welcome to the board, by the way. Glad to have you. 


Thanks for the warm welcome and for the quick answers!

I don't want to banish all the old marines! Of course I still use the Death Company and the Sanguinary Guard!


Only I find no function for the above models! I think I'll keep 3x 5 tactical squad, 2x razorbacks and the drop pods for now.


I'm not sure about the devastators ... are you still using some? Or are they still competitive at all?

How do you use the LC or MM on them?

I can remember that many played it this way to use the mortal wounds stratagems:


Devastator Squad [8 PL, 100pts]: Armorium Cherub
. Space Marine: Boltgun
. Space Marine: Boltgun
. Space Marine: Heavy bolter
. Space Marine: Missile launcher
. Space Marine Sergeant: Boltgun
Edited by Dranoel
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Hi Dranoel!
If you can't find a place for them, sure sell them out.

If this helps, might want to visit our Unit of the Week series to see how the community is using those units. 



From my experience - devastators are still a nice platform for anti-tank weaponry, that is less likelky to be targeted by other anti-tank weapons. Problem with lascanons is that it's only 1 shot. So you need 2 of them and preferably - multiple squads.


A cheap JP librarian is just that - a cheap JP librarian. And sometimes that's exactly what a list needs.


Assault marines got more teeth thanks to the Shock Assault rule and doctrines. If still not enough for you, than you can always convert them to more DC.

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So here's some cool things I'm doing with my old marines.


First, I've built up a battle company for narrative games pre indominus crusade.



6 tactical squads

2 assault squads

2 devastator squads


Followed by rhinos and Razorbacks

My current list is around 2200 points,

But I'm playing it as power level because it's meant for narrative games using the Narrative based rules.


They can also be easily transitioned to 30k to give an extra layer of enjoying the models.


Some other cool things other than campaigns is actually going back and playing older editions with them.


5th is my favorite edition and playing with those rules from time to time is really a lot of fun. Retro-40k is a blast to switch things up for me!


From a modeling perspective making the gen 1 marines sergeants for the intercessor squads is really cool thematically and they've built it into the rules that you can make this work without having to kitbash the new bolter variants onto the models. Just give the sergeants legal power weapon x with a bolt pistol.


In the new lore we see gen 1 and primaris intertwined fighting side by side in squads, that just isn't represented in the game, so this gives an option for that.


If just having cool models to build, paint, and use in any of the above ways does not give you joy, then you should sell them, if you have second thoughts, then try out some of the above ways to see if that's something you would enjoy.

Edited by Dont-Be-Haten
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The only person who can really say if you should sell them or not is you, and you may have answered your own question by saying you don't want to paint or play with them. If they're going to sit unfinished and never used for anything it might be more useful for you to recoup some of the value.


Personally I do think old marines will all end up in Legends at some point. It won't be now as the Primaris range isn't fleshed out enough but once we have the whole basic range released (with proper melee units, bikes etc.) I expect they will then start doing Chapter-specific Primaris. Once we have Primaris Death Company / Sanguinary Guard coming I can see them going full Primaris for competitive play and relegating all old stuff to Legends. While that will still be fine for casual games, I also wouldn't expect the Legend rules/points to get updates after that so even in casual games they could very quickly become obsolete.


That said, I'm keeping my collection. I've even added a few units as I had certain weapon options, vehicles or squads planned for a while. While I won't be buying any more (aside from a couple of little bits to complete things) I will be finishing up painting all the old marines. If they do all go the way of Legends I'll still use them in friendly games as long as it's viable to do so, but if they end up totally ineffective I'll still value them as a collection that started in the 90s. While I'm expanding my playing force into the new Primaris units I don't intend to get rid of all the old models.


Everyone is different though, so if the painting/collecting side isn't a motivation for you and you're more focused on what's viable for use in games, Primaris are going to be the future. Old marines can still be great at the moment, but at this point who knows if they'll by Legends 1, 2 or 3 years from now. Just be prepared that you'll likely take a big loss when selling second hand compared to what you originally paid for them, if you bought them all new at the time.

Edited by Thoridon
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Assault marines got more teeth thanks to the Shock Assault rule and doctrines. If still not enough for you, than you can always convert them to more DC


Good idea! I will build my Assault Squad to DC with power fists! Thank you!

Edited by Dranoel
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