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Greetings lads,

I've had this awesome thought in my head for about four months now of something I would really enjoy doing. I think the community could use a pick me up also. 

The idea was to have a unit that truly represented me and my friends in a squad. What better way to do that than to have other people contribute to the unit to make it feel unique. Now, the whole idea behind this is not to get free minis or stuff painted for free, that's not what this is about. This is about the idea of having a cool piece of history added into your army!

The origin of this idea came in a brain storm. What would a squad of minis painted by my friends look like alongside my army? How might each miniature encompass the personality of my peers? It's not about looks, it's not about talent, it's about telling a story! A story that a group of hobbyist who enjoy building, painting, fighting, and telling stories can come together and show a level of fraternity that isn't common amongst other hobbies or Forums for that matter! 


Some of this stems from a unit I rescued that was painted by our very own LutherMax. I did it because He is my friend, and I followed his blog when he originally painted them. In a cheesey way whenever I field that unit I feel like he still plays Blood Angels, and he's right there beside me having some laughs etc. Even though he's across the pond somewhere probably painting raptors or something now...

But man, wouldn't it be cool to be able to say that about a lot of the people here? A ad-hoc unit made from the other Artificers of the BA Forum. 


++ The Concept ++



It's really simple. The idea is to build a single model from scratch putting your likeness into it, naming it if you desire, painting it, and sending it to another participate. In a sense it could be a model swap. In the greater sense what it means is, you paint a single Blood Angels miniature in your color scheme to the best of your abilities (or what you want to put into it) And swap that single model (or you don't have to swap if you just feel charitable!) in order for several people to do one of a few different things, either you can build a squad that is meant as an ad-hoc to represent the thousands of brothers fighting on Baal Primus or Baal Secundus during the Devastation of Baal. Or fighting alongside each other, back to back in the Cryptus system, or whatever your own head cannon can come up with.



++ The Deal ++


So here's the deal. I've been given clearance from the upper eschelone to post this, however THIS. IS. NOT. A. SANCTIONED B&C EVENT! This is strictly something I've created in for us the Blood Angels' Sub-Forum for active members of our community to participate in during these trying times. Now as far as shipping across the pond and the likes go, it may take extended periods before minis are able to get where they need to go. 

+++ How it works +++

Depending on how comfortable you feel about sending your address to a stranger on the internet is up to you, we are adults, but know that this is meant in the spirit of well being. You can agree upon specifics in your DMs. 

I'll Use Xenith as my example since we worked on the Feast of Blades together. (Nothing against any other Frater he's just the first person I thought of other than the mods.)


Xenith: "Yo DBH! I thought this was a cool idea I want to join!"

DBH: "Yeah man! Let's do it. I know you're partial to tactical marines, want to do a B&C squad? I'll paint a Carmine Blade for your BA you paint me one of your Red bois!~"

Xenith: "Dude! Let's do this!!!1! I'll send you a sergeant because Diabocca commands it! lol"

DBH: "Cool man, make him however you want, I'll send you Brother sergeant Korvun Da Luce." 

*Gets information* etc.



++ Getting the Models ++

How you two decide to approach swamping the minis is up to you, you can scratch build it and send it to be painted (leaving the shoulder off of course for those of us who have alternate insignia, or you can simply scratch build a model and paint it and then send it over. 

Obviously this could be on an honor system, or whatever, the whole point is to be able to do enough marines to create a squad called "B&C" which will ultimately be a collection of marines from the different Frater on this Forum. It isn't about making a WAAC squad of optimal weapons etc. 

The best part is, if you decide to do this, you're going to get some really fun and creative memories, and minis. You are putting yourself into this model. If you have a lot of bits just lying around and you're not sure what you want to do with that stack of sprue of tactical marines, here's your chance to do something with them. 



+++ How to participate +++


If you have the desire to want to participate I highly encourage that you do it! First thing you do is post in this thread to show your desire to do this. Then it is a simple direct message to another frater who sees your post. You lot work out any details of models, shipping, etc. Again we are on the honor system! The first thing you do is Post in here to let others know you are interested in doing this. You may post any WIPs pictures you would like in this thread, it is encouraged and wanted! 


++ Expectations ++



Remember when I said this isn't a B&C sanctioned event?

Do NOT expect Golden Daemon level painting. If someone has a higher quality painting that the other so what? Again this isn't about comparing models, its about putting in as much work as you want for satisfaction. No two people are on the same skill level of painting, and that's okay. 

Well one more time for those in the back! If you are worried your painting skills aren't good enough to participate, do not worry about that, this isn't a painting competition; this is FOR FUN.

We are adults, and we are going to hold ourselves accountable for this. Now, if you only get a single model, or you happen to get a ton of sergeants, or just tactical marines then that's fine. You can make them however you want. Let's say you only get 2 models then boom you have some company vets! If you get only 1... Boom! You have a sergeant or lieutenant! 

The thing is I want you to participate, and I want you to feel like you are apart of this great forum, and community. The biggest thing I want you to do is build a miniature, that you can make yourself into. That you can give a story, and that you can send to your friend that does the same thing. 


++ Disclosure ++

The biggest thing to remember is this. We are doing this for ourselves. I do not expect that a week after receiving a miniature that  it will end up on eBay. That's not what this is about. I understand that the state of the world right now may lead to dire straights, but if by any notion you think that may happen, I encourage you not to participate. At the very least It would be disheartening. Even if it is your miniature to do with as you please. 

Remember when I said we are adults?

I'll say it again for those in the back!

I really want this to succeed. I want this to be a very fun and cool distraction from the current events going on today! And Emperor Damnit if Jolemai Participates I want that Lime Green Base on my model!


I'm all in favour of having exchange program marines. Might not get shipped until UK lockdown is over, but I'll join in.


I'll PM you some ideas from a similar event I took part in on another forum.



Hey DBH! A really cool idea!


I'm just not sure if I'm clear on this - I'm making a single marine (or as many as I offer to or exchange with other Fraters) and we make a squad (or multiple squads) as a Community?


How do we decide what type of marine we're making?

For example, if I were to make a marine to represent my character, it would probably be an Eliminator with a las-fusil.

Alternatively, if my Frater says, he could really use a DC marine with a TH, I could make one just as well.

  On 3/29/2020 at 4:02 PM, Majkhel said:

Hey DBH! A really cool idea!


I'm just not sure if I'm clear on this - I'm making a single marine (or as many as I offer to or exchange with other Fraters) and we make a squad (or multiple squads) as a Community?


How do we decide what type of marine we're making?

For example, if I were to make a marine to represent my character, it would probably be an Eliminator with a las-fusil.

Alternatively, if my Frater says, he could really use a DC marine with a TH, I could make one just as well.


Not quite. You contact the user you want to trade models with and confirm all the necessities like whether he actually wants to take part in it, shipping address and so on. Then you paint one of your models and send it to him and he paints one of his models and sends it to you. Done.

It doesn't even have to be an equal trade. Like, you could send a regular Intercessor squad member and he could send an Aggressor etc. That's something you have to arrange with the user in question. Though personally I think it would be most interesting if everyone would stick to a Battleline squad like Intercessor or Tactical as those are basically the default Marine and offer a great template for customisation (if one wants to) and to showcase ones colour scheme.


The aim is not to create a community squad. The aim is to give another user a Marine that makes them think of you when they field it. Fluff it however you want. Semi-permanent assignment to another chapter, cut-off from the rest while being deployed in a joined mission, etc.

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