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On 5/10/2024 at 2:43 AM, sbarnby71 said:

Loving the variety here and the fact it's a wall of Thunder Wolves.  One of the main reasons I've just done SW for maybe 30 years is they look better with just random bits and bobs painting a uniformed army would bore me to tears.

Means a lot coming from you! And I agree. The hoarder in me is paying off getting to dig through my bits as well as using the primal hounds stuff. If I wasn't pressed for time to get these battle ready I'd tinker some more with greenstuff but they will suffice. I'll save that for future primaris additions. 


1 hour ago, Triszin said:

That's a lot of dogs!

indeed! All the borks!

Edited by Kassill
  • 2 weeks later...

Attended Mayhem GT this past weekend in NC. Took Stormlance Space Wolves and went 3-3. End of Day 1 I was 2-1 and sitting at 23rd overall, dive bombed day 2 and ended up like 78th out of 140+. For painting up 23 TWC to "battle ready" in 2 weeks and not getting to playtest any I'm pretty ok with the result. Fun to play. I need to work on deploying better and dealing with enemy screens. 

List was: 
Logan on stormrider

Wolf Lord on TW w/Fury - Power Fist and Plasma Pistol

Wolf Lord on TW w/Hunter - Power Fist and Plasma Pistol

WGBL on TW w/Portents - Thunder Hammer /Shield

WGBL on TW - Thunder Hammer /Shield

WGBL on TW- Thunder Hammer/Shield

Phobos Librarian

6 TWC 

6 TWC 

6 TWC 

5 Scouts - BP/Chainsword, 2x shotguns, HB, Sniper

5 Scouts - BP/Chainsword, 2x shotguns, HB, Sniper

5 Infiltrators - Coms/Helix

5 Fenrisian Wolves

Vindicator - SB, HK

Vindicator - SB, HK

Callidus Assassin





TWC can't really deal with screens.  That is their major weakness.  Other melee armies can go over them (BA jumpers) or bypass them through ruin walls (BA/Orks etc.) but screening is super effective against cavalry.


*Your best bet is to win the roll for deploying first and then just claim a huge portion of the field with your 1st deployment. 

A 10 man scout unit could do that.


It doesn't help you overcome mid game screening but it does give you turn 1 room to operate and not get reverse wolf jailed

Edited by TiguriusX
  • 7 months later...

My year ended pretty sourly. Just real life stuff, seasonal depression, relationships etc. Ended up not attending anymore events besides one RTT that I did poorly in. I've not done a lot of hobby either but here's a few things I have put together of the last 3-4 months, 2 five man Jump Assault Intercessor squads and the main man himself, Jarl Thorimir Kingslayer of Tolv, Lost Company of the Space Wolves returned, reinforced and now crossed the Rubicon Primaris. Realize now I need to get the icons on the other squad then they'll be ready for paint when I feel like crossing that bridge... 







Edited by Kassill
  • 3 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

Thank you both :biggrin:

big hobby weekend ahead of me to crack down on my list for Cherokee. Tinkered on my wolf lords claw trying to capture a cold icy talons feel. And being the glutton for punishment I also decided to put together a very basic display board at the last minute haha





  • 3 weeks later...

Well Cherokee was a bust.. ended day 1 at 2-1 feeling good then plummeted face first off a cliff the rest of the weekend... 

Games were 
-Blood Angels Liberators - Win

-Tau Ret Cadre - Loss

-Blood Angels Liberators - Win

-Orks Dread Mob - Loss

-Death Guard Plague Co - Draw

-Orks Warhorde - Loss

- World Eaters 'zerker warband - Loss

-Custodes Talons - Loss


Did worse than I did last year with what I thought was a better list. Last year I was just forcing ironstorm because I liked dreads, no rhyme or reason to the list. This year I schemed with some buds and thought I had a pretty balanced list but just couldn't scrape any more W's. 

The list doesn't hold primary well enough and my plan to just murder anything holding primary for them didn't work out. Seems everyone has access to incredible defensive buffs to blunt my go turn and main damage dealers. Just a frustrating day 2 and 3. 

Opponents were all mostly good dudes. 


Time to retreat in my mental fortress of solitude and workshop again. I wanted to break even or at minimum do better than last year and I failed.. 




cherokee25 1.jpg

cherokee25 2.jpg

Cherokee25 3.jpg

cherokee25 4.jpg

cherokee25 5.jpg

Edited by Kassill

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