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Question about Auras affecting models vs units


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Yeah, but catechism of fire says that expressly.


"(...) When resolving an attack made with a ranged weapon by a model in that unit against the closest visible enemy unit to that model, add 1 to the wound roll."


Such clear wording for a model by model application of range and LoS measurements is absent in Litany of Faith.

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I get that, and like you said Catechism of Fire is written clearly.


My confusion is why "Model in DA unit" in Litany of Faith meas unit, but "Models in RW units" in Impeccable Mobility means models.


If as you say "a model by model application is absent in Litany of Faith", why then do you feel that it is present in Impeccable Mobility when the same words are used as are in Litany of Faith?


If the only rationale is that the word Model is present in Impeccable Mobility, therefore it is based on model, then that contradictions your argument about Litany of Faith.


Ultimately I think this needs an FAQ, because to read both rules you have to assume what has to be in Range.

However I don't think this it will get FAQ if I'm the only one asking the question.


Personally I think the assumption that Litany of Faith is that just a single member of the unit has to be in range for the entire unit to get the benefit is correct.

However I think the assumption that Impeccable Mobility is by model is wrong for all the same reasons that Litany of Faith affects the whole unit.

Edited by ValourousHeart
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I get that, and like you said Catechism of Fire is written clearly.


My confusion is why "Model in DA unit" in Litany of Faith meas unit, but "Models in RW units" in Impeccable Mobility means models.


If as you say "a model by model application is absent in Litany of Faith", why then do you feel that it is present in Impeccable Mobility when the same words are used as are in Litany of Faith?



Because you still need to read the rule as a whole. It says "a model", yeah. But its not just that. It states that it is "a model" that is within "a unit that is within 6". The distance measured is not from the model, it is from the unit. As long as the UNIT is in range, and the MODEL is a part of the UNIT, the MODEL is affected.


Impeccable mobility, for its own part, is written entirely differently, and does not work the same way.


Impeccable mobility says:


"Whilst they are within 6" of this Warlord, models in Ravenwing units from your army (...)"


So, what would be the process here?


1) Check if there is a model. If so, proceed to step 2.

2) Check if that model is within 6" of your Warlord. If so, proceed to step 3.

3) Check if that unit is the part of a Unit that has the Ravenwing Keyword. If so, proceed to step 4.

4) Check if that unit is a part of your army. If so, proceed to step 5.

5) Apply the effect.


Again, and as comparison, the wording on litany of faith is:


"If this litany is inspiring, then when a model in a friendly <Chapter> unit within 6" of this model would lose a wound as a result of a mortal wound, roll one D6; on a 5+ that wound is not lost. This is not cumulative with any similar rules."


They may seem identical in application, but the change in wording is key here. So, lets follow the steps of the rule as written.


1) Check if there is a model. If so, proceed to step 2.

2) Check if the model is the part of a Unit with the keyword Dark Angels

3) Check if that unit is a part of your army or a friendly army. If so, proceed to step 4.

4) Check if that unit is within 6" of the chaplain. If so, proceed to step 5.

5) Apply the effect.


The rules do NOT follow the same process, in order to see if they apply to a specific model. In essence, you can see from this breakdown that the steps are reversed, in a way. In the first case, you check the distance from the model, then check if that model is a part of a unit to make sure the keyword makes it eligible. In the second case you check if the model is eligible, and then check the distance of the unit.

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