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New to sisters, order help?

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Hi all,


I have a small asssortment of old metal sisters (Canoness,witch Hunter, seraphim & retributor sqds) but having never played them (and probably won't - more just for painting) I wasn't sure which order to choose or how best to DIY a minor order..in terms of iconography, beliefs etc - general fluff.


I've always seen them in the black and red, but having a Dark angels army I feel that's kind of covered.


I'm thinking gold armour and purple robes, could be a bit decadent but thought it would contrast well with the DA and potentially complement them if paired (altho probably unlikely they'd ally?).. are there any orders out there that fit that mould/ colour scheme?


DIY wise I'm considering having them corona related.. something like:

Order of the cursed crown?

Order of the isolated?


Alternatively having been exposed to frozen a lot while my daughter's at home I noticed their kingdoms heraldry is a half green/purple with gold flower icon which could also be interesting...? Or just weird..


Thoughts, inspiration, link to where it's already been done appreciated!

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I like the gold/purple idea. Use a turquoise/teal accent may help to show this great memory.


Order of the frozen *sword**crown**shroud**rose** they're lots of possibilities. Using "Frozen" as the emphasis to show a good memory during this awful time.


Hope this helps, can't wait to see what you decide.

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