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New to sisters engine/ecclesiarchy questions

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I have recently picked up sister's of battle to be able to play 40k again after GW killed my army off (mostly) in 8th the inquisition. I don't really care for the sister's themselves and wanted to max out as mutch on the ecclesiarchy as possible. I was thinking 3 units of arco- flagellants possibly 2 and a unit of crusaders because they are cool and 6-9 penance engines/ mortifiers. From what I can find online I should run the engines as mortifiers with flails and heavy bolters but with so mutch light infantry killing stuff in the sister squads(min size with storm bolters to keep points down) and the arco-flagellants.

I was thinking of using penance engines with saws but it seems bad?I don't want to build up all the kits and regret it. should I just use them as mortifiers any way and can mortifiers take saws and be ok? The list is ment to be fun but I don't want to lose all the time xd

Are mortifiers with flails and heavy bolters the only good way to run them, would it be to mutch light infantry killing would saws be better or would penance engines be better?



Edited by McLovinMcCheese
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Umm... I failed to find the question in your post. But presumably you want opinions on your plans?

If you want to minimize sisters, consider doing combination of Tempestus storm troopers (good for Inquisition too!) and penitent crusade units. (penitent engine is crusade unit whereas mortifier is a sisters of battle unit)


hope it helps 


- Ice

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I have it it's just bad (mainly the single inquisitor per detatchment) I may play eisenhorn for psychic vail with a drop pod and a pimped unit of acolytes if I did play a inquisition detachment.

I just don't really see the point of the inquisitor index out side of a single inquisitor added to a detachment through authority of the inqusition as you can't run mutch and I don't see mutch use for acolytes over sister's past having plasma guns but I don't get to play mutch and could be very wrong

Additionally why sister's I have 10-20 crusaders, deathcult assassin's and flagellants and no where to use them XD

Although I could run a sister's battalion detachment and a couple of inqusition vanguard detachments

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I understand that. I got it just so I could run Greyfax in my sisters army. I'm on the sisters side of your delimma. I hate that I have to take out rider to run my Saim Hann, vanguard to take deathwing so I know what you're going thru. I remember being stuck with a squat army. Sold it for next to nothing years ago. Matter of fact, last summer I got rid of my inquisition army I had for years waiting, then the dex came out, I was bummed then realised what you just said.
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in terms of the Mortifiers, someone had posted in a different thread that they did some math-hammer and found that the average wounds per melee phase against targets with T8 and a 3+ save, gave an average of 2.2 wounds after saves from the flails and 1.68 wounds after saves for the saws.


So while the Saws are intended to be better for anti-armour, the average damage seems to be less than flails.  I'm assuming this is because flails hit more times, so it does more damage overall.

Mortifiers also let you mix the weapons on the model, taking 1 saw and 1 flail each.  You just lose the bonus +1 attack for taking a matched pair.  If your planning on making either 2 or 3 squads with 3 each, then you could make each squad have;

  • one Mortifier have one flail and one saw,
  • one Mortifier have a pair of flails,
  • one Mortifier have a pair of saws.

That way, if you make 3 squads total, you can either keep the squads mixed, or rearrange the models so they have matched sets of weapons.

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Wounding hits*


I should have clarified, that means that the saws do slightly more damage (being damage 2) against tough armored targets, but not significantly more than the flails while also not being better against most other targets.


A big thing to consider is while the Mortifiers lack the order keyword, they do have the Adepta Sororitas keyword which grants them access to the advance and charge strategem. (There may be others aswell)

Edited by Lord Grimskull
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