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Suitable alternative models for Death Cult Assassins

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This deserves a topic of it's own, so I've split it off :)


If never used DCA before, but I got some Wyches from the Drukhari range and some Witches for AoS. I'm going to try to make some from those. The faceless helmets in the Drukhari range would be a good head for them :)

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If only the DCA from KT Rogue Trader were available separately, or the Crusader from BSF...


I think the BloodBowl WoodElf team might be a good place to start a conversion from? Once given a sword/dagger or two, a GStuff facemask and maybe some adjustments to their belt, they’d look the part just fine, wouldn’t they?

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Death Cults are supposed to be under the radar and localised so there's no reason for them all to look like bondage ninja so really any model is usuable.


Van Saar gangers would work but are limited on female poses so have drawbacks unless you want a gender balance.

Edited by Closet Skeleton
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This deserves a topic of it's own, so I've split it off :smile.:


If never used DCA before, but I got some Wyches from the Drukhari range and some Witches for AoS. I'm going to try to make some from those. The faceless helmets in the Drukhari range would be a good head for them :smile.:

This is the route that I went down, and it works quite nicely, and the whips make nice ponytails. Add some heads from the Ruststalkers as well as some of the bionics,  and Bobs your uncle.

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I think the Warcry range has a great selection for models for DCA's: I think the Cypher Lords, Splintered Fang, and Corvus Cabal each have models that seem ripe for potential. Each would need some head swaps, weapon swaps, and SoB fits to kind of fit in. Im sure the bald BSS head or the Repentia heads would have a great fit


As a side note, I had a ton of fun painting the finecast DCA. They might be old, but I think they really hold up

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