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What scattered the primarchs


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Yeah, no, Moonreaper...


Most of those things are things that could just be done by a Greater Daemon, and the Khorne/Malice things (personally cutting an entire planet in half/personally destroying entire Chapters/Regiments) are things Chaos Gods should absolutely not be doing. They're eldritch abominations beyond human comprehension, the one rule that's really been standard for them pretty much since creation is that they don't act directly.

If Khorne can just destroy planets at will, then why has Cadia been a problem for so long? If Malal, or any God, can just wipe out Chapters by themselves, then why are the Ultramarines, or any other major Chapter, still existing? They can't just randomly decide to incarnate themselves and start beating up Imperials.


Summoning a Daemon is supposed to be a big deal. Summoning a Greater Daemon is even harder. As in, "when the stars align, and the sequence of events spanning back a generation comes to its culmination at the climax of the ritual, only then shall the Great Unclean One be born into this world". If it's that hard, just think of how much energy and cost would be involved to summon a Chaos God. It'd basically be some variation of "destroy the galaxy". 

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Yeah, no, Moonreaper...


Most of those things are things that could just be done by a Greater Daemon, and the Khorne/Malice things (personally cutting an entire planet in half/personally destroying entire Chapters/Regiments) are things Chaos Gods should absolutely not be doing. They're eldritch abominations beyond human comprehension, the one rule that's really been standard for them pretty much since creation is that they don't act directly.

If Khorne can just destroy planets at will, then why has Cadia been a problem for so long? If Malal, or any God, can just wipe out Chapters by themselves, then why are the Ultramarines, or any other major Chapter, still existing? They can't just randomly decide to incarnate themselves and start beating up Imperials.


Summoning a Daemon is supposed to be a big deal. Summoning a Greater Daemon is even harder. As in, "when the stars align, and the sequence of events spanning back a generation comes to its culmination at the climax of the ritual, only then shall the Great Unclean One be born into this world". If it's that hard, just think of how much energy and cost would be involved to summon a Chaos God. It'd basically be some variation of "destroy the galaxy".

Reality is just a break for the Chaos Gods when compared to the Great Game between them


First off, the Chaos Gods don't need to enter realspace to destroy planets. They can weaponize the Warp after all


Second, Malice can enter realspace in exchange for sacrifices


Third, Greater Daemons and Daemon Princes have not displayed any planet-destruction feats. Doombreed, Ann'grath, Aetho'eres (Insane Lord of Change whose name I can't spell) and other very powerful Daemons should have be destroyed a few planets in lore


Drach'nyen's most powerful feat is wounding the Emperor and cannot be destroyed by him

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If Malice can enter reality when just mere mortals are sacrificed to it, then it's barely a god compared to the main 4. If it can be summoned easier than a Greater Daemon, then it's not that powerful. Malice is just a fan-service tribute to Malal anyway, it's never been said to even come close to the power of the actual Gods of Chaos.


And exactly, the Chaos Gods don't need to enter reality, so why are you wishing they can?

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If you want to discuss the gods themselves, what they are and are not capable of, what you want or don't want them to be able to and all that stuff, there's a subforum here on B&C.

It's called the Realm of Chaos. Crazy, eh? Or maybe the Amicus Aedes is more of your liking.

Somehow, somewhy do we have more and more "General" discussion threads in here instead of BL releases talk.

I'm not saying that you should stop it (as long as they're tied to a certain novel or such) but maybe threads like this one might be more suitable in another part of this board if you want to talk about the pantheon in general.

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