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Looking for a Legio


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I am currently waiting on the delivery of the Titanicus starter box, with the 2 Reavers, and I was hoping to get a little advice from some veterans.


Firstly Legio. Not sure which one to go for. I think I would prefer to stay loyal and I do quite like the background of Atarus, also the colour scheme is quite nice. Are they a good choice for a beginner? What would be a good loadout for them?


Second the future. What would be good to pick up to round out a force? Would it be good to go for more titans, maybe a warlord? Are more knights a good idea? Are any of the expansion books needed or are they more of a nice-to-have?


And finally, advice. Any good tips and tricks you have learned about the game?



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Welcome!  There's a great thread in here about tactics and some of the legio rules are a bit better than others (which can be VERY situational) but the next expansion book coming out soon will have a new chart of build-your-own-legio rules.  They had some in a WD months back that let you cherry pick the very best rules and the result could be pretty lopsided.  You might start building your titans and pick a legio once you've had a look at the new rules as you might find a combo that best suits your playstyle.


In terms of what to get next I don't know what your budget looks like.

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Good to see more princess joining AT! :woot:


Also, Atarus is a great choice from a modelling perspective and offers very striking and rewarding scheme. Not an expert in the game, and I'm sure there would be some interesting load outs, so magnetising might be a good option (if you can handle that sort of work - I can't). 


But even if you don't magnetise there are a lot of factors to consider: what will the force look like in the end? Will you use all the Titans in the set for one Legio or save some for a future project? will you be adding other Titans in your force? 


However, whatever the answer to the above I'd go for the rule of cool. Really, you cannot go far wrong with the load outs in the sense that there is no all wining combo you should aim for. Of course if you put all close combat weapons to say your Reavers then, yeah, you sort of over commit  to one style of play so I'd avoid that unless you consciously want to go down that way. The only other thing I'd add is to give your Warhounds at least one vulcan bolter each - not only they look boss, they are pretty useful weapons too...  :smile.:


EDIT: Oh, next get a Warlord (budget allowing of course). Those majestic machines give tones of gravitas in your maniple(s) not to mention firepower.

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Welcome aboard Moderatus, and a quick nudge in the direction of making your own Legio. Adeptus Titanicus is explictly intended to be played as a love letter to the old school, and creating your own Legio is both rewarding and fun.


Besides having the freedom to develop the Legio's background, you'll also allow yourself maximum flexibility in game terms: so that as you get more games under your belt, you can make purchases to better suit the way you find fun to play.


In terms of rounding out the force, I'd suggest that a Warlord is a good choice. It's iconic of the game, and a fantastically-engineered model kit (I found it the single most enjoyable model I've ever built). It's also fundamental to many of the in-game maniples. 


Perhaps more than anything, however, the Warlord benefits from being the core model of the game system. Like any other model, it has its advantages and disadvantages; but the actual 'crunch' of how you, the player, interact with it highlights how brilliantly the feel of being the pilot of a giant implacable war engine is captured by the rules. 



Are any of the expansion books needed or are they more of a nice-to-have?


Personally, I was quite disappointed with the first expansion book for the price. The campaign system was a bit light for my taste, and as with any expansion to a game, the additional material (like dangerous terrain) bolted on complexity and exceptions to the core rules, which – to my taste at least – muddied a nice clean system. The background material and art are interesting, if – again – fairly light. 


Of course, if you do decide to use one of GW's own legions, having the source material, rules and background in one place is valuable; and if you're particularly interested in running the really exceptional stuff like Psi-Titans or all-knight armies, there's a better case for buying an expansion.


Unless you find you're playing so much that you find the core missions etc. growing repetitive, I'd hold off. In short, they're nice to have, but I'd recommend spend the cash on terrain instead. A decent battlefield, with buildings and other line of sight blockers turn a good game into a tense, exciting and involving contest.

Edited by apologist
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Welcome to the game, and the board.


I've written a sort of tactica thread here: http://www.bolterandchainsword.com/topic/357441-principia-titanicus/


As others have said, a Warlord would be a great option for your next purchase. Depending on how much you want to invest, the most efficient way to get them is probably to get one of each type (with plasma and bellicosas) rather than buying the weapon sprues. You can sometimes find decent deals online for Warlords, especially with bellicosas.


Warlords come with slots for 5x1mm round magnets. Get yourself a load of these as they're kind of essential - especially for Warlords. A big part of the fun of this game is experimenting with load-outs. Warlords are very expensive so you really won't want to have to buy another one for each option. And it's generally better not to run them with paired guns anyway. Another option is to get a Bellicosa Warlord and a Psi-Titan, because it comes with the plasma sprue.


I don't think I'd recommend more knights straight away. Maybe a box of Questoris if you feel like it but probably not the household. That will leave you with too many knights for a titan force but not really enough for a household army.


In fact the good news is that you really don't need to buy much more at all. The starter set has about 1250 points worth of stuff in it. Adding a Warlord would take you to 1750 and give you an Axiom maniple, which is a great option when starting out.


Sorry to say Atarus really isn't that powerful. They are in the first expansion book, Titandeath, and GW don't seem to have really known what they were doing when they wrote it. A couple of the legios in there are very strong but others, notably Atarus, Solaria and Krytos, have  bonuses that do little or nothing.


Having said all that, Titanicus is a game in which the Legio choice isn't hugely important. You're all using the same models, after all. It's more important to enjoy painting the stuff for most of us. But in fairness, given the amount of time it does take to paint models, you should know before you start that Atarus are not a strong choice.


On the loyalist side the most powerful Legio is probably Astorum, which is both tough and quick. Gryphonicus, whose rules are in the main book, are great for getting in close to stuff and bashing it in melee, and you could make a strong Gryphonicus Ferrox maniple with the contents of the starter set. You get transfers for Astorum and Gryphonicus (and Atarus) with all the models, which is handy.


I don't know if you need the supplements really. I think they're available as ebooks, which might be the way to go during the lockdown. At least you'll have something to read! The latest one, Shadow and Iron, is probably the best of the three, wiht a good mixture of new Legios, maniples, stratagems and other rules - including Psi-Titans. Titandeath has the most Legios (Astorum and Atarus, Defensor and Solaria) and maniples. Molech has a lot of content that's a bit OP, including some of the best maniples and a load of stratatgems.


That's plenty for now. Hope it's useful.

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Welcome on board!


One piece of advice I would add here is to watch out when building the models, the Reaver's legs are especially tricky. Dry fit, dry fit, dry fit, better too many times than not enough. Check the different project logs here while waiting for the box to be delivered, we are quite a few sharing a few tips and tricks.


Magnets are also a must imho, 5x1mm are very handy, there are pre-made slots on the Warlord and also one on the Reaver's carapace, but you can also use other sizes, I made quite an extensive use of 3x2mm and 3x1mm magnets. Also quite a few experiences shared in the various project logs. And, as already mentioned, this will allow you to test various loadouts.


Have fun!

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Thank you everyone for the warm welcome and advice.


So, I'm seeing most people are recommending magnets. Luckily I have a small stash of those, handily in 3x1 and 5x1 sizes.


@apologist In regards to buying terrain, I am quite fortunate to have a local gaming club that has a substantial collection of the correct scale terrain. So, I wouldn't really need to get any myself. Straight away at least.

@ Marshall Loss There was some good information in that link, thanks.

@Mandragola Lot of info in that tactica, definitely one to be reading. On legio, I'm not really looking for outright strength. My local club doesn't really have any WAAC players, so something more 'fluffy' would be fine.

@Mendi Warrior. I had heard previously that the legs can be a sticking point and could end up backwards. A reminder is always appreciated.


So, lots to take in and read through. Some decisions to be made.


Thank you very much everyone and watch this space.

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The particular issue with Reaver legs is that lots of parts oook like they go on either leg, but don’t. The feet and armour plates for the shin are right and left handed. The differences are small but big enough to make it not fit together if you get it wrong.


Also the upper leg has a sort of vent thing that you need to get facing the right way bless critical than the feet and armour, but worth checking.

Edited by Mandragola
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Welcome Midlight!


I'd say read through the books before choosing a Legio. After your read-through, take a look at the Legio(s) that match your preferred play style.


Then, of those, pick the one whose fluff and colors you like the most. I find that trying to force-fit play style is far harder than other considerations.


The alternative is to create your own Legio, which will be easy to do after the release of the next book, Defence of Ryza.

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I plumped for Atarus before we knew the rules. I don't think it matters too much whether they are 'good' or not, although it depends on how much value you put on the aesthetic of a game.


I am (very, very) slowly painting up my Atarus titans and they are lovely kits. I would also agree that a Warlord would be a sensible choice unless you do plump for one fo the more unusual legio choices.

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Happy building! :smile.:


Are you closer to decide the Legio? As you have gathered by now, it's primarily an aesthetic choice...


I have decided on a Legio.


I am going for Atarus. The colour scheme and background won it for me. I'm not too worried about the strength of the rules, most of the other players are 'fluffy' players.


Progress so far, I have painted 1 1/2  knights, I'll get a pic up later of the complete one.

Have built 1 of the warhounds, mostly. Armour panels are still separate and the weapons are needing magnets.

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Little update today. Last night I set about getting magnets into the warhound weapons. I'd say it was quite successful, managed to get them all the right way round and only *slightly* stuck myself together.


This is my finished knight

1st titanicus knight


Its painted in the same scheme as my 28mm knight.

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