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(Possibly) A new crusade - asking for advice


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Hey folks,


I'm thinking about starting a new crusade, so I'd like to have some advice from other crusader before commiting to it.



I am already collecting Space Wolves and, let's say, yellow Marines. The Space Wolves are meant to be mostly on foot (I'll maybe add two Impulsors, but for now I have enough other things to build and paint), with Intercessors and character dreads advancing, and Wulfen and Aggressors outflanking. The "yellow marines", I'm not 100% sure what to do with them. They started out to become Imperial Fists, but with all the cool rules that are spread across the supplements, I'm not sure anymore. I haven't added any decals yet, so I can still decide which way to go.


Option 1: Use them as a custom chapter, so I can decide which rules are most fun. The downside is, that switching between rule sets might be to un-fluffy... Or just make them like the old VIIth legion and only use IF or BT rules, depending on a game by game basis. Still not as fluffy as...


Option 2: Make some of them actual Imperial Fists, and the rest Black Templars. I'd go for more foot slogging for the IF (using loads of bolters and power fists), while the BT would be mechanized and with good use of shock troops (list below). This is the most fluffy approach for the armies. Also, there's the "make the best use of what you've got" for each collection, which could be interesting or frustrating (depending on how far behind future rules are).


Option 3: Use either the "yellow marines" or the (soon to be) "black marines" as a custom chapter, with both chapters having similar iconography (is that the applicable term?). So e.g. I play Black Templars, and my "yellow marines" become a custom chapter and also get the Maltese Cross as their chapter symbol, so I can paint vehicles black (with maybe a bit yellow) and use them (and maybe some other units) for both chapters.


It's so hard to decide. I really like how IF are the experts when it comes to bolters and fighting in cities, but BT are also damn cool.


Obviously option 2 is the most fluffy and interesting one, but "locking" all my expensive vehicles and buying event more Intercessors (thankfully, they are my favorite Primaris unit from a visual point) makes it hard to decide.


So, here's the list I've been thinking about @2000 points

Gravis Captain with Chapter Master, Field Commander and Crusader Helmet

Primaris Chaplain or Grimaldus with 5+ FnP litany and 3 inch aura increase

Chaplain with Jump Pack and the +2 charge distance litany and the Aurillian Shroud


3x5 Intercessors with swords or hammers for the seargents


2x5 Hammernators (1 with claws in each)

1x5 Vanguard Vets with Jump Packs, 2 TH and 2 SS+PS

1x Dakka Redemptor


1x3 Inceptors (AB)


2x Repulsors with double LC and HOC


Hammernators start in reserve, vets depending on LoS blockers and who has the first turn. Intercessors start in their transports. CM gives re-rolls and Chaplain shields the 3 vehicles turn 1, which move forward and unload their payload on turn 2.


The list I fear the most:

Drukhari, with 6+ FnP for vehicles and 4++ for the "beasts"

From my memory, so not 100% sure about everything



1 or 2 Archons

That special guy from rise of the pheonix


Raider with lance

2x Venoms

All transports filled with troops with lances


5 Scourges


3x Ravager with 3xLances

Bomber with 2x Lances


10x Grotesques (not 100% sure)

4x Talos (not the heat lances, yay)


All those lances are a PITA for my marines...


Is that list any good? Would I stand a chance againt that drukhari list? We finally switched to CA missions this year, but still use ITC building rules.

All those lances should on average not even bring one of the Repulsors down to 3rd bracket, but the shield only lasts during turn 1, and I won't even remove half of the lances in turn 1, so... :-|


I came back to the hobby with 8th, but haven't had the time to play that often, so I value every bit of advice. Thanks in advance for everyone reading this and especially when taking the time to answer.

Edited by Maritn
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The Vanguard Veterans are just worth it if you take 10. 3-4 Hammers and 10 stormshields. And its very important to cast "canticle of hate" with them. But there is no space marine army which can do it better then our Black Knights. We have a relic which let you rerolling the dice and we still can take a Master of sanctinity (which is important to get reroll to hit for them.

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Can they work in units of 5 if you always deep strike them? Or do you need a 10 man unit anyway,

Two 5-man squads are less vulnerable to morale, can split up if necessary, and it will hurt less to fail a charge out of deep strike. You also get an extra sergeant. The downside is that there are only 3 bodies to go through before you lose thunder hammers rather than 6, and they don't get as much benefit from buffs/stratagems that affect a single unit.


If you're always deep striking them, that seems like roughly a wash. If you were starting on the table, putting them all in one unit would probably be better, if only so they can all use The Emperor's Will at once.

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you will lost a few on them in overwatch anyways and if your units arrived the close combat - then you need more input so that nothing hits back. I played it so many times and in the moment they are very stronge because of the Centurion Meta ( 10 guys with 3-4 Thunderhammers and the 2-3 Cents who strike back dont have enough attacks against so much 3++)

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Would you exchange the Redemptor for 5 more vets?

And what do you think about the rest of the list? Is it a good idea to play BT mechanised, or would you rather not use too many points for vehicles?

Edited by Maritn
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Our Vehicles could be very strong - because in a shootout in the first rounds we have 5+++ on Vehicles (which no other chapter has) and we have 4++ in the first round !!!! So I think they could be very very strong. And after that we can go on with melee

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