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 Needed a new HQ to lead my Red Butchers, grenade harness essential for claw wielding butchers. Can’t decide between a delagatus or praetor….





hope you like him! 


Curious as to where the head is from?

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This is the angriest dreadnought I've ever seen!

Any progress?


He’s angry at the nerf to demolisher cannons….


Sadly no progress as yet, unless you count a black undercoat. I got distracted painting my Alpha legion Effrit force. 

I’ll post it when it’s done. 


Curious as to where the head is from?

It’s the bare head from the old FW world eater head upgrade kit. 


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OK quick opinion needed. I’m painting up my allied Fists detachment for the CtA and  I can’t decide what to do with the chest wings on the veterans. I didn’t want to go for 40K red but I’m not sure the grey is working right now. Any suggestions?




Yes I know the overall paint job is baaaaaaad right now. After this detachment I am never doing IF again lol

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I was gifted, a pair of weeks ago, with a box of Assault Marines. I'm going to convert them in Destroyers, changing the jump packs and with some 3d printed parts. I used the arms in mk3 marines yo make them Despoilers or Assault, depending of the needs. Although I'm not totally convinced with the actual Mk3 miniatures, make Despoilers to Assault and viceversa, is very easy, just with a bit of blu tac.

And with some spares I made another Apothecary for the squad.The giy who's running. But I think I need to make a better backpack for him...



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I was gifted, a pair of weeks ago, with a box of Assault Marines … I'm not totally convinced with the actual Mk3 miniatures, (snip)




I think the issue with the MKIII marines is that they don’t really look like MKIII marines at all. They look decent, if you were to call them a new/different mark of armour. But they just aren’t the same as the old chonky MKIIIs as they have been lengthened and softened a lot. Personally I prefer the old look with the more aggressive helmets, even if the models themselves are shorter.


You’ve done a good job with your guys though, not taking away from that at all. Always nice to get a gift too!

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You’ve done a good job with your guys though, not taking away from that at all. Always nice to get a gift too!


Indeed. Nobody complains for a extra free unit in the army...:biggrin:


I call them "Mk3 b". I hope and fear equally the renewal of Mk4. If some day is done, of course.

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OK quick opinion needed. I’m painting up my allied Fists detachment for the CtA and  I can’t decide what to do with the chest wings on the veterans. I didn’t want to go for 40K red but I’m not sure the grey is working right now. Any suggestions?




Yes I know the overall paint job is baaaaaaad right now. After this detachment I am never doing IF again lol

Yup, I’m with @calgar101, looking good overall and the grey looks fine. If you don’t like it I would push it further towards white with another highlight or go metallic like the brass you already have. Those eye lenses look sweet, find some excuses for a little bit more of that colour - gems, targeters, power sword bits?

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Thanks for the feedback guys!


Work in progress shot of the veterans and champion. I went for the brass/bronze suggestion and I think it works better. Got a lot of tidying up and some more highlighting to do but they are starting to come together.



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Thanks for the feedback guys!


Work in progress shot of the veterans and champion. I went for the bronze suggestion and I think it works better. Got a lot of tidying up and some more highlighting to do but they are starting to come together.



They look beautiful! Now what have you planned for the bases?

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They look beautiful! Now what have you planned for the bases?

Easier to show you! I always do my bases the same regardless of the model, because it matches the gaming boards I made. It’s not that exciting but it does the job.


The finished squad:




Led by their company champion, who I’m going to call Captain Noriz:



I was very lucky to find all those Imperial Fist bits in that big eBay box. Metal backpacks, power sword and shoulder pads. No idea what chapter the torsos are from (they originally had scorpions on them that I shaved off) but they work nicely for a veteran squad.

I think all my yellow is a bit too blobby still but they look OK on the table. Definitely better looking in person than in close-up photographs, as usual!


Thanks @calgar101 for the brass/bronze suggestion - I definitely prefer it to the original colour.


@LameBeard I love that colour combo too and I’m glad you like it - Sotek Green and Temple Guard Blue, with a white dot highlight. I use it as a spot colour on as many things as I can, including my whole T’au army!



Now that I’m really fed up of yellow I just have to paint up a whole tactical squad …

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Colour pallet practice!  (Phone's camera struggled on the chest plate)






All base coated with GW Leadbelcher then covered with the following Army Painter paints:

1) Approximately 1:1:1 of Night Scale : Broadsword Silver : Grim Black

2) Shining Silver

3) I messed up the mix here (roughly 1:1 of Broadsword Silver : Hive Dweller Purple with the tiniest bit of Royal Purple)

4) Approximately 1:1:1 of Royal Purple : Broadsword Silver : Hive Dweller Purple

5) Two coats of 1:1 of Bright Gold : Hoard Bronze


I'm 100% happy with #1, #2 and #4 with just a single coat,

#5 is not bright enough for me so I'm going to do some fiddling with it later today

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Using a desktop is easier than a phone....
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Finished my Imperial Fists detachment, and my first CtA vow.


Tactical squad:




Some heavy bolter dudes to lay down covering fire:




And the whole detachment:




I have to say, I didn’t enjoy painting these guys as much as I thought I would. First reason is that the yellow method from Duncan’s video is absolutely awful and stupidly time-consuming. Second reason is I had one of those painting sessions where every other brush stroke seemed to result in a mistake, which is horrendous to cover when working with black and yellow. Finally, transfers on rounded shoulder pads suck. They really really suck. As a result I know these are rushed and pretty untidy. But they’re done and if you squint at them from a distance they look ok.

Overall, despite the slightly disappointing exerience, I’m glad I’ve done them as I still like the idea of going with the Deliverance Lost theme and I think they’ll complement my beaky boys nicely.


Can’t wait to get back to Raven Guard and Iron Warriors :)

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I wouldn’t beat yourself up too much @TheArtilleryman. They look great!


Years and years ago I built a Badmoon Ork force, after that I vowed never to paint yellow again!


I personally struggle with decals, especially on Astartes shoulder pads!


I think you’ve done a good job on this detachment.



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Did up a bunch more Iron Warriors for the Call to Arms. I was astonished by how fast the whole process was, as these 5 units took just under 2 days to finish.


Forge World Cataphractii Praetor:




MkIII Forge World tacticals:




MkIV Volkite “choom!” squad (Calth plastics with new MkVI arms and guns):




Mk IV Forge World Lascannon guys:




… and a land raider:




Add that lot to the rest of the guys and I now have a full 2000 point Iron Warriors army:


Fastest army I’ve ever created! Gonna have to catch up with the Raven Guard because I really want to get a game in now!

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I think,finally, this Librarian/Esoterists for my SoH, in Cataphractii armor, is ready.




I retouched the top, to be less similar to the standard's. I like it more in this way



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Extra pic and explanation
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I need more thunder hammers, specially for my terminators. So I recycled a pair from my Orlock gangers (Necromunda). Maybe the hammer's handle it's a bit thin but I believe works more than fine in this miniatures.


That handle looks totally fine. Some of the Forge World weapons are absurdly thin, like the power maces on the resin weapon sprues.

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First model is all blocked in with a few bits left to do for the second pass:

- The black a few more thin coats;

- The lenses and buttons need picking out; and,

- I think the silver needs bringing up in brightness 

Then highlighting and gluing together... 


I built him using parts from the 5th(?) Ed Tactical sprue but am not sure on the marks of armour:

- Torso and power pack are Mk. VII?

- Helmet is Mk. V?

- Legs are Mk. VI?

- Left pouldron is Mk. V?

- Right pouldron is Mk. ??


I picked the plainest torso and power pack and removed the skulls to make them plainer which hopefully gives them a more HH vibe.



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I built him using parts from the 5th(?) Ed Tactical sprue but am not sure on the marks of armour

In rivet counting terms, the M36 backpack, (late?) MkVII helmet, and MkVII plain pauldron are post HH patterns. The rest is fine except for the Godwyn/Ultima bolter, which is in a somewhat grey area: It's also a iconic post HH weapon, BUT Ultima pattern boltguns appear in a few HH illustrations and background art.

Take a look at the FW alpha legion praetor for an official mini with the same combination of legs and torso types.

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