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Stripping GW texture paint

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Hi all. Just asking around if anyone has any experience stripping GW texture paint off bases without affecting the actual model. Ive been thinking of re-basing My Imperial Fists army (again) to use whats essentially sand with PVA. Thought I'd ask before I take a knife to my minis and discovering it wont work. Ive used agrellan badlands with a spray varnish and I have around 130 minis of varying base sizes so it will definitely take a while if I do end up doing it.



Thanks in advance.

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It'll peel off in chunks if you can get a knife under it (I've never used varnish but that's just a layer on top so shouldn't matter), but it will damage the (paint layer on the) edges of the marine's boots. I've taken some Astrogranite debris off one base and stuck it down on another one in the past.


Sounds like a waste though, if you want to flock them you might as well put it on top of the varnish. Is the texture paint layer too thick? If you just want to tie a collection together you can just put sand on part of the non-sandy bases, soil isn't usually that uniform in the first place.

Edited by Closet Skeleton
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