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Baseless speculation - next wave of Primaris


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Considering the current global situation has demolished GW's entire production and release schedule, it's possible we won't see the next big Primaris wave for a while.


Then again it's possible we do. The point is we don't and can't know for sure anymore.

Edited by DeadFingers
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Considering the current global situation has demolished GW's entire production and release schedule, it's possible we won't see the next big Primaris wave for a while.


Then again it's possible we do. The point is we don't and can't know for sure anymore.

Speculation granted, but I wouldn't be shocked if the current situation doesn't impact a planned Primaris release that drastically. Of course, nothing happens while they're shut, but once GW's up and running again I can see them looking for a big hit of income right out the gate both for 'income is good, especially when you've been out of action for a while' and 'strong performance immediately after reopening looks good for the shareholders' reasons. In that light it seems eminently plausible to me they'll shuffle things around to get a big Space Marine (traditionally the biggest earner) release dropping asap.

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Well while it is impossible for them to release them at this point or any time soon.  They could confirm the leaked photos at least, even if they cant produce them en masse they clearly made some or there would have been no photo to leak. Whether they choose to way ahead of the release however is a different matter.

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I’m not a huge fan of them leaking/revealing stuff that’s either a really long way off or where they won’t tell us when it’s going to be available. Whatever the next reveals (Primaris or otherwise) are, I hope they hold off until they can say “here’s this new cool thing and you can order it next week/month!”
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Considering the current global situation has demolished GW's entire production and release schedule, it's possible we won't see the next big Primaris wave for a while.


Then again it's possible we do. The point is we don't and can't know for sure anymore.

Speculation granted, but I wouldn't be shocked if the current situation doesn't impact a planned Primaris release that drastically. Of course, nothing happens while they're shut, but once GW's up and running again I can see them looking for a big hit of income right out the gate both for 'income is good, especially when you've been out of action for a while' and 'strong performance immediately after reopening looks good for the shareholders' reasons. In that light it seems eminently plausible to me they'll shuffle things around to get a big Space Marine (traditionally the biggest earner) release dropping asap.



Possible, but at the same time they'll have no way of knowing just how drastically the shutdown is going to affect their customers' purchasing habits. They'll have attrition from people who lost their jobs and no longer have the budget for a plastic crack addiction. They'll have attrition from people who still have their jobs but had enough of a scare that they're going to re-prioritize their spending going forward. And they'll have attrition from people who simply got out of the habit of paying attention to anything gaming related due to not just the lack of new models for an extended period, but the lack of new battle reports, new tournaments, new narrative campaigns at their local store, and the habit of just keeping tabs on the pulse of an evolving meta. It only takes two or three weeks to break a habit and the shutdown is going to last several times that. There may be a ton of people who are saving up for the second shops and GW's online store re-open, but there are also going to be people who never come back after this. And GW won't have a gauge on just how much the pandemic affected their overall customer base for several months.


This would be a problem for the next Primaris wave under any circumstances. Given how much of their overall sales the Marine line accounts for, underproducing or overproducing by a relatively small percentage can have a significant impact on their overall profits. But it could be particularly bad this year if, as a lot of people suspected, they were planning this year's Primaris range alongside an edition change. Now you're not just talking about a particular "wave" of one range being affected, but the reception of an entire edition change in the marketplace and the absolute last thing GW wants to do is fumble that.


It really wouldn't surprise me if - even assuming things open back up before the end of May - GW simply shuffles the remaining Psychic Awakening books and models to suddenly being a summer and early fall event and completely boots their next Primaris wave to next year. That would include the rumored June box set and any new edition materials.


But I hope I'm wrong.

Edited by Lord Nord
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Still holding out hope that they might release a dedicated Primaris close combat infantry unit. No frills or such. Just the Mark X Tacticus armour with a choice of jump pack or no, and a variety of 'regular' Marine melee weapons to choose from like the Vanguard Veterans. Just something more grounded than what we've seen before. Heck, if they do that, I might actually feel tempted to return to Space Marines.

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I’m hoping the pixilated picture is true and we get a large speeder and bikes but I also think we’ll get the suppressors kit with different weapon options, and obviously a captain, librarian, Lieutenant with jump packs options.
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Still holding out hope that they might release a dedicated Primaris close combat infantry unit. No frills or such. Just the Mark X Tacticus armour with a choice of jump pack or no, and a variety of 'regular' Marine melee weapons to choose from like the Vanguard Veterans. Just something more grounded than what we've seen before. Heck, if they do that, I might actually feel tempted to return to Space Marines.

If (when) they do this, I'm guessing it will be done in a themed group. First they released all the bolter wielding battleline units, and then all the sneaky scouty Phobos stuff, so if we're lucky the next will be the punchy "close support" units.


Only thing is when it comes to combat, I don't expect to see entirely new units so much as I'd expect to see variations on existing units. Weapon/jump pack options for HQs, combat variants of Aggressors/Inceptors, that kind of thing. By then we'll have a rough equivalent for everything in the "traditional" Marine armoury- And it think it would just end up kind of a mess if they kept going with new stuff much further past that.


Remember the days where the entire range was basically:








90% of the actual variety was just a slight variation on the options you could take, iI kinda liked that. It had an elegance to it. If we have to keep on making every single unit unique it's all going to lose a lot of flavour overall.

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Still holding out hope that they might release a dedicated Primaris close combat infantry unit. No frills or such. Just the Mark X Tacticus armour with a choice of jump pack or no, and a variety of 'regular' Marine melee weapons to choose from like the Vanguard Veterans. Just something more grounded than what we've seen before. Heck, if they do that, I might actually feel tempted to return to Space Marines.

If (when) they do this, I'm guessing it will be done in a themed group. First they released all the bolter wielding battleline units, and then all the sneaky scouty Phobos stuff, so if we're lucky the next will be the punchy "close support" units.


Only thing is when it comes to combat, I don't expect to see entirely new units so much as I'd expect to see variations on existing units. Weapon/jump pack options for HQs, combat variants of Aggressors/Inceptors, that kind of thing. By then we'll have a rough equivalent for everything in the "traditional" Marine armoury- And it think it would just end up kind of a mess if they kept going with new stuff much further past that.


Remember the days where the entire range was basically:








90% of the actual variety was just a slight variation on the options you could take, iI kinda liked that. It had an elegance to it. If we have to keep on making every single unit unique it's all going to lose a lot of flavour overall.


My main fear with Primaris is that Jes Goodwin really needs to just be booted off the design team because he's actually sick of designing marines and wants to work on Eldar now. Because all of the Primaris releases have basically followed right behind the philosophy of Eldar unit design, which has gak-all to do with Space Marine doctrines (or the legions for that matter). If subsequent Primaris releaes don't start to include weapon options like combi weapons, specialist guns, heavy weapons etc, or diverse melee loadouts, or bring terminator armor to Primaris - I see no reason to even bother with the primaris line anymore, as it will no longer be Space Marines. Just roll out a 3d printer and make the stuff myself instead.

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Ive a feeling the bikes might fall between the stools of shooty and choppy (with limited loadouts) so could be really dependent on having a very good/accurate initial points value


Theyll also be out too late to be caught by Chapter Approved so will be those points for quite a while unless they really really get them very very wrong


They will probably sell very well though. The olde bike models Im not a fan of at all and theyre very dated, so looking forward to the new ones

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I’m not a huge fan of them leaking/revealing stuff that’s either a really long way off or where they won’t tell us when it’s going to be available. Whatever the next reveals (Primaris or otherwise) are, I hope they hold off until they can say “here’s this new cool thing and you can order it next week/month!”

I hope they don't do that!


Nothing's worse than the GW usual of "hide everything forever and leave fans in limbo if their models will ever get updates".

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The fact theyre officially trying to get mail order up and running again soon makes me think they think they wont be open again for a couple of months...so they might do the big primaris release in September and save 8.5 until next January


I doubt they'll launch a new edition in January. It's just not a month when they'd get anywhere near the attention and sales that they would in June. Pushing a planned June release back a month or two, MAYBE even until September would be possible. But more than likely if they can't guarantee shipping it out by early fall they'd hold it back all the way until next June.


As for the Primaris wave itself, I could see them doing that in the fall, but the problem is this year's wave is probably no more planned to take place in a vacuum than the last two. It's likely intended to follow up a boxed set release and if there's an edition change in the works, then that boxed set would be tied to it just as the Dark Imperium box was. So you'd have a boxed set that's not going to come out this year if it's meant to launch in concert with 8.5 and 8.5 is held until next year. And they wouldn't release the Primaris MPK boxes ahead of the boxed set as it would kill the enthusiasm for those "new" models in the boxed set which would most likely be monopose with no wargear options and meant to come out ahead of the MPK boxes.


IF there's an edition change, a boxed set with new Primaris models, and a new MPK Primaris wave all in the works, then they'll come out the way they did in 2017 - new edition and new starter box dropping at the same time and Primaris MPK wave coming as a followup.


That being the case, if they push 8.5 back to next year, the Primaris wave would most likely go with it. Which could very well mean we're looking at next June for the boxed set and new edition and August/September for the individual boxes in the Primaris wave. A full year later than their original plans.


It would suck, but blame Nurgle.

Edited by Lord Nord
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Guest Triszin

I know what it's not gonna have- Anything good for Necrons.

unless they show the long rumored supped up necron spider character!

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I’m not a huge fan of them leaking/revealing stuff that’s either a really long way off or where they won’t tell us when it’s going to be available. Whatever the next reveals (Primaris or otherwise) are, I hope they hold off until they can say “here’s this new cool thing and you can order it next week/month!”

I hope they don't do that!


Nothing's worse than the GW usual of "hide everything forever and leave fans in limbo if their models will ever get updates".

But whether you know it’s getting updated or not makes no difference, if you like it you’ll still buy it and if they’re planning the release in May 2021, for example, you’ve still got exactly the same amount of time to wait whether you know it’s coming or not. My way just saves months of agonising wait.


There’s also the fatigue element, when they announce something really far out your initial enthusiasm wanes, especially if they don’t tell you when it will be available. Same thing happened with Shadowspear, when they announced it I was really excited but by the time you could finally order it I’d lost interest.

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Thats interesting @Lord Nord

Was trying to think how they could avoid deferring 8.5 til next summer which was probably slated for a big Sigmar release


8.5 before new units does make sense. For all we know some of those units could well be in the box


A big question is do GW just eat the losses from being closed which they can and just delay release schedule or release things at a faster rate when they do reopen to make up for lost time and lower consumer spending?

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A big question is do GW just eat the losses from being closed which they can and just delay release schedule or release things at a faster rate when they do reopen to make up for lost time and lower consumer spending?

A good question and their decision will depend on how elastic they think their customers budgets are. A month shut down is probably not going to be too hard to handle but anything longer will likely cause significant disruption.


My guess is that they will have to postpone everything and then redo their release schedule at a normal pace rather than release a glut of models. A lot of people have lost jobs or been furloughed meaning spending power is likely to remain tight, even when shops do start reopening. There may be pent-up demand but my guess is there will not be as much pent-up cash as would be needed to support a rush of models being released at once if GW tries to "catch up".


But this is just my guess, if I knew real answers I would be working in accountancy and raking it in. :wink:

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I’m not a huge fan of them leaking/revealing stuff that’s either a really long way off or where they won’t tell us when it’s going to be available. Whatever the next reveals (Primaris or otherwise) are, I hope they hold off until they can say “here’s this new cool thing and you can order it next week/month!”

I hope they don't do that!


Nothing's worse than the GW usual of "hide everything forever and leave fans in limbo if their models will ever get updates".

But whether you know it’s getting updated or not makes no difference, if you like it you’ll still buy it and if they’re planning the release in May 2021, for example, you’ve still got exactly the same amount of time to wait whether you know it’s coming or not. My way just saves months of agonising wait.


There’s also the fatigue element, when they announce something really far out your initial enthusiasm wanes, especially if they don’t tell you when it will be available. Same thing happened with Shadowspear, when they announced it I was really excited but by the time you could finally order it I’d lost interest.



Your argument comes right around to bite you. If you like the models you'll buy them anyway and fatigue shouldn't be an issue at all. The point is knowing that something is coming makes it easier to plan your army. Not everyone is an impulse buyer that just follows the hype and not everyone has the kind of money needed even if they would fall into that category.


So I'm more in Lucerne's camp. I'd like them to be more open with what's coming for us, ideally with a rough schedule. The last thing I want is them trying to surprise us every month.

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