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The main thing is to be very, very neat. All of this apart from the skeleton horde layer was painted with a W&N Series 7 00 brush, and the main armour with a GW Medium layer Brush.

The scheme used was:

Heavy basecoat all over with Wraithbone.

Neatly paint Basilicanum grey into all metallic areas, armour ribbing, Crux Terminatus, etc.

Warp Lightning green neatly painted onto all green areas, one thin coat to neatly pick out the edges then a thick coat on the detail for the shading.

Red is straight Blood Angels Red, painted neatly onto the details, like the laurel, wax seals, eye lenses, other lenses

Metal and concrete/rubble on the base is one heavy wash of Black Templar.

Other base texture is a heavy wash of basilicanum grey.

After all that, the armour is the last stage. This is a 50:50 mix of Skeleton Horde and Contrast Medium, painted neatly around other details and then thickly onto the armour and moved around so it didnt pool - though you can see it did a tiny bit on the models right shoulder pad.

There are additional photos in my plog. This model was painted up as a gift for a friend who has a sizeable DA army and I thought I'd test out a DW scheme using contrasts. It's WIP as I havent finished the claws yet, I'm deciding whether go bare metal or add a blue sheen for a power effect.

This model got to this stage of completion in about 70-75 mins max including drying time when I put way too much Skeleton horde between the claws. With more control, and now I know what I'm doing, I could easily get this to sub one hour, just be very neat. It's amazing to think I could possibly knock out a unit of terminators in 5 hours, and really motivational. I have to use this motivation to keep pushing forward with the BA! Maybe a Blood Angels Red test model is overdue.

I'm also sharing at this stage to show what can be achieved with contrast with minimal effort, before I go and add any additional detail, or use non-contrast paints.

Edited by Xenith
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nicely done - judging on the finished result this may match up colour wise quite well with (my old) bleached bone DW 


I'm liking contrast for organic models but less so for armour as i keep letting it pool too much. nice to see it can be done. Good idea about adding medium to the armour paint (and moving it around)

Looks great! My only squabble with Contrast is, that while I can see many great examples like this and it generally working on Infantry, I wouldn`t be sure that I can get that same consistent Result on Vehicles, especially since I don`t own an Airbrush. 

Good job on the Terminator.


Thanks Bjorn!


nicely done - judging on the finished result this may match up colour wise quite well with (my old) bleached bone DW 


I'm liking contrast for organic models but less so for armour as i keep letting it pool too much. nice to see it can be done. Good idea about adding medium to the armour paint (and moving it around)


I was also super skeptical about contrast on power armour until I did a few Flesh tearer test models - see my plog for more.


Looks great! My only squabble with Contrast is, that while I can see many great examples like this and it generally working on Infantry, I wouldn`t be sure that I can get that same consistent Result on Vehicles, especially since I don`t own an Airbrush. 


Yes, it'll be tricky, but only as difficult as painting vehicles was before coloured sprays from GW. I never managed to paint a tank blood red in my life. I think you'd have to closely follow the same rules as before, do it panel by panel, with a spare brush on hand to move any contrast around and stop it pooling, then do not touch it as it dries. I think if you thinned it with contract medium then left the vehicle upright, you wouldnt get much pooling, and might get a nice semi gradient as it dried. 

Edited by Xenith

Looks great! A Blood Angels test would be nice to see, try it. :) 


Looks great! My only squabble with Contrast is, that while I can see many great examples like this and it generally working on Infantry, I wouldn`t be sure that I can get that same consistent Result on Vehicles, especially since I don`t own an Airbrush. 


Might turn out expensive if you have a lot of vehicles. Perhaps try acrylic inks?

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