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Slaanesh warband theme

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Hi all. With lockdown I thought I’d start a new Slaanesh warband. But a theme is something I need help with. Would it be plausible to have this kinda fluff:

The warband has been entirely stripped of all its senses (apart from sight and hearing) by Slaanesh in a cruel irony, so that the warband eternally searches to find the most outrageous and deprived acts imaginable in a vein effort to feel sensation again. Sound like it could have foundation to it or not really?

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I forgot the actual title but an older BL book had a slaneeshi lord who was supposed to be obsessingly aesthetic and worshiped the loss of sensation or the intensified emotion that resulted from prior sensory deprivation (can't quite remember if one or the other or both at the moment). So I think your idea is totally a good starting point. It also seems right up the twisted sense of gifts and games the chaos gods like to play on mortals.
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More Slaanesh stuff should focus on this, I think. I've had the idea rattling around for a Slaaneshi warband led by a psyker, telepathically ripping the memories from his victims heads, desperate to find something he hasn't experienced before. It also makes Lucius an almost tragic figure, in a way. He's been alive for 10,000 years, and thanks to his "gifts" even death is now mundane to him. There is basically nothing new for him to experience, and still Slaanesh demands more.

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What the OP describes is pretty consistent with the background material on noise marines - only difference is that in his/her case, Slanesh purposefully removed their senses while for noise marines they have become numb to regular sensations due to over exposure and need increasingly extreme sensations to feel anything at all.

Edited by Dr_Ruminahui
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