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SMM's Legio Fureans

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I don't rate lasers on a Psi-titan, or on anything - but particularly not on a Psi-titan. They're massively expensive and require heat to strip shields, which they do badly at range. I think you can do a good midfield set up with gatlings and plasma (or maybe macro-gatling) or a good support set up with quake and missiles. The support option is kind of horrible because it can sit back and kill things all day, if given a position with good LoS and something like a shield generator asset nearby. The brawler version is savage but probably not quite as nasty - though it does have amazing flexibility.


Thanks for these batreps. The pictures are really great.

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Thanks guys, it was my buddy who took the photos so all credits go to him.


@schoon he's actually going to be running count-as necrons with some a focus on melee using custom legio rules. It'll be his first time going traitors too, so that should be interesting as well. His count as warlord is based off a triarch stalker which is pretty cool.


@mandragola ya I forgot about the -1 to hit at long since I use hunting auspex so much. The hear issue isn't really huge on a warlord though, as it's one push for 6 shots. Definitely like the missiles and quake more for the points though. I also think I kind of focus too much on the results I got from Tempest; not every game will have the los or grouping of models, so you want a flexible build to take advantage of quickening+death pulse.

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