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Hello all.


So, as my thread was moved as it is understandably focused enough on a single force, I instead have a different question.


I want to run:


A Mordian Iron Guard 2K Force, currently here:





A more Mechanized detachment, of...?


Which Regiment? I have Vigilus, both books.


I'm about to start looking, however what page is this Spearhead Mech Detachment on, and which one? VD, or VA?


I think the Mordian unit is okay, might swap a single or both LR TC to Vanquishers as I will likely need LoW hunting ability as well. 4 LC's is somewhat lackluster, although better than nothing at all.


So, wish me luck! I'm off to dive a book! And/or check online.

I can assure you that a vanquisher is not the tank you want. On average, the stock battle cannon will outperform the vanquisher against any target. It's actually the worst tank variant in the game. The main reason for this is that it's Heavy 1, while literally every other tank gets more shots. Let's say you shoot a knight with a vanquisher. Best case you get 2 shots with grinding advance on a tank commander rerolling 1s.


Vanquisher (2×.67+2×.17×.67)(.5×.67×4)=2.1 damage against a knight.


Battle cannon (7×.67+7×.17×.67)(.5×.67×2)=3.68 damage against a knight.


Your standard Battle cannon tank commander is just plain better than a vanquisher. Maximum damage output becomes a joke. A vanquisher can do at best 12 damage in 1 turn. A battle cannon can potentially do 36 damage per turn.

Vostroyans are best for Rough Riders and then only using plasma guns. Rough Riders are “cavalry” not “infantry” so most of the doctrines don’t apply to them sadly. The vostroyan doctrine doesn’t specific a until type for it’s “+6” to rapid fire weapons” therefore Rough Riders can have 30” plasma gunners.


Of the new pick-your-own doctrines “Pyromaniacs” (re-roll flamer wound roll of 1) also works for them.



Is this actually a fluffy and Mordian style list?


I'm trying to come up with a more Mordian list than Mech Infantry; is this close enough, or good, or bad...?


I'm really new to Guard, so it's not exactly something I'm too sure on yet.

It’s a decent list. In terms of fluffiness? Yes Mordians are known for scores of infantry fighting in tight formation with disciplined fusillades of precise fire. As for the effectiveness of the lists? That’s a lot of vox casters, those points could likely buy you some artillery, or specialist units (sentinels, mortar squad for the back line, and some psychic support through astropaths). Similar thoughts with the TC LRs, the up-armoured might be better spent on more units, as if your opponent targets your TCs (and they will for sure) they are unlikely to survive, so you want hard hitting but cheap. Other turret options include demolisher/punisher/executioner which are also strong choices depending on the predominate species of Xenos or heretics you will be eradicating in the emperors holy name.


I’m not a pro at list building, but there are lots of great resources that take very little time to convey massive amounts of information. Just to name 2 (there are many) that occur to me off the top of my head: Auspex Tactics and Mordian Glory both run YouTube channels with great guard content, list building, unit strengths and helpful hints and tips make up a good portion of the videos, and you can watch while you paint or game so as to multitask. For a new to the guard player, I feel like checking out YouTube for videos is a quick and easy way to get a feel for the army.

If I go with Voxcasters and keep them within range of each other, the squads in either squads wide, 3 wide by 2 deep, or six wide by one deep, and have a CC and their attached Command Squad at the rear center or forward front of each section, that's three mobile 18 inch order bubbles with massive firepower and order flying without regard to intervening distances.


As there's four CC's and three sections, that means one gets two, likely the center.


Either a Basilisk and artillery, or some voxcasters. I am more inclined at this time to the 'casters, as they will permit units to better act and carry out orders en mass and press their advantage up and down the line. Orders are a thing apparently, and this will permit the four CC's to either overlap a little, or if protected well enough to move their section of guard infantry squads up the field and perform the mission.


Feedback always welcome, and as I don't know the army that well, MedicMike0708, why do you feel voxcasters are not worth their points?

I have had success with a supreme command of three leman russ tank commanders, two battle cannon and one demolisher all with plasma sponsons and either lascannons or heavy bolter on the hull. One battle cannon upgrades to the Hammer of Sunderance. Take the Gunnery Experts and Spotter Details for +6” on heavy weapons for 42” plasma and 30” demolishers. The extra range makes a huge tactical difference. Also if you have 6 extra points you can give each of them a 42” heavy stubber.


And if you really want to add more beef to this detachment the traits suit a baneblade well in the lord of war slot of the supreme command. The 6” boosts the demolisher cannon and heavy bolters by a lot and the reroll shots is also good for the 3d6 baneblade cannon and demolisher cannon.


And don’t forget you have one elite slot left to bring a cheap astropath for nightshroud or psychic barrier. If you can find a good, out of the way, terrain feature to deploy one of your tanks in where it has good line of sight and still gain a cover bonus, it’s really strong to put your relic tank commander there and give him the 2+ up armored ace trait. With cover and psychic barrier he’s at a 0+ save. A 3+ against AP3 is pretty durable.

Edited by Diagramdude

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