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Chimera variants.


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Yeah I think 2 months is perfect, shipping from US or EU bits companies can take 2-3 weeks in 'normal' times. I'm working all over this weekend and Monday but will keep an eye of here. Will be my first challenge on B&C and its nice to be an active part in its creation. Looking forward to what we all come up with.


Exactly Mike! My Tower of Shame (a plastic drawers unit) is full of sprues and I have a chimera in there fortunately.

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So, what you're looking for is the Citadel Journal 11, from 1995?




I can scan the whole article (called Assault Chimeras by James Funnell) and post it but is it legal to do so?


There are guides on making them in the sidelines but it's all based on the old chimeras/ leman russ and the Chimerax has the old metal autocannons from the Mordian autocannon team for example, so you'd have to adapt with more available parts maybe.

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