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Tactical Application of Narthecium


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"on a 4+ you can return one destroyed model from that unit to the battlefield with 1 wound remaining, placing it within 3" of this model and in unit coherency."


If you Upon Wings of Fire a damaged jump pack unit 9" away from the enemy and have your Sanguinary Priest in the right position, you could resurrect a casualty and place that model within 2" coherency but as close as possible to the enemy charge target. From the other side of the resurrected model's base you would be within 6" of the enemy unit for a much easier charge!


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Yeah, this is a real good catch. I can't think of anything offhand that might disallow it. I know Chaos Demons can accomplish some similar, much more easily, when Horrors split as a result of overwatch. That's been allowed in tournaments at the highest level so this should be totally good to go, albeit a bit more challenging to accomplish I think.
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This trick is a bit handicapped when using two wound models like Sanguinary Guard or Terminators because the ressurected model will have only 1 wound remaining and will be the first removed by overwatch. Then you're back where you started.


Not sure, but wasn’t that only in 6th or 7th edition? I thought you could remove from where you wanted when shot at.

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If your unit has any wounded models you have to allocate wounds to them first before any full models. This prevents people from spreading wounds around their multi-wound models before finally removing one.


Ah yes, good call. Had forgotten about that...

Still works with VanVets and DC!

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This trick is a bit handicapped when using two wound models like Sanguinary Guard or Terminators because the ressurected model will have only 1 wound remaining and will be the first removed by overwatch. Then you're back where you started.

A risk to be sure but at least both those units have a 2+ save to reduce the risk of casualties from overwatch.

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This trick is a bit handicapped when using two wound models like Sanguinary Guard or Terminators because the ressurected model will have only 1 wound remaining and will be the first removed by overwatch. Then you're back where you started. 


Indeed, This gives a decent advantage to Sorrow's Genesis, which resurrects at 3W. Makes up for the lack of +1" to charge distance for FT's I guess, but a nice boost to my planned FT Aggressor blob.

Edited by Xenith
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Yeah Xenith, Sorrow's Genesis is amazing for this especially because it works on a 2+. With the 4+ you're potentially burning an extra CP on the reroll, which could fail and then force you to use Descent of Angels for the 9" charge. Now you're out 5 CP instead of 4 for the normal UWOF/DOA or just 2 if the resurrection had worked. 

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